CX Passport

2022 First Class Holiday Special - Great Former CX Passport Guests E97

• Rick Denton • Season 1 • Episode 97

🎤As we close 2022, CX Passport takes a break with the annual tradition of “The One with the 2022 First Class Holiday Special"🎧 Episode 97 (almost to 100!) 

Thank you to all of the great guests of 2022 and to all of the amazing listeners. Thank you for joining the trip with me! Who’s on the Holiday Special?...

Mary Drummond - USA

Gregorio Uglioni - Switzerland

Troy Figgins - USA

Laise PĂ´rto - Brazil

Aarthi Murali - USA

Georges Essama - Cameroon

Hosted by Rick Denton “I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport”

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Rick Denton:

You're listening to CX Passport, the show about creating great customer experiences with a dash of travel talk. Each episode we’ll talk with our guests about great CX, travel...and just like the best journeys, explore new directions we never anticipated. I'm your host Rick Denton. I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport. Let's get going. CX Passport listeners Welcome to the holiday season of 2022. I can't believe already here. But what a fantastic place to be. I always love the season. And in fact, I'm going to take a little bit of time off, do a little bit of traveling with my family. I'll tell you about that trip when I get back. In the interim, though, I don't want to leave you without an episode. So just like last year, I've collected a few samples from the first class lounge to share with you today in this 2022 First Class holiday special. We're going to start off with Mary Drummond coming to us from Atlanta, I still get a chuckle when I think of how ashen white Mary's face went, when I asked the classic question of what is a food you are forced to eat. All that travel sometimes can be a little exhausting. So it's time to head to the first class lounge. Let's take a little break here. Join me here we'll move quickly and have a little fun what is a dream travel location from your past.

Mary Drumond:

So my babymoon during my pregnancy, I actually went to a part of Brazil called Bahia. And it's it's on the beach and the south of Bahia has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. And we went to a town called that on causal. And Troncoso is on the top of a cliff, essentially, that looks down on just endless beaches. And there's a beach nearby where a kind of a dark water river meets the ocean. And then you have a clash of that crystal clear blue ocean cool, dark waters. And it's it's very, it's still very preserved. There are actual indigenous tribes in that area that still inhabit the land there. And it's so far there are places that you can only get to by helicopter or by boat or in a really good jeep. And it was it's a little piece of heaven. And I would recommend that uncle's is the name of the city.

Rick Denton:

Absolutely, you're gonna get that into the shownotes. But I may hide that until I get a chance to go to Trancoso before everyone else discovers I know it's water the accent Forgive me yours is much better than mine. What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet.

Mary Drumond:

So I do have this dream of taking a cruise down the fjords. So leaving Copenhagen and going all the way up to St. Petersburg. With the current scenario. I don't know how that stop in St. Petersburg is going to be maybe I'll stop in Helsinki, it'll be a little bit better. That kind of going through the Scandinavian countries and up into Finland. That has always kind of been a dream of mine.

Rick Denton:

It's It's beautiful up there. I have had the opportunity to be I haven't done Norway. But I have been to St. Petersburg was visiting a friend teaching English there but also had a chance to be there in the sate the Soviet Union era if you can believe Wow. But it's a beautiful city. And I do hope that eventually as travelers, sometimes I just wish politics would go away and we could just experience the globe Saans politics but no, you're right. It may be a little while but yes, get to St. Petersburg Sunday, what is a favorite thing to eat?

Mary Drumond:

Okay, I'm a huge foodie. So that's a that's a really difficult question for me to answer. Because I just love food in general. Yeah. I do have a soft spot for steak tartare and fruits. So I'm just gonna go with that, like a really well made steak tar tar with the perfect Pumphrey. It is.

Rick Denton:

Oh, that sounds really good. It's getting a little later in the day I'm starting. These conversations are never a good idea depending on the time of day. What's the flip side Mary, what's the thing your parents forced you to eat but she hated as a kid.

Mary Drumond:

Oh my god. Pea soup.

Rick Denton:

Yay. No pea soup for you. Folks, I know it's an audio podcast, but she pulled her hand up to her mouth as if she was starting to feel ill just with the mention of the word pea soup.

Mary Drumond:

Anyone who knows me since childhood knows about this childhood trauma and it's kind of a laughing joke in my family. My deep hatred of pea soup all of my siblings have some staple that they absolutely hate. For one sister. It's bananas. The other one it's peanut butters. My brother hates cooked carrots very specifically and I hate pea soup and it I haven't even tasted it. It's probably been 30 years since I I've had pea soup. Because yeah, if this sounds about right about 30 years, but just the thought of it is too much for me, I can't It's so gross to try to feed that to a child. Here is this bowl of green goop. And now you're forced to eat it. Yes, we use it as vomit in films, but you should totally eat this

Rick Denton:

ever had a kid about it. I'm starting to think that you are more passionate about that, that some of the customer experience stuff we were talking about earlier. I really saw you get fired up there. I love it. And truly she did listen to it was or the hand went over the mouth right there as she was describing what is one travel item not including your phone that you will not leave home without,

Mary Drumond:

I know an adapter to be able to plug your devices into anything.

Rick Denton:

Other reactions that food can bring to our minds. I loved hearing Mary's story there. Now we're gonna head across the pond to talk with Gregorio Uglioni Over in Switzerland, he certainly made me jealous with his dream travel location from the past. How about you join me here in the first class lounge, we'll move quickly here and have a little fun. What is a dream travel location from your past?

Greg Uglioni:

It was Maritius.

Rick Denton:

Oh, tell me about that. And that

Greg Uglioni:

was simple. And again for me and I hope that you understand that and you are feeling that I am really focused on people and for me, Mauritius was something I was I was dreaming of, and I am really happy that my wife was also dreaming of and therefore we decided to spend our our honeymoon in Mauritius first of all, we went to Dubai, we spent three days there and then we fly to Mauritius. And and this was really a dream vacation for us.

Rick Denton:

Man, I've heard such good things about it. It's it's an exotic destination I have to be there some time with and so what about what about for you? What is a dream travel location? That's your future that you've not been to yet?

Greg Uglioni:

This is a good question and it's also linked to the past a while Tell me

Rick Denton:

about that. I haven't been to Hawaii in a long while I can tell you 2001 So it's been a while Tell me about it. What draws you there?

Greg Uglioni:

Magnum PI

Rick Denton:

Well, I guess whatever markets if the Hawaii Tourism Board is using Magnum P I

Greg Uglioni:

that was really really a big a big dream because I was watching this this movies and and I was always thinking that there it really needs to need to be really nice. And it was in the younger age and therefore I was dreaming of flying they're

Rick Denton:

very nice. Now let me ask you this Magnum P I the current version of it, or the one from the 80s Tom Selleck,

Greg Uglioni:

Tom Selleck, to do

Rick Denton:

for my listeners because this is an audio podcast. Greg has not gone all the way he does not have the big Tom Selleck mustache don't work, but he is I can tell that he's ready to head to Hawaii given the grin that I'm seeing what is a favorite thing of yours to eat?

Greg Uglioni:

Oh, this is this is really a difficult question because you know I am asked Swiss and Italian and therefore I like I really like and enjoy having dinner together with my family. But I tried to reduce it to two different dishes. One is sushi. And the other one sorry I need to say that it's spaghetti

Rick Denton:

of 12 Hey look, you don't need to apologize for that at all. Spaghetti is good now don't combine spaghetti and sushi but yes, the two are wonderful things now let's go the other way. What is the thing your parents forced you to eat? But you hated as a kid?

Greg Uglioni:

Oh this is the story and I think your audience will laugh for the next few minutes. I don't like spinach or I didn't like spinach and and my mother told me these are green spaghetti and therefore I ate them

Rick Denton:

what a brute parents are amazing how we will lie to our children and it works. Who knows maybe with your your child you will be talking about green spaghetti as well. That may be one of your tips. Let's go back to travel let's close out here the first class lounge what is one travel item not including your phone that you will not leave home without

Greg Uglioni:

it's my cap. It's really I always ever cap it's not to advertise my podcast you already did that. But when I'm going on vacation I always have a cap with me,

Rick Denton:

Gregorio i to value the cap. The hairs on my head aren't as thick as they used to and it's nice to have that cap there to prevent from sunburn. So I am with you on making sure that that is an item that I have packed. Next on the list is Troy Figgins we're heading back to the US Troy's got a little story in there about a dark alley, karaoke and Japan try know it's a it can be a long flight even even from the west coast but certainly if you're coming further along flight into who I and so sometimes it'd be nice to stop down in the first class lounge so let's have a little change of pace here. Join me here in the first class lounge we will move quickly here and hopefully have some fun. Now, I don't know if this answer to this question is going to be while you're not it's okay if it is but what is a dream travel location from your past?

Troy Figgins:

Or from my past, okay. It's nice to be in the first class. Right sort of reminds me of your your ball are sweet and Hoboken. Right? We were talking about that.

Rick Denton:

Of all things. The words baller sweet and Hoboken have not been uttered together all that often. But it really did exist a couple of weeks ago, but yesterday,


failed favorites. Travel occasionally from the past, I would say to have to be in Japan, I was lucky enough to go to Japan with a Japanese co worker that I worked with at the time Dr. Mitzi nori Ono, and I went to Japan to meet with some, some vendors we were working with. And he kind of took me around and showed me the Trude sort of the behind the scenes, Japan if we if we, if you will, we went to a couple of sort of just amazing, classic. Behind the scenes, Japanese places, we went to a restaurant that only specialized in Guney. So yeah. And Hooni from all over the different islands, Japan just incredibly interesting and weird and delicious. And then at night, we of course went to and did karaoke. And so we went to a karaoke place that I could not get back to in a million years. It was like down a few alleyways up into what looked like a nondescript sort of office building down a hallway to unmark your

Rick Denton:

doctor, are you planning to leave my body somewhere back in the back of this? Right? Wow. Yes, very fun. What a spectacular experience. Yeah, so I don't know how you can top that. But what is a dream travel location? You've not been to yet?


Yeah, so my shortlist I kind of want to go to Corsica. So yeah, so South of France, part of France. Islands. But it's got to be a speaking of mashups of cultures and fusion, Corsica, sort of this blending of French and Italian but it's got its they've got their own sort of culture as well. They were sort of, you know, they've been conquered by a whole bunch of different countries over the years, but they've maintained sort of this weird, independent, rebellious nature, even though they're part of France. And so I think that sort of, you know, weaves through again, the food and the attitudes and everything. from a, from a topographical standpoint, it's got like amazing, huge mountains and incredible beaches, though. It's not super populated. So the roads are all these little two lane roads, sort of, you know, circumvent the islands, I think it'd be really fun to go there.

Rick Denton:

That would be fun. I always love it when a guest there is something new. I've not had anyone say Costco before. So that's fun. Now it's got, you've got me googling after this to have more information about it. That's right. I like that. We've talked about food a lot. And so I'm going to tell you that King's Hawaiian is not allowed to be an answer to this question. But what is a favorite thing to eat?

Troy Figgins:

Other than keeps flying?

Rick Denton:

That's right. I know that would be the answer. I understand. So what is your second favorite thing to eat?


It's so hard to pick one thing. I mean, we're coming off the Fourth of July weekend. I'm not sure when this is airing, but we are. We're this this week is just post fourth draft. So I gotta go with the burger. I mean, it's like, quintessential, totally American, right? It's, for me, I think it's like this perfect combination of opposites, right, you've got sort of the warm side and the cold side, you've got that you know, saltiness a sort of the meat and maybe shittiness of sort of onions and the sweet and maybe it's some ketchup biscuit, it just has a sort of great sort of combination stuff. I mean, gosh, it's like can be very, super simple, all the way to incredibly complicated gourmet. So it's got a lot of range. And I don't know it just never gets old. It's just an amazing sort of combination of

Rick Denton:

I can tell I'm interviewing you because for listeners, I'm in the central USA timezone. Troy's out west, and so I've caught him before lunch. So the way he describes that just is so beautiful. And so but I'm wondering how much of that is hunger inspired? It it certainly makes me want to go get a burger right now. How dare you? Well, let's let's let's try to counteract that. What is the thing your parents forced you to eat, but you hate it as a kid?


Oh my gosh. My parents were great. I mean, they really, for me and my sister, they they had us try a lot of different things. We were we were pretty adventurous eaters, you know, right off the bat, so we weren't picky at all. We got to try a lot of things. I'd say the one thing that I don't I don't hate but I just have I don't know maybe bad memories of you know when when we would go out to eat as a family if the place this is going to date myself a little bit but if the place we went to at a salad bar you know how on salad bars they always have those pickled jalapenos dad would always challenge me to a conical jalapeno eating contest and so man if I even smell those things now it just makes me sweat I just said

Rick Denton:

Oh, that's awesome. You're talking to a Texan here so I kind of like my jalapenos didn't like my spices but but I love oh my gosh I love the story of the visual of of young Troy being challenged by dad Troy


it was like that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark we're just sitting across from you.

Rick Denton:

Oh right right and going

Troy Figgins:

by voted till I needing help him gosh.

Rick Denton:

Well, let's close out the first class lounge what is one travel item not including your phone that you will not leave home without?


Well, I mean, I travel pretty light, I like to like to just bring minimal amount of stuff. In fact, I just brought a travel backpack which is very small. I did this so that I can fly on some of the discount airlines that don't allow you to have it carry on so it's gonna just be my backpack. That's the one thing that I always packed nonstop is a jacket that I have from Patagonia that I love Patagonia is a brand and this jacket is just from a functionality standpoint is amazing. I mean, it's good in cold weather, it's good and warm weather. So no matter where I'm going it feels like I'm always going to need that at some point. And then it just rolls up to this tiny fraction of its you know its unrolled size that for someone like me who is trying to pack everything into a backpack it's it's pretty great.

Rick Denton:

Oh Troy I am so with you on the hamburger man I love a good for me it good cheeseburgers, something I can really sink my teeth into now I'm getting hungry. Recording this at eight in the morning. And I'm thinking about cheeseburgers. Thanks a lot, right. Now we're gonna head south, head down to Brazil, talking with Louise Porto. And she's going to tell us a little bit about buy here. And the food that we must eat when we go there. Oh Laise, that makes me so want to go to buy. And one of the things that I actually kind of appreciate and want to go, there is, for me a flight from Dallas to Sao Paulo or to Rio is almost as long as a flight from Dallas to London, which is kind of surprising. You don't realize it, but it really is almost that far. But if I were to fly by ear, I would actually cut a couple hours out of that flight, a few maybe even more than a couple. And so there's a closer opportunity to go there. So now I really want to go. But I know this when I have traveled, it is nice to take a little break. It's nice to head to the lounge, that airport can be a little chaotic. So I would love for you to join me here in the first class lounge. Let's move quickly. And we'll have a little bit of fun here. What is a dream travel location from your past?

Laise PĂ´rto:

One of my dream travel location from my past was sent Andres in Colombia. I have I have been to there three years ago, and I just fell in love with it. You guys have to go to celebrate in Colombia because it's amazing.

Rick Denton:

I am this is one of the reasons remember how I started in the intro say and I talked to a lot of folks from the US and Europe and I wanted to get more voices from around the world. I haven't had Colombia come up as an answer to this question. And I've wanted to go to Colombia, but I haven't heard about San Andreas. There's other places maybe kartha hain. Yeah, no, no, no. Yes. Yeah. And then there's another kind of beach area that is highly recommended that I'd want to go to but I've not heard San Andreas so that's a new one for the list. And I'm excited about what is now thinking forward. What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet.

Laise PĂ´rto:

It's very difficult to choose just one right because I have usually shocked place to go that I want to explore but dream travel without a doubt is to Bali Indonesia. Yeah, because for me, it's because it makes us everything I love in a place connection with nature, cuisine culture, so definitely a special place that tops the list of the upcoming destinations.

Rick Denton:

I like that one now. Barley has come up before that's a very popular one. It's certainly on my list as well. long flight for both you and me, but it's worth it to get out there. I've got to imagine now. We talked about Brazilian food We talked about Brazilian culture. This question is going to be tricky, I'm sure but what is a favorite thing for you to eat?

Laise PĂ´rto:

As I told you, I love everything new. When I travel to a place one of the things I like to explore is the food. That is the food. But I have to give a super cheap here for those who will visit Brazil. You need to know by yet and its cuisine. My favorite food that is definitely by Jung foo. I cannot explain it. But you guys need to try it. And I'm sure you will remember my suggestion. Basically, we have seafood dishes with his eyes striking and different seasoning. In addition to many delicacies so hashtag come to my ear.

Rick Denton:

I feel like ladies I know you're not on the the tourism board. But I'm starting to feel like you might be on the buy here and tourism board with some of the ways you're telling me about this. This is nice. So favorite thing to eat just by eating food. Love it. Now let's go the other way. What is something your parents forced you to eat, but you hate it as a kid.

Laise PĂ´rto:

I grew up in a minute. In a mixed family, with members from all over the year. These contributes to a lot to my growth, especially with my taste buddies. I don't remember my parents forcing me to eat something. Anything. We didn't have many choices, by the way. But we grew up learning to value our daily food and eating everything. My brother and I, my brothers and I have no restrictions. And we love to eat everything. So

Rick Denton:

all right, I like that spirit. I like that, indeed. So nothing forced. It was all just a food to enjoy and certainly appreciate the food that you had. That's awesome. You mentioned that you'd like to travel a lot. So you must have something what is that one travel item? Not including your phone, of course. But what is that one travel item that you will not leave home without?

Laise PĂ´rto:

Wow, good question. I would say my credit card. with it. I can buy anything that is missing. But if I have to choose any another thing. One item that I can ever forget is my toothbrush. Definitely

Rick Denton:

loved hearing about that great food in Bahia and also the simple wisdom of making sure you have your toothbrush, amen ladies very wise to share indeed. Next we're going to head back to the States. And we talked with Aarthi Murali Aarthi shared an interesting travel location from her past of Muscat, Oman. It's even more interesting to me now because I've never had a guest from Oman on the show. Except I will in 2023 I'll have the opportunity to record someone from Muscat Oman. So stay tuned for that for now enjoy hearing are these tales of her trip are the little change of pace here now, with that kind of travel demand? I've got to imagine that you are going to be seeking the first class lounge in fact, you might say to the kids, Hey, y'all sit outside there but my husband we're gonna go sit in the first class lounge and relax. You put your headphones on and we'll be out here in a little bit. But join me today in the first class lounge we will move quickly here and hopefully have some fun. What is a dream travel location from your past?

Aarthi Murali:

Musket Oman?

Rick Denton:

Really? Yes. Oh, tell me more about that. That's

Aarthi Murali:

I lived there briefly but incredibly briefly when I was a child and I found that to be the most beautiful, beautiful locale with incredible weather and very hilly, very mountainous terrain, and an incredible opportunity to do a lot of outdoor outdoor activities. You know, springs deep in the deep in the hills and just the mountain climbing opportunities. It was just one of the most rugged, but scenic places that I had been.

Rick Denton:

Wow, I have not had a guest mentioned them on yet. And that's what a great description of it. So now, you just added that to a dream travel occasion that I've not been to yet but for you. What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet.

Aarthi Murali:

I'm gonna say Belize. Okay? It doesn't sound too far away. It should be doable, but again in our aspiration to travel, it's on my list. Again, given my kids choose universal every time I have to fight to get this out into the travel agenda, but I'd love to go and visit the Mayan ruins. I keep it I read a lot about it and I have an incredible curiosity and to go and experience it and step back in the past for a second and see what that was like. And just imagine what that would have been like, hundreds of years.

Rick Denton:

That's going to be really neat. So, I mentioned I live in Texas and that's just a two hour flight from us. And yet I've not been to Belize yet but I've had several of my friends and colleagues have gone and have spoken very fondly of exactly what you described getting into the mind culture the diving is very good there. So definitely a place that I it's almost kind of a shame that I haven't been there been to Mexico several times, but I need to get a little further down the Yucatan Peninsula and head over to Belize. travel and food go hand in hand. What is a favorite thing to eat?

Aarthi Murali:

This is hard for me to answer because I am not a picky eater. I was very picky. When I was young. I gave my parents a really hard time. I enjoy food period. So but I think for today, maybe I'll choose some some Thai green curry as my one of my top favorites.

Rick Denton:

Will you just set my lunch plans for today? Good. Thanks, Aarthi. You know what I want a guest to say sometime What's your favorite food and for them to say what you just said food. And just all of the above. So you mentioned being difficult to your parents. What's the thing your parents forced you to eat but you hated as a kid?

Aarthi Murali:

Oh my vegetables. All of them all my vegetables barn on?

Rick Denton:

I hear that a lot. What is one travel item not including your phone, of course that you will not leave home without.

Aarthi Murali:

I really don't have anything. I think it's just my phone.

Rick Denton:

Man. I want to get to Oman hearing Aarthi talk about that. It just one of my favorite things about the first class Lounge is hearing people's dream destinations in the past and where they're so hoping to get to in the future. It's just delightful. And it makes me add to my travel list, which is way too long. Already. As much fun as this has been, I'm going to have to bring us to a close but I'm excited about what we're going to close with, we're going to head over to Africa, specifically Cameroon, and talk with George ESMA. George, like many guests talking about their home country makes me jealous and want to go visit them. So now I've added Cameroon to the list. That's what I love about CX password. I love having the chance to have guests from all over the globe. So we'll hop on our last flight of the day, heading over to Cameroon and talking with George. George, even if we're traveling locally, but also traveling globally, travel can be a bit of a grind, it does happen. And it can be nice to take a little break. So I'd like for you to join me here in the first class lounge. We'll move quickly here and hopefully have a little bit of fun. What is a dream travel location from your past?

Georges Essama:

Yeah. Well, Dream travel location from the from my past. I had the opportunity to go to Dubai a few years ago. And it's it was it was amazing. And why? Because I see that in Dubai is also a mix of cultures. You see so many people coming from all over the world. And having having their own culture and really sharing it and expressing it somehow and also had had to celebrate my birthday. This was an amazing, nice time.

Rick Denton:

That always makes for a good trip when it's not only a great destination, but a particular important celebration as well. Well looking forward then what's a train travel location you've not been to yet?

Georges Essama:

Yeah, I have a friend. She went to Senegal. Senegal is another African countries in West Africa much more. And so the place the place is really beautiful. And one of the things about Senegal is that they have an island that they call the island of grey, Goree Island. Okay. And in that place, slaves were going there waiting before traveling to all over the worlds. So is a place full of history, not only for Africa, but also for the worst. We'd really love to go there one day.

Rick Denton:

That would be that'd be interesting, perhaps. I'm not sure what the right adjective is disturbing, emotional, difficult to explore, but it would be fascinating to see that history as well. Now, you had mentioned the world's best peppercorn. Yeah, and the world's best peppercorn probably goes on some of the best things to eat. So I'm curious what is your favorite thing?

Georges Essama:

Well, I was interesting. I don't know if you will know about it, but that we have a food here that we call dolet.

Rick Denton:

Okay, I do not know but I'm learning today. Yeah,

Georges Essama:

fine. The lives is what dolla is a vegetable that is a bit of vegetable so it's really bitter. So we wash it to remove the bitterness and we mix it with ground north and meats and even fish sometimes. And it's beautiful. It's really interesting. You love the sea to see it and it's it is very interesting. I like hey,

Rick Denton:

I'm gonna have to look that one up. So Sounds good. Now, George. I'm curious. What's the thing that you had your parents forced you to eat but you hated as a kid? Ah, oh

Georges Essama:

my god. Yeah, another food here that we call groundnut soup. Okay? What is it? It's just a mix of drown nodes and you just roll it and then we put it you cook it like a soup. Okay. I don't like I don't like it. My parents used to give it to me, but it's not passing. I don't like it.

Rick Denton:

I love asking that question, because it's unfortunate listeners, you don't get to see people's facial expressions, but it just cracks me up. When I asked that question each time. I get these sort of pained reactions of Wait, why are you asking me this recall? It's really beautiful. Well, George, when you're thinking about travel, what is one travel item not including your phone that you will not leave home without?

Georges Essama:

Hmm. Very interesting. I think it's a book, I will I will go with. And that will for me is the Bible. Why? Because I feel that all the wisdom that anyone needs, you can find it in the Bible talking even about customer experience, the way you treat people. And the way people treat you is very amazing. So I would go for the Bible.

Rick Denton:

Pretty deep answer coming out of the first class lounge. I enjoyed that. Thanks, George. That concludes the 2022 first class holiday special. It's been a fun ride for me to go back and listen to some of these. And it just makes me so appreciative. I'm incredibly thankful to you the CX passport listener, thank you for listening and enjoying and engaging and giving me your comments and ideas for future shows. Thank you so much. Thank you for sharing this with your friends. And thanks for just being a part of the CX passport community. And thank you to all the great guests. What a fantastic ride this has been in 2022. It gives me such excitement to think about what 2023 is going to be 2023 has the 100th episode of CX passport coming up hard to believe when this started in April 2021 that we're actually going to be talking about a 100th episode. But that's what we'll be talking about. But for now, it's time to end the holiday special. And I hope that everyone listening has a fantastic holiday season. I hope that you get a time of fun a time of recharge, a time of enjoyment. And I look forward to talking to all of you in 2023 Thanks for joining us this week on CX Passport. Make sure to visit our website where you can hit subscribe so you'll never miss a show. While you're at it, you can check out the rest of the EX4CX website. If you're looking to get real about customer experience, EX4CX is available to help you increase revenue by starting to listen to your customers and create great experiences for every customer every time. Thanks for listening to CX Passport and be sure to tune in for our next episode. Until next time, I'm Rick Denton, and I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport.