Field Notes
Field Notes explores the themes of conservation and hope through a wide lens. Our guests include a moth-er, a wine theologian, Hebrew scholar, an environmental historian and a linguistic philosopher among others. Soundtrack – Jill Phillips & Andy Gullahorn: ‘Only Say the Word’ (instrumental track) from the album ‘The Good Things.’ Used with kind permission. www.andygullahorn.com – www.jillphillips.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 50 episodes
Field Notes
Latest Episodes
Ep 48: Jo Herbert-James, Rick Faw & Jo Swinney – The Whole Easter Story
Jo and Rick are joined by Jo Herbert-James to discuss the themes in Jo Swinney’s Lent book, “The Whole Easter Story: why the cross is good news for all creation.” What does our relationship with God have to do with how we live on this earth? Ho...
Season 1
Episode 48

Ep 47: Tim Stojanovic – Whose oceans to gain from and govern?
This is the United Nations Decade of the Ocean, bringing an increased focus on caring for the ‘blue’ bit of the planet. Governing marine and coastal areas involves convening a multitude of groups - often with competing interests. Agreeing a man...
Season 1
Episode 47

Ep 46: Cindy Verbeek – The costly calling of a conservationist
Cindy Verbeek left her city life for a rural Eden in northern BC, Canada, where the air was clean, bears nonchalantly wandered along the local high street and preserving nature was hardwired into community life. It might have seemed an ideal si...
Season 1
Episode 46

Ep 45: Cyrie Sendashonga – The politics of protecting nature
To halt and reverse the terrible trends in nature loss and climate change requires collaboration at international levels. With every country coming to the table with its own interests and agenda, it is no small task to agree joint commitments t...
Season 1
Episode 45

Ep 44: Dorothea Seeger – Marine biology & motherhood
The choice to start a family is always a great act of faith, hope and courage. In these unprecedented days of biodiversity collapse, climate change and societal upheaval, all the more so. Doro is a marine biologist from Germany, whose love of t...
Season 1
Episode 44