19 Year Old Shrink

The Obsession with Getting Ahead in Life And It's Negative Impacts

Will Giangrande Season 3 Episode 18

With graduation looming, I talk about a feeling that a lot of people have probably experienced at one point in time. You may not have found a job yet or might not even know what to do, and it can be scary.

And what we do in those situations is begin measuring ourselves against others, “They figured out in October, they are better than me.” “Why don’t I have as many interviews as this person? All of these thoughts trigger negativity and we begin attributing it to our identity.

And this doesn’t need to be with jobs but with everything in life. Whether it be doing chores around the house, traveling, getting married, we constantly are comparing ourselves to others.

There is always these timelines for us to get things done. Get a job after college, get married by 30, the list goes on. But what we can appreciate is that even the most successful people, did it in the most unconventional way.

And this episode will break down this struggle and talk about ways to have a different perspective. Being able to appreciate that we all need to go our own path and not get too wrapped up in the expectations of what we are told. If this is something that you struggle with or see close ones struggling with, tune in for more info!
