The Intersection of Spirituality, Psychology and Theology

Willingness is Critical to Our 6th Step

July 28, 2021 The Family Afterward Resource Center

Rigorous honesty is essential in becoming entirely ready.

·         Codependency, addictions and trauma usually involve a denial of truth because of the tragic and painful circumstances associated with them.

·         In addition to that, many of us have been raised in shame-based families which deeply reinforces a denial of truth and distorts our perception.   

·         The denial and distortion of truth gives the adversary room to gain mental, emotional and spiritual strongholds in our lives.

·         These strongholds magnify and exacerbate our sinful character traits which results in relational discord.

·         It takes courage to be truthful about our sinful nature and admit our wrongs, but if we can, it sets the stage for true repentance to take place. 

·         True repentance kicks out the lies of the enemy and provides Christ the room to remove these sinful defects of character.  

·         We no longer need to cling to the lies of the enemy which propels us in the wrong direction.

·         In this step we embrace the truth and reject these things that have held us back from loving God and one another.

·         God makes us aware that changes need to happen, but in order to change us He requires our utmost honesty and cooperation.

·         This step is a lifelong effort to place ourselves near the Savior so that He will change us into His likeness.

·         He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6), and it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose (Philippians 2:13).

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