Forward City Church Messages
Forward City Church in Chatham, Ontario exists to help people move forward towards a full life in Christ. Our hope is that these messages would encourage you to draw near to Christ, and help plant the gospel in our city of Chatham and everywhere else.
132 episodes
Not Cancelled
This week, Marc discusses Romans 4 with us, discussing God's eternal faithfulness toward us. God is never letting us go and never stops forgiving. Jesus' work on the cross is sufficient to cover all our sin for all of time, while also providing...

Who Needs The Gospel?
This week, Marc unpacks the uncomfortable truth revealed from Romans 1:8 through 3:20. We all need the Gospel. Those of us who do what is "right" and those of us who struggle more visibly. Jesus came to save and all are in need of his salvation...

Becoming Unashamed
We begin a new series on the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the church in Rome. Marc discusses the background and social dynamics of the Roman church that is comprised of both Jews and Gentiles. This introduction to Romans focuses the key verse of th...

Running The Race
This week, Spencer walks us through Hebrews 12:1-2 discussing how we run the race of faith with endurance. He leads us through what it means to cast off the things that burden our faith, abandon sin, and fix our eyes of Jesus. Spencer reminds u...

I Am The Vine
This week we enjoyed worship with the Journeys Men's Choir, hearing their testimonies of freedom in Christ. Marc shared from John 15:1-6 where Jesus states, "I am the true vine. . ." We discussed how just like Jesus is the exclusiv...

The Way, The Truth, and The Life
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"After a wonderful time in the snow at Sloan's last week, we return to our message series on Jesus' "I am" statement...

I Am the Good Shepherd
Our journey through Jesus' "I Am" statements brings us to John 10:11-18. In our study this week, Marc discusses how those who knew Jesus, know Jesus, and will know Jesus all hear his voice. In hearing his voice, we follow him into the safety of...

The Gate
Marc takes us through John 10:1-10 where Jesus calls himself "The Gate." Marc explains to us how Jesus protects us and creates for us a safe space to live our spiritual lives. We learn that we are not just secured for eternity, but have an abun...

Light of the World
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."The world in which we live is full of hardship, tragedy, and suffering. It is dark, but there is hope in Jesus. In k...

Bread of Life for Our Empty Hearts
In a world with prosperity abounding, the question of significance and fulfillment remains. We instinctually pursue good things and yet, those things do not fill our hearts and leave us longing for more.This Sunday, Marc walks us throug...

Who Will You Serve?
This week we wrap up our series on Joshua by looking back at the things Joshua learned and encouraged the Israelites in Joshua 23-24.We began our study by praying and asking God how he was working and moving in our personal lives and com...

Follow God when it doesn't make sense
Some of you have been asked by God to go somewhere or do something without a clear reason. Today we are going to learn two principles that will help us when God called us to something that doesn't make sense or when you don't kn...

Stepping Out By Faith
God all over the Bible and in our lives reveals Himself in the critical moments when we obey when it will cost us something. Through Joshua's obedience we learn how not to be passive observes of God's work like some people t...

Loving with the Gospel
When our Saviour Jesus ascended back to Heaven, He commissioned His followers to GO in to the world ... into the brokenness ... into the hurt ... with the love and forgiveness of our Heavenly Father and walk wi...

Submit and Love
Ephesians 522 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for herToday, we tackle a passage the culture...

Marriage: Expectations
James4:1What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? For most of us, our default position is to think that the reason we are having challenges in our marria...

A Theology of Work
If following Jesus has to do with all of our lives and with a huge majority of our lives is going to work, then surely there should be a connection.The Way you work matters to God. No matter what your profes...

Walking In Freedom
Galatians 5:1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Imagine what this would be like if we Stopped looking for loopholes and look for ways to love otheImagine what this would be like if we we Stopp...

Easter: 6 words that changed everything
Christ’s work on the cross paid the price for our sin in full, which is why Jesus said, “it is finished,” But it is the resurrection that seals the deal. When Jesus rose from the dead, he demonstrated he was Lord over sin, death, and the grave....

How deep does your transformation go?
In this Message, Matt Charron teaches from the tragic story of Ananias and Sapphire in Acts 5:1-11. Through this message we are faced with the question, "Are we seeking worldly gain or are we seeking the heavenly reward?"

Reflecting the Character of Christ
Philippians 2:3-53 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. 5 In your relationships with on...

Over coming the victim mentality
Philippians 48 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ...