19 Year Old Shrink

Tips and Tricks to Pursuing Mentors

Will Giangrande Season 3 Episode 11

In this episode, I discuss the 5 different types of mentors that I learned about in my management class. These include: traditional, inspirational, step-ahead, peer, and family member mentor. Traditional recognizes one person who has more experience than another and is guiding them in their process of developing more skills in a specific area. 

Inspirational is someone who you might not see every single day but has such a profound impact on you and your life. This might be someone who wrote a book that you swear by, or have a podcast or show that has guided you during some very difficult times. 

Step-ahead mentor is someone who is a little further ahead of you in the stages of life. The example I used in the episode was someone who just graduated college being a mentor to a senior in college. Answering questions about social life after college, workplace environment, and the transition from one stage to another are some examples of how a step ahead mentor can guide their mentee. 

A peer mentor is someone who you are very close with that may be someone that you envy. You admire them as a person and confide in them enough to ask them questions on how to live a better and more meaningful life. They are able to give you the friends perspective to things which is another helpful technique. 

Lastly, a family member mentor. Many people look up to their parents or older siblings for instilling certain values in them and ways to live out ones life. This is a perfect example of people who are the most similar to you being able to impart their wisdom onto you so that you can evolve into who you're supposed to become. 

After being given these different mentors, I talk about ways to attract them into your life and discuss the questions you could be asking yourself in order to become the best version of who you are meant to be. Tune in to learn more!