Women's Health, Wisdom, and. . . WINE!

#47 - NOURISH YOUR FLOURISH NUGGET | Fertility Awareness: Get Your Body Ready

April 18, 2022 Dr. Laurena White Season 4 Episode 47

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The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & healers about complex reproductive medicine & women's health challenges, the value of an integrative approach to these challenges, many of the women's health topics you're already thinking about & uncomfortable talking about & my personal favorite... WINE!

Last time, we ended our discussion about learning about fertility with the “getting your body ready” aspect of fertility awareness. Whether you’re sure about your family planning goals or not, remember: fertility is a characteristic of overall health and wellness.

Testing and tracking your hormones over time is a great way to prepare your body for children. At-home fertility hormone tests using a simple finger prick unlock a ton of information about key hormones related to your reproductive health — one of the most important pieces of the fertility puzzle. You’ll learn about your ovarian reserve (egg count), thyroid health, possible outcomes for egg freezing and IVF, and your chances of manifesting conditions like PCOS and thyroid disorders. Fertility doctors (reproductive endocrinologists) test ovarian reserve (just like at home fertility hormones tests) to predict how many eggs you might obtain from egg retrieval — and give you a better idea of how many rounds of intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) you can expect. Each time you test your fertility hormones, you’ll be able to observe how your hormones change over time so you can make informed decisions, take action, and be proactive about your fertility planning. Annual testing will provide you with this information. 

During our wine segment, we'll rendezvous with rosé.

Next week, we’ll begin talking about when you’re actually trying to conceive and how you can improve your chances. 

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For more integrative reproductive medicine and women's health information and other valuable resources, make sure to visit our website.

Have a question, comment, guest suggestion, or want to share your story? Email us at info@laurenawhite.com

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