Grand and Washington Artwork

Grand and Washington

Third Baptist Church of Saint Louis chooses to remain in the city for good—gathering for first worship service in upper room—near present Enterprise Center in 1851.

Third moved to present location at Grand and Washington early into 20th Century—focusing on radical hospitality and Gospel for all people. Third is tied emotionally and spiritually to Saint Louis City—what happens in Saint Louis—matters to our beloved community. 

Grand and Washington podcast, led by Dr. Tommy Simons, entering 10th year of pastorate— offers unique perspective—  from Saint Louis' vibrant corner of city life. You have an open invitation to experience Third's diversity, hospitality and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ— Sunday worship is 11am at 620 North Grand—along with Wednesday Dinner and Discipleship at 5:15pm. 

Feedback and questions are always welcome

Grand and Washington