Women's Health, Wisdom, and. . . WINE!

#49 - NOURISH YOUR FLOURISH NUGGET | Fertility Awareness: Trying to Conceive

Dr. Laurena White Season 4 Episode 49

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The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & healers about complex reproductive medicine & women's health challenges, the value of an integrative approach to these challenges, many of the women's health topics you're already thinking about & uncomfortable talking about & my personal favorite... WINE!

Last time, we ended our discussion about getting your body ready with the “trying to conceive” aspect of fertility awareness and how to be intentional about improving your chances of conception.

Depending on where you are in your fertility journey, you may or may not have been testing your fertility hormones regularly. Remember, that each time you test your fertility hormones, your recommendations about how to proceed become more tailored to your goals. Testing annually provides fresh data and shows you how your hormones change over time so you can make informed decisions. 

In this episode, we'll also tackle:

  • TSH and thyroid hormone levels
  • Menstruation and ovulation tracking
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • "Egg white" cervical mucus
  • Ovulation testing and LH (luteinizing hormone)
  • Time to pregnancy
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Caffeine intake
  • Marijuana and CBD
  • Exercise/Movement
  • Pregnancy tests and
  • When to see a specialist 

During our wine segment, we discuss sparkling wine and affordable options that go beyond champagne.

As we come to the end of fertility awareness month, we’ll end this month talking about navigating your first trimester and what to expect along the way on Friday. 

Support the show

The hashtag for the podcast is #nourishyourflourish. You can also find our firm, The Eudaimonia Center on the following social media outlets:

Facebook: The Eudaimonia Center
Instagram: theeudaimoniacenter
Twitter: eu_daimonism

For more integrative reproductive medicine and women's health information and other valuable resources, make sure to visit our website.

Have a question, comment, guest suggestion, or want to share your story? Email us at info@laurenawhite.com

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