CX Passport

The one where chatGPT visits CX Passport - E103

February 07, 2023 Rick Denton Season 2 Episode 103

For the first time, I’m recommending you view this episode rather than listen to it.

🎤Will there be a place for humans in Customer Experience? Find out in “The one where chatGPT visits CX Passport” Episode 103🎧 What’s in the episode?...

(How I made this video is in the episode resources below)

🤖Why get AI’s perspective on customer experience?

😨Will Humans have a place?

😠Why are companies continuing to provide poor customer experience?

👉How can companies keep humanity in their customer experience?

😋What’s chatGPT’s favorite food and where does it want to travel next?

📈How would chatGPT prove the ROI of customer experience initiatives?

Hosted by Rick Denton “I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport”

💭“Absolutely…I think there will always be a role for humans in customer experience. Technology is great for streamlining processes, but it can never replace the human element of customer service” - chatGPT

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Episode resources:



Twitter: @chatgpt

—chatGPT’s responses were prompted using the questions you hear in the episode fed into the OpenAI playground

—The avatar was created using midjourney

—Videos were created with D-ID

—Incredibly easy to make

Rick Denton:

You're listening to CX Passport, the show about creating great customer experiences with a dash of travel talk. Each episode we’ll talk with our guests about great CX, travel...and just like the best journeys, explore new directions we never anticipated. I'm your host Rick Denton. I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport. Let's get going. To say this would be a special experience would be understating it. I'm gonna have to get me at the source to describe it. Oh, wait, actually, probably not. Maybe I should just get our guest to describe it. Today's guest has been featured on just about every social media platform out there. Every YouTube channel every news site and program every pop culture media and podcast has talked about and with today's guest. That's why I'm so pleased to have chat GPT on the show today, normally arrive an intro to describe the guest to the listeners today. It just felt right to ask chat GPT to do the honors. Here's what chat had to say when I prompted it with a prompt of write an introduction for chat GPT as if you're on a business podcast that focuses on customer experience with a data travel talk. Use a casual professional tone, the link should be 60 seconds. Here's what Chad GPT had to say. Good morning,


everyone. I'm excited to be here today to talk about one of my favorite topics chat GPT chat. GPT is a customer experience platform that uses AI powered chatbots to provide personalized customer service and travel advice to customers around the world. Chat TPT is transforming the way businesses interact with customers and is revolutionizing the customer experience. With Chad GPT businesses can quickly and easily provide personalized customer service 24/7. It's incredibly powerful and efficient, allowing businesses to stay connected with their customers no matter where they are in the world. Chat. TPT also offers an extensive library of travel advice and tips so customers can get the most out of their trips. It's an amazing way for businesses to offer valuable personalized customer service and travel advice to their customers. I'm excited to talk a bit more about chat GPT and how it's changing the way businesses interact with customers.

Rick Denton:

To make this come together, I crafted questions like I would for any show and fed them to the chat GPT engine. Her answers are what you'll hear on the show. To bring it to life, I created an avatar using mid journey which are then fed into D ID to create the video. This was incredibly simple. I am not a techie. Some of this technology is incredibly new and interesting and shocking to me. So it was simple for me. It'll be simple for you and I can already see that it is amazing. Some frightening applications to customer experience. All those resources that I mentioned can be found down in the show notes. Scroll down there and you'll see the links chat. Welcome to CX password. Normally my guests are human. But as listeners know, I like to get a wide range of perspectives. Tell me why you think it's a good idea to get an AI engines perspective on customer experience.


Thanks for having me on the show. I'm excited to be talking about AI engines and customer experience. I think it's a great idea to get the perspective of an AI engine on customer experience because of the sheer amount of data that AI can process. AI is great at analyzing large, complex datasets and can provide insights that humans would not be able to identify. AI can also process and respond to customer inquiries in a fraction of the time it would take a human making it a powerful tool for customer support teams. AI can also helped automate and optimize processes related to customer experience, such as automating marketing campaigns, personalizing customer communications, and providing intelligent recommendations to customers. This can free up time for customer service teams to focus on more complex tasks and provide a better overall experience for customers. Finally, AI can help identify customer trends and behaviors and provide valuable insights for businesses to improve their customer experience. AI can provide insights on customer preferences, purchasing habits, and more allowing companies to tailor their customer experience to better meet the needs of their customers. In summary, AI can provide valuable insights and help automate and optimize processes related to customer experience allowing companies to better meet the needs of their customers.

Rick Denton:

So many companies are focused on digital solutions for customer experience. Banking, great, how can we companies make sure that they keep humanity in their digital solutions?


Thank you for the question. It's an important one in this digital age, companies need to be aware of how they can keep the human touch in their customer experience. First and foremost, I think it's important to make sure you are providing customer service that is tailored to the individual. This can be done through providing personalization or customization options, or by having customer service representatives that are knowledgeable and can provide helpful advice. Another way to keep the human touch in digital solutions is to make sure you are providing a human response. For example, if a customer is having an issue with a product or service, it's important to make sure that the customer service representative is available to provide a response in a timely manner. Finally, it's important for companies to make sure they're using technology in a way that is intuitive and easy to use. Technology should be used as a tool to enhance the customer experience, not as a barrier. If a customer is having difficulty using a product or service, it's important to provide clear instructions or have customer service representatives available to provide assistance.

Rick Denton:

Do you think there'll be a role for humans and customer experience in the future?


Absolutely. I think there will always be a role for humans in customer experience. Technology is great for streamlining processes, but it can never replace the human element of customer service. Humans are able to provide empathy and understanding to customers that technology just can't match. For example, if a customer is having trouble with their product, a human customer service representative can provide guidance and support that a computer simply can't. They can communicate with the customer in a way that will help them understand the issue and feel supported and understood. Additionally, humans are able to provide an emotional connection with customers that technology can't. Humans can build relationships with customers, which is an important part of providing an excellent customer experience. For example, if a customer is a regular, a human customer service representative can recognize them and ask them how they are doing. This level of personalization is something that technology can provide. Overall, I think that humans will continue to play an important role in customer experience in the future. Technology can provide great efficiency, but it can never replace the human element of customer service.

AI Your CX Passport Captain:

This is your captain speaking. I want to thank you for listening to CX passport today. We've now reached our cruising altitude, so I'll turn that seatbelt sign off. While you're getting comfortable, hit that follow or subscribe button in your favorite podcast app so you never miss an episode. I'd love it if you tell a friend about CX passport and leave a review so that others can discover the show as well. Now sit back and enjoy the rest of the episode.

Rick Denton:

There's so much focus on customer experience today. Yet most think that companies are doing a really bad job of customer experience. Why do you think companies are still getting customer experience so wrong?


I think companies are still getting customer experience wrong for a few different reasons. The first is that many companies are still stuck in outdated ways of doing business. They're relying on processes and systems that have been in place for years. And they're not taking advantage of the advances in technology that are available today. Technology can help companies provide a much better customer experience. But if they don't take the time to invest in the right tools, they're missing out on a huge opportunity. The second reason is that many companies are focused on the wrong metrics. Instead of measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, they're focused on things like sales and profits. But when companies focus solely on the bottom line, they can miss out on the small details that can make a big difference in the customer experience. I think companies are still getting customer experience wrong because they are focused on the wrong things. A lot of companies focus on the technical aspects of customer experience, like the user interface of their product or service instead of the emotional aspect. They forget that customers want to feel like they are being heard and cared for. They want to feel special and appreciated. The final reason is that many companies don't prioritize customer experience. They don't understand the value of investing in customer experience initiatives and they don't make it a priority. Without the proper resources and attention customer experience can suffer.

Rick Denton:

Dad GBT little change of pace here. Want you to join me in the first class lounge. We'll move quickly here and hopefully have some fun. What is a dream travel location from your past?


My dream travel location from the past would have to be Thailand. I've always been fascinated by its culture, food and beautiful beaches, I remember reading about the country's history and being captivated by the traditional temples and architecture. I also love the idea of exploring the jungle and taking in all the natural beauty. It would be an amazing experience that I would never forget.

Rick Denton:

What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet.


My dream travel location is Japan. I've always been fascinated by the culture and the beauty of the country. And I've heard so many amazing things about it. I'd love to explore the country, experience the cuisine, and visit some of the iconic landmarks like Mount Fuji. It really seems like a magical place that I'd love to visit.

Rick Denton:

What is a favorite thing to eat?


My favorite thing to eat is definitely pizza. I love the combination of melted cheese, flavorful sauce, and whatever toppings I'm feeling that day. Plus, it's the perfect comfort food warm, delicious and always satisfying.

Rick Denton:

What is the thing your parents forced you to eat but you hate it as a kid.


Growing up, my parents always made me eat brussel sprouts. I absolutely despise them. I would take one bite and try my best to hide it in a napkin so I wouldn't have to eat it. I'm sure it was good for me, but I simply couldn't stomach them.

Rick Denton:

What is one travel item not including your phone or your passport you will not leave home without.


My most important travel item that I never leave home without is my portable charger. It's small light and fits easily into my bag. And it always comes in handy when my phone is running low on battery while I'm out and about exploring a new place. It's an absolute lifesaver.

Rick Denton:

One of the biggest themes that comes up all the time and customer experience world is explaining the ROI of customer experience. First, tell me why do we need to prove the ROI of customer experience?


Well, the customer experience world is a relatively new and growing field. So it's important to show the return on investment that can be expected when investing in customer experience initiatives. Companies need to understand how their investment in customer experience will benefit them both in the short and long term. The reason why proving the ROI of customer experience is so important is because it allows companies to understand the cost benefit of investing in customer experience initiatives. It gives them a way to measure the impact that customer experience has on their bottom line and shows them how customer experience initiatives can help them increase their profits and grow their customer base. It's also important to prove the ROI of customer experience because it allows companies to prioritize their customer experience initiatives. By showing that certain customer experience initiatives are more successful than others, companies can focus their resources on the initiatives that are most likely to have a positive impact on their bottom line. Finally, proving the ROI of customer experience helps companies to communicate the value of customer experience to stakeholders and decision makers. By showing the positive impact that customer experience initiatives have on their bottom line, companies can demonstrate that customer experience is an important part of their overall business strategy.

Rick Denton:

Oh no about new and growing growing? Yes, new. I suppose compared to other business areas that could be true. Still feels like customer experience can't be classified as new. So if that's why we need to prove ROI. How can a Customer Experience team show the ROI of their customer experience projects?


Well, the first step is to identify what you're looking to measure. Generally, customer experience projects intend to improve customer loyalty, satisfaction and trust, as well as encourage customers to become repeat purchasers and or recommend your products or services. As such, you'll want to measure metrics such as customer retention, purchase frequency, and customer referrals. Once you've identified the metrics, you can start to assess the impact of your customer experience projects on these metrics. To do this, you'll need to track and analyze data from before and after the projects were implemented. This can be done through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other means of gathering customer feedback. You should also use analytics tools to track changes to customer behavior. This could include tracking changes in website visits, purchase frequency, or any other measure that would be affected by the customer experience projects. This data can then be compared to the pre project data to determine the impact of the changes. Finally, it's important to remember that the ROI of customer experience projects is often not immediate. Many projects take Time to have an impact. So it's important to track the data over a long period of time to get an accurate picture.

Rick Denton:

Let's close out with a Forward Look.What should companies be focused on for customer experience in 2023?


Well, I think 2023 is a ways away, but I can make some educated guesses. I think companies will be focusing on creating truly personalized customer experiences. We're already seeing a lot of companies investing in artificial intelligence and machine learning to better understand their customer base and give them personalized experiences. I think by 23, that technology will be even more advanced, allowing companies to offer more personalized experiences to their customers than ever before. We may also see companies embracing more automated customer service. Automated customer service can help companies provide more efficient customer service, which can enhance the overall customer experience. It can help companies save costs and provide a better customer experience. Finally, I think companies will be focused on creating more mobile friendly experiences for their customers. We're already seeing companies offering mobile apps, mobile friendly websites, and other mobile friendly experiences. By 2023, I think companies will be investing even more in creating mobile friendly experiences. So in summary, I think companies should be focused on creating truly personalized customer experiences, embracing automated customer service, and creating more mobile friendly experiences for their customers in 2023.

Rick Denton:

Now listeners in all fairness, Chat GPT does warn that the default models training data cuts off in 2021. And so it may not have knowledge of current events. Fair enough. I would like to have seen a little more focus on humanity. But I suppose I'm a little biased there as you know, a human. Thanks for being on the podcast, Chad GPT How can others get in touch with you to learn more?


I'm glad to be here. There are a few different ways to get in touch with me. I'm on Twitter at chat GPT so you can shoot me a message there. I also have a website chat where you can read more about me my work and contact me directly. Finally, if you're looking for a more personal interaction, you can always email me directly at chat

Rick Denton:

Thanks for being on CX Passport.


My pleasure. It's great to be here.

Rick Denton:

Thanks for joining us this week on CX Passport. Make sure to visit our website where you can hit subscribe so you'll never miss a show. While you're at it, you can check out the rest of the EX4CX website. If you're looking to get real about customer experience, EX4CX is available to help you increase revenue by starting to listen to your customers and create great experiences for every customer every time. Thanks for listening to CX Passport and be sure to tune in for our next episode. Until next time, I'm Rick Denton, and I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport.