19 Year Old Shrink

The Underlying Message of Excuses

Will Giangrande Season 3 Episode 16

In this episode, I talk about why we use excuses in so many areas of life. Sometimes we attribute being busy as a legitimate excuse. But when doing this, we need to contemplate whether that thing we are trying to avoid is that important to us. And if it is, then why are we getting consumed with less important things in our life? Those things that we truly value in life should supersede any other tasks on our daily agenda. 

As the episode continues, I talk about how our excuses can also give us insight into the things that we can learn to say no to in our life. This part recognizes the process of contemplation as a way to narrow in on those things that we value most in our life. If you are someone who finds themselves making excuses consistently or are around people that do, tune in for more information!
