Estate Professionals Mastermind - Probate and Senior Real Estate Podcast

How to leverage a Probate Cash advance when a family needs money from an estate

Probate Mastery

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Be the hero story next time a probate seller is dealing with a reverse mortgage or HECM loan in probate,

…Or when they need to move but can’t figure out a first, last, and security deposit,

….Or when siblings don’t realize they can all get more if they leverage someone else’s money to make repairs before selling an inherited house.

See what Chad and the Probate Cash crew have to say about the top reasons probate clients can use cash advances and how quickly they can get it in this 30-minute Ask The Expert episode.

Timestamps (Links to YouTube)
0:00 How to access funds in tough times through advance on inheritance
9:36 Top 3 reasons families in probate need access to liquid cash
13:29 How heirs can get more money by maximizing the equity in inherited property
16:39 How quickly can you make an inheritance advance happen?
23:36 What probate situations might not qualify for a probate cash advance inheritance funding?
28:16 How real estate agents and investors can benefit from inheritance advance/Probate Cash advance funding

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All right. Welcome everybody. As you probably know, my name's Chad Corbett, I'm the founder and creator of probate mastery. This is part of our ask the expert series today. I'm here with probate cash. Mark Harris and Sean Driscoll. Welcome guys. The reason we're doing this. I've known these gentlemen for a couple of years now. As you guys know, if you've taken probate mastery, you know, that a big part of session two is really getting clear on your offer and building a team around you. So you can work less, earn more and do good in your community. And a part of that, a lot of people struggle with they're intimidated by, and at first getting that team bill on who should be on it. So before we jump into this, I'll tell you why I have professionals like this. Like I want to give access to professionals like this to you guys. If you've had probate master, you've heard the story about Pam. I think it's a good example of where had I had these guys and my on my team, eight years ago. That deal, that story might've been a lot different, but for any of you that haven't had the course or heard that the deal that really got me, made me commit to probate was a lady. She was in her mid, late fifties. She called me frantic crying and the house that she was calling from was just down the street from the one I was renting. So I had moved to that neighborhood specifically from Maui. I chose that neighborhood in the town. I didn't know. So it was where I wanted to live. Selfishly. I wanted the house for myself when I showed up, look, this woman in the eye, and I started to hear a story, walk through the home. I'll try to rush through this, but I saw she needed cash and she needed it fast. Her father had passed away a few months later. The present time, our mother had had a massive stroke the night before she was in ICU. She was stable enough to be discharged into a rehab facility, but they, she didn't qualify for Medicaid and they were looking for cash. So her daughter was stuck. She needed cash in a hurry and all of her mom's net worth was in the, in the house. That's the situation many, many families find themselves in most don't know what to do. A lot of times they end up dumping to an investor. What I did for the first time ever was I dropped the label of Chad, the investor, Chad, the realtor, and that day for the first time, I was just chatting and in a, in the residential real estate space. So we walked through the home. I saw things of value. I saw about 10 grand worth of antique furniture that would come to find out her father had hand-built in the baby. We come back to the living room where I would normally say, I'll give you X number of dollars. And then if she couldn't, then I would try to switch to my brokerage hat and listed if I could, that doesn't work that well for me, this time was different. So she needed the maximum amount of equity out of the estate and she needed cash as fast as she could get it. I chose the best route. I knew at that time I gave her four options. One was a cash offer. The next was an as is sale. The next was selling the personal property, using that for cosmetic rehab and selling it at retail. And the fourth, the one that got her out was actually a creative financing straight. And you'll see when I explain this. I had a list of tenant buyers who had applied for mortgages, but did not qualify for small reasons. They had the mindset of homeowners. They wanted to be homeowners. They just couldn't clear that, that final underwriting bar and get financed. So I thought, Hmm, I think I might be able to put something together here. So what are the option for that? Offered Pam was a lease with option to purchase with an $8,000 option All the inspections and contingencies waved up front of a full price, full retail sale price, no negotiation on price from price and close it as fast as we could. And within three days I had four buyers who were literally fighting. I turned three of them in the conventional buyers. One was a really good fit. So we took an $8,000 option fee. The first month rent in the last month's rent. We put about 11 grand in our pocket, which was able to get her mom out of the hospital and into a rehab facility. And then I close it up as a lease with option to purchase. For me to teach, would take hours, like for me to learn that took six months of trial and error and using all these different strategies and being able to be a transaction engineer on the spot and see that. I've found that is difficult to teach with people who have busy lives and, you know, you've got a business that's moving in this direction. You don't have the time to stop and learn how to become a transaction engineer overnight. I need a solution now. That's why these guys are here so I can teach you how to use creative financing strategies, how to turn left, how to turn your contractors and the lenders, how to turn your investors into, to bridge, you know, bridge loan lenders. But there isn't. And I have looked far and wide for companies that I could trust. We talk a lot about empathy and altruism and doing the right thing for your community here. When I went looking at the companies in this space, the majority of them I found kind of made my skin crawl, right? Like it's guys that came out of a different world, a world of finance and they could give two about the emotional. however I've found probate cash to be different. We've had a relationship for a couple of years now and I haven't had them on for a bit. So I wanted to give you guys an opportunity to get, understand where they could fit into your team, how they could help your, the families that you're serving and. Just introduce them to you guys. It's the easy button. You can throw a bridge lender on your team. So guys, welcome. Uh, let you get that. You can tell us a little bit about what you do, why you do it, and how that can apply to them. Thanks, Chad. Thanks for having us on. We appreciate what probate mastery does for everyone. And I think you're right. We want to know. Things easy. So we're hopefully that easy button that you referenced and, and it's also of course, about helping our customer, and same with you. Right. I'm Mark Harris, I'm the CEO of probate cash. I'm an attorney by trade and work as a lawyer to utilize my legal skills here at probate cash. my background before probate cash was looking at all kinds of annuities out there that people were stuck in. They were just flat out stuck in these annuities. They couldn't get rid of them. They were annuities that could be such a structured settlement payment rights that they received as a minor. They didn't have even the option to get a lump sum, in a lawsuit for instance, because they were a minor and the courts just decided, all right, I'm going to make this a monthly payment for you. And, if you need more, sorry, you know, you shouldn't have been infant when this occurred. we saw that marketplace and for people who want to do. purchase a home or go to school, then they were only getting a thousand dollars a month out of their annuity or even $5,000 a month that other annuity. We could look with it that, we would, we would discount their future payments, dream to present value and provide them with cash to So that's one example of putting somebody in a better spot than they were, and there are laws on the books on how to do that. We make sure that, structured settlement terms since it's in their best interest to, that they're gonna use that lump sum responsible. We also bought lottery prize payment streams. For some of your younger viewers that probably don't know that the, the lottery prize payments. If you want a big lottery prize, you had no choice but to take an annuity. So we would convert those into lump sums in a similar manner. We bought professional athlete contracts, where those are paid over time. So anything paid overtime. But one issue we kept seeing where our customer base who really needed cash for immediate concerns and the probate cash market. seemed like a natural fit for us because our customer in these cases, similar to Pam, sometimes you have somebody who lost a loved one most of the time, of course. And that's why a probate case has to be open. And oftentimes the primary asset in the estate, is the real There's usually very limited to cash assets, or even antiques. It's really just the house. There's sometimes our cash outs. That's another thing that makes things easier. but th the common person doesn't know that the probate process takes a long time. I think when people have this image of somebody passing away, they go to the reading Uh we'll at some lawyers off. The lawyer says, all right, I'm reading the will. And you know, John gets the car and a couple of people get the home and someone gets a bank account here and there and everybody leaves the attorney's office with a car key, a house key and and some money and off they go. And of course we all know that's not the Probate process can take money to hire a lawyer. It requires, in the best sense, probate can usually last upwards of about a year, oftentimes longer, especially if you're in a pandemic. So people need money. What, why do people they need access to their inheritance? And that's where we come in. So Probate provides advances to beneficiaries who are waiting for the probate case to close so they can access their inherit So mark let's let me interject there. Let's talk about some specific cases. So obviously an obvious scenario and one that we teach in the courses. Oftentimes, you can unlock hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of equity and property by putting in capital expenditures or repairs renovating the hall. Yeah. But most families, , they don't have liquidity. Like The average inheritance in the United States is $177,000. But the vast majority of that 80% of those people own real estate and 77% of that real estate is free and clear. Most people hold the majority of their personal net worth in that primary residence. So. One use case is getting a home renovated to maximize equity and ultimately make the family more money. So that might come at a cost. Obviously, we'll talk about how probate cash makes money. They're a company, but the family can incur a cost because probate cash is taking a risk, but they can also wash that cost exceed that cost by putting equity back in the. So a very common would be like a renovation loan, but what are other scenarios you guys say? Like, let's just say, what are your top three scenarios where people, why they need the money? Like, so people can start to connect with how can I use this? That makes make sense. So number one is okay. This house has been beaten up a little bit and we need to be to sell it. And in order to get fair market value, we need. Twenty-five thousand dollars into the home. And we don't have $25,000. We need to so that's one area. That's the, probably the top area where somebody comes in and says, we need to fix up our house so we can get us. Similarly taxes still need to be paid on the home. And if they estate doesn't have a lot of cash assets the, we come in and we can literally save the home from either a four, still the foreclosure, the there's a mortgage. You still need to be paying them the state's only to pay the mortgage. Who's going to ask you, brought it up. I know I keep interrupting out there, Jack, that like that's I got curious, like in that scenario, how many times I've like, how many times are you the hero in the ticking clock of a reverse mortgage or a heck of my. Yeah. I mean, we, we are, you know, I don't like to say we're necessarily the hero, but we're there to certainly ease use those financial strains and make sure that the person's not going to lose the house. How important is that? Obviously everybody here knows that the security of knowing that your house isn't going to be a lost. And, uh, so we hope that we can help people sleep at night, who didn't even know they had the option to do that. Um, and that's, what's so important is, uh, you know, to, to let those folks going through probate that we're here and certainly the realtors that they could be working with on their, uh, on the house that work here. Cause I think it not just helps the homeowner, but it also helps the realtor, uh, take the time to properly list the home and properly market the home. So they're getting price for the owner. And of course the most money for them, as well as the Something that we haven't talked about this, I'm assuming I'm going to make some assumptions here because just my experience in this space, one of the most common scenarios that I see stop a lot of people in their tracks is the kid that failed to launch. So they're 50 years old. They're living in the home. They freeloaded off of mom and dad, their entire lives. Brother. And sister went out, made themselves very successful live out of, usually out of state or out of town and junior still there. Everybody knows it's not in his best interest to live on his own in a house that he's, you know, can't pay the taxes on, but he has nowhere else to live. And the family, like their typical Americans, they live hand to mouth and they don't have a whole bunch of extra cash to pay for moving expenses, clean out, like all that. How often do you guys see that scenario? That's what we uncover those all the time. So it's not uncommon if you've done 10 probate deals, you've, you've probably found one of those where you've got a failure to launch situation. You guys find that that's a big part of like helping families get out of that situation by getting moving money. And first month limit rent last month's rent utility deposits. That seems like a, it would be a common application of your service to we, we do. And it's not just a problem for the family and Virginia to get out of the house, but we are going to require it because the house has to be sold in order for the, uh, the probate to conclude. Again, that's gonna be the primary asset, but Jr. is he living in the house, but we, we also know that junior really can't afford to carry the house. And so, uh, getting an advance to cover the first month, there's covered alternative living expenses to give junior a head start will accelerate the probate case, accelerate the closing of the probate case. So then junior will be able to get his inheritance and started to live his wife outside of the and what I'm proposing guys like a way that you could use probate cash in that scenario give Jr his whole inheritance. Like he obviously needed that the other people have more stable situation. So if I were in that position, what I would propose to brother and sister as listen, guys, let's get. We just need a $15,000 advance or when not even that 10 grand as is all we need. So if each of you can give$5,000 of your position in the estate, then when the house is empty, then we'll actually be able to go in and do, or let's just, let's go with 25,000. So we're going to give junior 5,000 and we're going to take 20 and do a cosmetic rehab. And then we're going to raise the ARV of the property by 75,000. Those numbers. Aren't that out of line? Like, one of our members put $30,000 into a condo. I got $180,000 price increase. Like that's how much it raised the ARV, like the net, like net 180. So it's those aren't crazy numbers. Like if they were. If two of the three heirs were to agree to a $25,000 advance to what like half brother, half sister, but then you add 80 to a hundred thousand dollars in equity back in the property. What did it really cost them to hand their brother an extra $10,000? To better his life to get in a better living situation. And then he gets his full inheritance. He's not penalized at all. He's getting the, you know, the Royal treatment. So that's the way that like where I see where this can be extremely useful. Um, I want, so they can connect with how quickly that can happen and how it can serve them. You know, our, our members and their business. If they're an investor, Tom is money. You need to get in there and renovate these houses. If you're a broker you need to get in there and get it in as good a shape as possible, whether that's for renovations or just simply photography. Aging clean out, um, you know, or deep claim, but talk about your structure, how these deals come together. Like from the first point of contact with the family, what the process is, what that timeline is and like what the Lee legal structure is. And I think it's important to understand guys like there's there's, this is a very, it's an advanced, it's not alone. It's an unsecured. At advanced, like they, they, they're taking a lot of risk here. And so it's, it's important. Um, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I would say the most important thing for you guys is knowing that you're working with a certain class of professional. Who's introducing you to a certain class of customer. So you're there. You're likely to be repaid, but let's talk about the process. Like what it looks like, what a real estate professional could expect. If they have one of these situations, let's say right now, somebody they talked to you yesterday. How fast can you actually deploy that capital? As you've mentioned as a tool, the probate caches for real, or the way we feel like we're a tool that can be used by realtors, by lawyers, other professionals, to also help themselves. So for realtors who are looking into a list of property, to be able to come armed with folks who need money immediately, knowing that you can refer a potential beneficiary to us. Uh, it may help with the listing because they, we can provide them cash right away. So an example of how we end up in business. So oftentimes we get referrals from realtors and, attorneys, probate cash is a sponsor of a. The bar sections, state bar sections are real estate, property trust law. So, uh, lawyers know to call us when their clients or other beneficiaries need money. so we get a phone. Let's say from a realtor saying that their client really needs money to fix up the house. So they're waiting for their probate to close and the house needs about 20,$25,000 of a renovation. So we can get fair market value. We get the phone call. We talked. The realtor or directly to the customer who would be getting the advance against that. Person's inheritance. We look at the case number that's filed in the probate court. We pull the probate case immediately. We have a large staff here that is familiar with the courthouse structures. I'm sure a lot of your folks. And we're able to pull that probate case immediately, uh, and look at the assets and the probate case. Look, whether there's a, will not a will and see where our potential customer lands as far as the inheritance that review usually takes within is, is done. Same day, 24 hours, max, courthouse, you got send a runner. Or we take a look at that. And, we will determine where in the probate process the case is. So it may have just been recently filed. There still may be the claims period may not have started yet. Heck, the, there may not even be an executor name. The letters may not have been issued yet. that doesn't matter. We'll still make the advance. oh no, that's really important. You're saying you will actually advance in a state before a petitioner appointed as an administrator or executive. We will do that. We like to talk to the probate attorney. Who's still filed the case. We'd like to have as much color as possible, you know, it is a risky business and our advances are non-recourse. So if we don't get paid back, when assets of the estate are distributed at the end of the probate case. We do not pursue any legal remedies against our beneficiary that the God, the advance like. Absent fraud, of course. Right. I mean, if they were stealing, that's a, that's a different story. Even if letters haven't been issued and there's a house out there, that's, you know, worth a few hundred thousand dollars and that house is going to be sold. We know at the end of the day, as long as the person we're dealing with is actually a beneficiary, either the specific device in a will or. Is in the family tree. If the decedent passed away and test it, We'll give an event. Now obviously the earlier the stages and the less we know our fees are going to be higher and we probably won't go. the amount of money may be determined based on the amount of money is often determined upon the value of the house. But, we're also giving that advance without seeing any clients. you all have all been involved in probate and they're the instruments like the will, can be a challenge. You know, claims can be made from, by anyone from credit card companies to, uh, child support, to the agencies medical, companies, including even a hospice and others. But mark. Trying to communicate with the audience too. I keep interrupting you, but I under, I want to underscore that and I want you to understand, these guys are there, they're in the finance business so we can put them in, in the, in the way of risk where we wouldn't put one of our closest, investor relationships or another family member or. Well, our contractor asking him to bridge a 90 day construction loan, with a 10% premium, once the letters are issued the probate process has settled in, I'm comfortable doing that. I'm comfortable allowing my contractor to put a 10% premium on an invoice and to go record a re you know, So the more time goes on. The more of that, that, that principal now is eroded by the interest rate. So it's in their best interest to progress through the, through the estate process, because the faster they get it closed out, then the less they paid for that. That advance is that right? Mark. Yeah, that's right. And we also, with the advance, we, um, we w we do not want to, uh, advance against any beneficiaries entire inheritance, but we always liked our customer to have skin in the game, skin in the game, and to be called on to cooperate during each step of the probate process. Of course. Uh, the other thing is you raised, which I find interesting. Conflict between beneficiaries, especially since my wife's a divorce attorney and, uh, you know, there's nothing like conflict there, but we, uh, we also, I don't know if it's joking, but probate is kind of like the cousin of a family law where you're going to get quite a bit of dispute. So in pro bay, um, w the one nice thing about our advances to the beneficiaries. Our advances to one beneficiary does not in any way, shape or form affect the inheritance rights of the other beneficiary. So let's say that a beneficiary, a repayment amount that their, their assigned amount at the end of the day is a $50,000. And they're only entitled to $35,000. Uh, we are, again, these are non-recourse and so we're not coming in after we're not pursuing legal remedies against the beneficiary for. The shortfall of 15,000, nor are we going after any of the other beneficiaries of the estate either. So, it's important as one beneficiary is getting the advance and sometimes. The other beneficiaries don't want their brother or sister to get the advance, because they are concerned that that could affect the estate, being closed earlier, or even their share of their inheritance. And there, even if they are the executor or executor tricks, they don't have the authority to prevent that. That's right. So it, you know, even if the executor is our beneficiary also, and there's a shortfall, we did not go look to the other beneficiaries for repayment of that shortfall. uh, each beneficiary is entirely their own own individual when it comes to these, with their own rights and are not in the least bit effective. By the advanced decisions of the other beneficiaries. Okay. Oh, mark is I've progressed through life. I've found there's there's value in the books you buy and the courses you take and everybody talking about what they've done. Right. I think some of the most valuable lessons I've gathered over time with, especially with more sophisticated individuals and company. Is learning from what they've done wrong. So if you're comfortable with it, I'd like to hear just for the benefit the audience. Like how do you know what you want? Like what's a bad referral. Like how do you sort out your own bad apples? So you're not putting probate cash in the way of unnecessary risks. What's your horror story? What do you know referrals? Will you not take from these guys? How much time do we have? we learn every day. Uh, some of the lessons are more expensive than a. you know, it's, it's that mix of trying to help out our customers who are in need of money and us also one needed a business that you said, we, we make money doing these deals. But where I find that our risk, where we lose money, where we lose the deals is where we don't have conversations with the probate lawyer at all, no conversation. And then, and most of the probate lawyers by the way, are all in favor of this because it's helping the beneficiaries who are constantly calling that lawyer is saying, when is this going to be done? Why hasn't this been completed? And so lawyers are referring beneficiaries to us all the time to just make the phone stop ringing. but when a lawyer doesn't though, uh, contact us back or confirm some assets and those assets ended up not being there and we've gone ahead and made the advance against assets that simply aren't there. So sometimes, you know, we're, excited to get involved early that, uh, sometimes we get involved a little too early and a beneficiary says, oh, we've, we've got money. Here are some bank statements and here's the inventory hasn't been filed yet. And that's an area that we get ourselves in trouble. Like everybody's business fraud would be number one. we're pretty adept now, uh, protecting ourselves from fraud. second is just the natural. That is one area we're looking at the decedent, have extensive healthcare prior to passing. cause you got to look out for potential, claims that are filed towards the end of the probate case that, you know, Yolo know the cost of. Services, and it can just wipe out the entire estate sometimes. So that that's an area where we are at least learning to ask that question. Whereas when we first jumped on board, we, we said, okay, let's uh, even, even post claims period, nothing has been filed and we're okay. But there are, uh, some entities that are permitted, of course, to file even post claims fair hits. We keep an eye on that as well. otherwise let's talk about like the inverse of that. What is your ideal customer? Like? What is know? I assume that there's probably like a value to the estate, like the assets, like what, like explain to the audience, what would be the most exciting referral that you get? Yeah, it's an exciting, that's a good, that's great and exciting referral is a, someone who who's coming here, who it's clear that they're a beneficiary. They have an interest for instance, in the homes. And I'm going to assume for the purposes of this, this call, this, podcast. there's not a lot of cash assets. And if there are a lot of cash assets, clearly a half million dollars and in our case, half a million would qualify as a lot of assets for, for our folks. and that's a, that's an easy decision. As long as we know that our customer is truly a beneficiary where it gets murky is the house. So we're making sure that there's, what is there that reverse. We can not see inside the house when we're doing appraisals. So your group, if y'all are represent already have the listing where you're working on getting the listing, you can walk through the house and determine whether, uh, there are issues that make the value of that house significantly lower than the comps in that. that's important and that's an important, and really the amount of money that we're willing to advance. if we, we know a house has been selling for $750,000, and that's what the comps. know, we also know that if that house is stripped and needs, not $25,000 of work, but a couple of hundred thousand dollars of work, then, that's a different animal altogether. So the value of the house condition of the house, we can jump all over that. Okay. I'll give you an opportunity. Is there anything that I didn't ask that you wish I would have or anything else that you think is important for everyone to understand? I've got, I think, and I know that your listeners are pretty sophisticated folks at one line. I may have already touched upon it, that it not only are we here for our customers, for the beneficiaries, but we also are here for the profession. And how can we help you guys? Meaning, meaning realtor. Well, or other professionals get business for you guys. How do you have other tools that you can sell yourself? There's a lot of, you're probably familiar with pre-settlement funding, which we'll do some of that to where. There's advanced as against somebody is a personal injury case. typical plaintiff is going to go to a lawyer, whether they're suing the, the bus driver who hit him and they say, well, I need money now. I gotta pay my rent. Now I gotta pay my bills now. Well, it's not ethical for their lawyer to give them money, but if their lawyer can say, well, call these guys and you'll get 10 grand tomorrow, but that's going to certainly increase the likelihood that they're going to sign that. And likewise for realtors, then it's going to increase the likelihood that you get that. It's more tools and we even advanced law firms money to, in that situation, you know, in situations like that. So it's not just beneficiaries, so we're, yeah. You touched on creative financing and that's what we've done. And, probably the next, our next business, we probably haven't even thought of, oftentimes we find our next business from folks who say, I have a problem now, how do we do this? Uh, problems, usually not isolated to that. Maybe it's probably in the metaverse like when we all are avatars and we don't need physical bodies, maybe you can start loaning on, uh, uh, virtual estates, no risk, no risk. Apparently those are going in for a fortune right now. I'm reading in Manhattan, virtual Manhattan, virtual New York. I own, I own a piece of land in the metaverse beside a Snoop Dogg's. Ah, what'd you give me an advance on it. I'll give you the first position. So noisy there. You're ready guys. We're virtual noise is killing me. All right, guys. Thank you so much for tolerating, all my questions. Uh, how can everybody get ahold of you? You want to, uh, we'll um, we'll drop links guys in, in the show notes here, but what's the, what's the best way for them to begin the process? Where would they point their referrals to. So first, we're are we're probate cash, all one word, pro B a T E C a S My email address is mark M a R and that's where you'll find us. My, uh, my number, which I'll, uh, I'll throw out here. My direct line is 3 1 0 7 3 4 9 4 3 7. That's my cell. my direct line, my office is 5 6 1 4 7 6 0 0 1 8. Uh, why do I give my cell number? We know the business today is 24 7 and when people need, need money, they need money. And that's, that's our business to respond and be there all the time. And you'll be talking directly to me, even though we have a, an office of about 40. All right. Well, gentlemen, thank you so much for your time and for being available for audience. I will say guys, these guys are in a state professional mastermind, our Facebook group that's open to the public. So if you have a need, you can also connect with them there. Sean, I know you're active in the group. We see commenting and, and participating. So, um, you can find them in our community, or you can find them, you know, you can go direct to the CEO of mark just gave you his contact info. So again, guys, thank you so much for your time and for being part of our community and, uh, have a great day. All right. Thanks, John. Thanks for perhaps.