Infusion Health

Colleen Godfrey Intergrative Somatic Therapies Part 1

May 18, 2021 Season 1 Episode 7

Who is Colleen Godfrey? Colleen Godfrey is a licensed therapist and certified practitioner of Integrative Somatic Therapies (IST). She has devoted her life’s work to helping individuals who suffer from traumatic events and difficulties that arise in life due to adverse events and other complex problems. Through her work with IST, Colleen provides people with relief, acceptance and transformation by teaching them to trust and be at peace within themselves and the environment that surrounds them. What is Integrative Somatic Therapies? Integrative Somatic Therapies (IST) is a form of light touch therapy that helps individuals identify, accept and release stress, emotional patterns, and patterns of behaviors. IST is based on an individualized approach, with the main focus being to build an environment of safety, security, and connection in which to help the client develop healthier ways of living and healing from their trauma. Why am I so quiet until the 1st episode is almost over? As this episode focuses on exploring Colleen's practice of Integrative Somatic Therapies, it is important for listeners to really dive deep into her teachings, so that they can better understand the techniques and potential healing benefits that IST has to offer. As Colleen shares her insight into the topic of trauma and its effects, it is essential that listeners be mindful and quiet, so they can take the time to reflect on what she has said and how they can use the knowledge and techniques in their own life. Therefore, it is best to stay silent until the first episode is almost over, so that each individual can fully process and understand Colleen's teachings

We’re excited to have you with us for today’s show, and we hope you’ll tune in for more great discussions on TikTok Thank you for listening!
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