The One Search Podcast
The One Search team give their insights and opinions on the subjects that matter in Global Infrastructure financing and investment. One Search has been supporting Infrastructure investors since the very birth of the asset class, helping them build investment and asset management teams, IR/Fundraising capabilities and indeed world class management teams in their portfolio companies. Now they share their experiences on a range of topical subjects in the infrastructure sector today, often with contributions from special guests.
Podcasting since 2021 • 8 episodes
The One Search Podcast
Latest Episodes
2023 Infra Debt Compensation Update
The most diverse team in global infra credit search is back again with some updates on compensation trends in the market, and more!

Compensation in Infra Debt – Part 7: Mid-Level Professionals (Assoc & VP)
The Infrastructure recruitment market's most diverse team discusses compensation trends and notable milestones for bankers and investors at the mid level.

Compensation in Infrastructure Investment - Part 6: Attraction and Retention (featuring Niall Mills of FSI)
Special guest appearance from Niall Mills, Global Head of Infrastructure at First Sentier Investors, who joins Infrastructure's most diverse recruitment team as it discusses attraction and retention strategies at large in the market.

Compensation in Infra Debt – Part 5: Sponsors/Corporates/Developers
Infrastructure's most diverse global recruitment team discusses the relative merits of a move from banking into the commercial world, or vice versa.

Compensation in Infra Debt – MDs & Directors Part 4 (Banks v Debt Funds, MRTs & Covid)
The most diverse credit team in Infrastructure recruitment discuss the themes and issues in Infrastructure Debt compensation across Banks and Debt Funds. Also this week, what impact does MRT status have on a banker's compensation? A...