19 Year Old Shrink

Handling the Uncertainty of the Future

Will Giangrande Season 3 Episode 13

In this episode I discuss why the future is such a consistent worry in society. Much of the time we spend worrying about the past and the future, which are uncontrollable as we are living in the present moment. We don't take the time out of our day to recognize and appreciate the here and now and use our present to create a desirable future. 

Some of the things for me that make me worried about the future is excessive watching of the news. There is so much uncertainty in the news and this spills over into my personal life which makes me even more hesitant in my life. This isn't to say never to watch the news, but being aware of boundaries to establish to live a happy and healthy life is important. 

In order to embrace the future instead of being terrified of it, we can also look at the uncertainty as part of the fun. If we were certain about everything, there would be no mystery! And when we do have those constant worries, being able to talk with someone more experienced and has walked a similar path can be such a huge help in our lives. Tune in for more information!