The Cologne Podcast

#270 - From Barrel to Bottle: Straight to Heaven and Bourbon Tasting with Sean

April 29, 2024 Myke & Ryan Season 5 Episode 270
#270 - From Barrel to Bottle: Straight to Heaven and Bourbon Tasting with Sean
The Cologne Podcast
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The Cologne Podcast
#270 - From Barrel to Bottle: Straight to Heaven and Bourbon Tasting with Sean
Apr 29, 2024 Season 5 Episode 270
Myke & Ryan

Ever wondered how to distinguish your bourbon from your whiskey or what makes Straight to Heaven by Kilian a scent worth discussing? Prepare for an episode swimming in the deep waters of fine bourbon and luxury scents, with our guest Sean, who's not only our whiskey whisperer but also our guide to olfactory excellence. We kick things off with a few laughs over a pool game before Sean schools us on the vital stats that define a true bourbon. Then, noses primed, we take on the divine promises of Straight to Heaven by Kilian and embark on a sensorial journey that blurs the lines between the warmth of a whiskey barrel and the allure of a well-crafted perfume.

Myke, Ryan, and Sean gather 'round for an episode that's as rich and complex as the notes of a vintage whiskey. We raise our glasses to the nuances of bourbon tasting, sharing how we learned to identify the subtle flavors of caramel and vanilla that dance across the palate. But we're not just here for the spirits—our fragrance exploration ventures into the woodsy depths of Straight to Heaven, comparing its performance on skin versus paper, and contemplating if a spritz truly can take us to celestial heights. Tune in for a hearty blend of humor and insight as we sniff out the differences between mahogany and sandalwood, all while dissecting the robust characteristics of our favorite scents.

As the glasses clink and the last spritzes settle, we find a moment to appreciate the dedication that goes into crafting both a fine bourbon and a standout podcast. With Sean's promise to return for more aromatic adventures, we share a toast to the community we've built through shared passions and a few good-hearted jokes. So whether you fancy yourself a connoisseur or you're just curious about the symphony of scents and spirits, join us for an unforgettable gathering where every moment is worth savoring. Cheers to the journey and, as always, let's 'Spray it up' in true fragrant camaraderie.

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Ever wondered how to distinguish your bourbon from your whiskey or what makes Straight to Heaven by Kilian a scent worth discussing? Prepare for an episode swimming in the deep waters of fine bourbon and luxury scents, with our guest Sean, who's not only our whiskey whisperer but also our guide to olfactory excellence. We kick things off with a few laughs over a pool game before Sean schools us on the vital stats that define a true bourbon. Then, noses primed, we take on the divine promises of Straight to Heaven by Kilian and embark on a sensorial journey that blurs the lines between the warmth of a whiskey barrel and the allure of a well-crafted perfume.

Myke, Ryan, and Sean gather 'round for an episode that's as rich and complex as the notes of a vintage whiskey. We raise our glasses to the nuances of bourbon tasting, sharing how we learned to identify the subtle flavors of caramel and vanilla that dance across the palate. But we're not just here for the spirits—our fragrance exploration ventures into the woodsy depths of Straight to Heaven, comparing its performance on skin versus paper, and contemplating if a spritz truly can take us to celestial heights. Tune in for a hearty blend of humor and insight as we sniff out the differences between mahogany and sandalwood, all while dissecting the robust characteristics of our favorite scents.

As the glasses clink and the last spritzes settle, we find a moment to appreciate the dedication that goes into crafting both a fine bourbon and a standout podcast. With Sean's promise to return for more aromatic adventures, we share a toast to the community we've built through shared passions and a few good-hearted jokes. So whether you fancy yourself a connoisseur or you're just curious about the symphony of scents and spirits, join us for an unforgettable gathering where every moment is worth savoring. Cheers to the journey and, as always, let's 'Spray it up' in true fragrant camaraderie.

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what's up everybody?


welcome to the cologne podcast. I'm mike and I'm ryan and we're two best friends. We're going on a fragrance journey smelling fragrances but also trying bourbons with our friend sean. Welcome to the show I appreciate it, man.


I'm so happy to be here. Ryan, it's nice to meet you today nice to meet you as well, sean.


Uh kicked my ass and pull today. That's right we both did. Yeah, do y'all feel about that?


I feel like kicked your asses that's a bold way to put it because, let's be honest, mike got brought back into the game multiple times Okay, okay. And same with me, I think once, I think.


Well, me and Sean's winnings aside, we've brought him in here to smell straight to heaven by killian and he's brought us a little fancy treat. I've never had bourbon before no, that's a lie. I have had bourbon before, non-memorable experience.


This will be a special occasion I don't think I've ever had bourbon. I don't know what does uh. What should we call it count? Does uh crown? No, that doesn't count, does it so?


crown royal is a is a canadian blend whiskey. So like, okay, quick question, I don't know, and maybe y'all don't know, and that's cool if you don't, but, um, do you know, like, the difference between whiskey and bourbon?


I had. I don't have a clue, I totally do, I'm such an expert. But for the listeners who don't know, right, mike, mike, I forget.


You know a lot about a lot of things, but yeah, so quick little tidbit All bourbon is whiskey but not all whiskey is bourbon. So bourbon is a type of whiskey that is at least 51% corn as the primary grain. So it can't be bourbon if it's got less than 51% corn. But at that point you've got so many different types of bourbon. Like you end up getting like heavy rye bourbons and you get like heavy barley bourbons, stuff like that. You end up getting into like the weeds with that shit, but ultimately you know 51% corn. Like it's going to be a bit of a sweeter whiskey than some. Have you ever had a rye by chance?


No, I definitely haven't rye by chance?


no, I definitely haven't. I've only done scotch, except for literally last weekend. I shot a wedding with a friend and I was taking the portraits of the groomsmen and they're all doctors. So they pull out some beautiful bottle and they say, hey, you want to do a shot of bourbon with this? And I was like, yeah, drink on the job, that's totally me. So. So I had it, it was very nice, but I think that really kind of popped the seal for me. That might have been the first bourbon experience that I've had. This will be my first year. Maybe it was more memorable than I thought. But before we get into the bourbon, let's do our usual show semantic moves and go straight to Fragrantica for a review by Crabsuit Londo.


That's the best name we've had in a while Crabsuit.


Who says this about Straight to Heaven? Once it hits your skin, it immediately evaporates off of it and dies. Similar to the name, it goes straight to heaven. Wow, very disappointing. Hmm, sounds like we're in for a treat, yeah.


All right. Before we get started, though, we're doing shots, right, that's right. Well, you don't shoot this you sip it or what?


Ideally, yeah, so we can do both, to be honest, with you, I'll sip. We'll let you sip, and once we, uh, get some of the tasting notes, I'm curious to know, like, if you guys are gonna be able to pick up any of the notes in this thing. Um, I'm just you know, so, whenever you taste bourbon or whiskey of any kind, you got to think about like okay, how is it hitting my nose, how is it hitting my tongue, like right off the bat, and then like what's the aftertaste gonna be like?


so is there like a method to how I'm supposed to drink this Like? Should I be like inhaling and drinking at the same time?


or something. That's actually a really good way to engage more of your senses with it. Yeah, so I think whenever I first started, I'll be honest, I was being a little bitch about it. I was like, man, I can smell it. And then I'm like, oh, that smells fucking strong and then I would like take a sip of it. But I realized I was like, oh man, I'm holding my breath whenever I'm drinking this and so then I told my friend he's like dude.


You gotta stop being a little bitch about it, man he's gonna start he's go full throttle.


And so then I started doing that. But uh, you know, sipping bourbon is one of those things man like. Whenever I did it my first time, I think it took me maybe like three sips and like four good smells before I suddenly like all I could taste was like caramel and vanilla and I was like wow. I left the room and I came back five minutes later. I was like still in disbelief. I was like there's no fucking way, like because like I was like I was like that first drink is going to be as strong as you think it will be like I mean, you're drinking straight. This is actually something that's like.


I think it's like 116 proof, so it's still yay, we don't have far to drive people, don't worry.


I'm like literally a block from this location. Yeah.


But just as a gift I did decide, because I gave it some thought. This week I texted Mike earlier, you know, or maybe a couple of days ago. I was like, yeah, you know, I'm going to pick up a bottle tomorrow. I kind of had to toss up between a few different bottles and I ended up sticking with Wild Turkey Rare Breed, which is a Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey. It's barrel-proof, which means there is no water added to it to distill it down. It's solid Right out of the barrel. This is it. They don't add anything else to it to sort of make it weaker. And this is 116.8 proof. So that is a hot 58.4 alcohol damn dang okay.


So, and also just for the listeners, what type of price tag are we looking at? Give us a range yeah.


So like I think, uh, you know your standard bottle of uh the rare breed is going to be like 50 bucks. Okay, give or take. Yeah, kind of just depends on where you're at, what the market looking like, how much money they're looking to make off of people, I guess.


Goddamn, that was that poor. Wherever they used the Jim Leahy meme, he's like falling out of the goddamn trailer.


Feel free to not drink all of it. Whatever you don't drink, I'll probably finish up for you.


Here tap me just a little bit more, absolutely dude. All right, cheers fellas.


Okay, so real quick. If you would swirl your glass, maybe 10 seconds.


Does that actually do?


something, yeah, so what you're doing is you're well, if you think about it, it's been locked up, sealed up in this bottle straight out of the barrel.




Yeah, airtight right, which I think is actually slang for something else, but I heard about that on YMH recently your mom's house podcast.


I think I know where we're going with this.


You think so?


Yeah, it's what I am right around tax season.


It's because you owe the IRS to get you money.


Yeah, because this podcast is raking in in thanks to all the patreons out there for, uh, buying us these ferraris outside yeah.


So basically, whenever you're swirling around like that, y'all are probably good. I need to swirl mine a little bit more, but, um, you're letting the oxygen kind of start to open this up a little bit more, um, and then to open it up even further. People would put like a couple drops of like distilled water, shit like that, in there, but uh, so should I smell it first?


should I just smell it while drinking, or?


I would. I would for sure smell it, that first sip kind of, you know, spread it around your tongue a little bit spread around your lips, you know kind of let it let the initial burn out of the way, right, yeah, and get acquainted with it and then go for it, go for a sip.


Okay, salud, salud, that word.


Starting off strong.


Starting off strong. Ryan is swishing it in his mouth right now.


That can't be what you're supposed to do. I mean, that's one way, you know.


Look, there's no wrong way to do this.


Mike was a bitch.


Well, I'm not using a straw like you are. Okay, okay, brian's got a bendy straw.


I'm curious Like first impression, Do you think it just tastes like ass? What do you think I mean? What's going on?


It doesn't taste like ass. It tastes like, I mean, I've had crown, it I mean, what's going on? It doesn't taste like ass, it tastes like, I mean, I've had Crown. It tastes way stronger than that. It is way stronger and definitely was not expecting it to burn that much.




But it wasn't necessarily a bad taste. And I mean, did you start tasting more as you got more liquored up? Is that what's happening?


That's one way to say it. Yeah, basically, here's the thing too With these barrel proofs, you know, bourbons, you're going to be looking at a high proof and so, like that's a significant bit of alcohol, like in a pour, so I mean it's going to burn that first, you know.


That next sip is softer.


Yeah, it's not as strong.


Right, yeah, it's kind of primed, then you can, you know, taste the.


And Mike's first reaction to drinking bourbon the way you coughed is the exact way that I would have expected, like if I had a time travel machine and I went back to, like the caveman times and I gave you know I opened up. Or let's say, I went to mcdonald's and got a sprite. For some reason, that shit's overpowered. You know what I mean like, yeah, then he's gonna be coughing on the ground for a while.


So you reacted about the way I expected let me ask you this, because I was actually really quickly about to go. You know what I want to take a drink of this water. Would that actually affect this? Like would it cleanse my palate and I'm like starting over again I mean, you know, that's actually a question I never thought about.


Maybe it wouldn't be like starting over now. It would not be starting over weird, you know I'm.


It's making sense now, while those westerns are, like you know, and pouring it, yeah you know, on their fucking wounds and shit, because this is definitely a burn. I was not expecting the first sip how was the second sip? Was not as bad. No at all. In fact, I don't think there was really any burn at all. It was that first one, yeah.


Yeah, I tried to mention it. There's really you can only say so much about it, but that first drink is going to be.


Yeah, it's smoother. The next couple of drinks I'm three in. I'm struggling to figure out what I'm tasting. Yeah, other than just strong alcohol.




But the burn isn't that first. That first sip is like boom in your mouth, yeah, and this has like that on towards the back of your mouth and then there is flavor, but I don't know how to describe it yet.


Yeah, and I think I think for me personally a lot of the flavored notes like that I might be able to pick up on. Usually I taste it in that aftertaste right, like it's like those lingering notes like in my mouth for some reason at the tail end you may or may not be able to pick up in. This is some spice. Yeah, I got the spice Sort of a smoky oak and you guys are definitely going to know I'm not a drinker.


Right, this has gotten easier, but it's still. I'm with Mike. It's a lot of hard stuff, it is.


There's like a sweetness that I can't put my thumb on, Like on the. You know, I'm like six sips now and there's a sweetness to it I can't describe, but it has a sweet taste in my mouth.


Am I imagining this? Or have I heard somebody say in the past before that drinking stuff like this after a meal is good for the gut, or something? Did I hear that?


I don't know about bourbon but I mean, like maybe Wine is supposed to be good for I don't know about bourbon, but I mean like maybe Wine is supposed to be good for I don't know if it thins your blood out and so that helps with people who have heart problems and stuff like that. I don't know that this does, but it sure makes me feel like a man. You look like a man.


Yeah, baby, you sound like a man. God damn man. Like every movie I've ever watched and they're like all cool and calm and classy with this shit. Man, do I sound like a man now?


You sound like a manly man. I will give you this credit, ryan. I think for y'all to sort of have no experience with bourbon, to start off with barrel proof is real fucking bold, is that good? I don't know that it was good on my part. It's great for y'all actually, because if you, if you, end up like getting used to that, that's actually a really good one to start out with.


Okay, but I feel like sean's about to be like uh, denzel, washington training day. We're gonna be like hallucinating, be like I don't know. You guys like to get wet.


Yeah, pcp yeah, I mean. My question is because when I would drink scotch, I would drink it on the rocks, yeah. Do you typically drink that? This is like room temperature. Is this how you're typically drinking?


it. This is typically how I'm. I take my meat now. You know you can't put it on the rocks. You could add a little bit of distilled water to it in both cases. You know it's can put it on the rocks. You could add a little bit of distilled water to it. In both cases. You know it's going to be changing the flavor profile. You're going to be picking up different things. So there is value to switching it up, especially like as you're tasting in some different ways, because you'll pick up on some different things you probably get a fuller flavor with a warmer beverage.


Yeah, yeah, you're going to be tasting more of what it was intended to be like.


Let's let this ruminate a little bit and I think we get into our scent of the day. Straight to Heaven by Killian.


Guys, I'm a big dude but I do not drink. I'm just going to go ahead and apologize for acting a fool that I know is about to come up. I already feel my filters, leaving me right now.


So we picked this because when I asked you what fragrances you're kind of into, I was like I want to be able to wow him, yeah, and you said you like woodsy.


You're about to give me the wood brother? Yeah, that's what I'm picking up, that's what I like to do.


So this to us reminds us of this like whiskey barrel, woodsy sort of a fragrance. I'm here for it and I think I'm gonna let you do the honors. Here's what you do, okay, all right, a couple spritzes on the hand and then a couple spritzes on the card, okay now let me ask a question what am I?


am I gonna be picking up different? Am I? Is it gonna be smelling different, based like on my hand as opposed to on the card? Yes, okay, it should be. Give me the quick rundown on why that would be different.


The thing that I would say is that you're going to get more off the card initially, yeah, but as the fragrance warms up on your skin, you'll get a different experience, okay.


Because I came in here not having showered this week, so like, that's fine, I'm gonna, it's just gonna smell like shit.


Let's see what that body does. Go ahead, all right, I'm kidding.


By the way, I do show just so y'all know, no, he's not kidding, he's like the best dress guy here right now I know I was like man.


I need a shirt like that and I also need to. I'm too stingy with my buttons. You're just letting it fly, man.


I've got some chest hair Sean.


God damn, this thing smells so good. What was that dumbass's name that we read just a minute ago? Michael Crabtree.


Crab Jacket yeah.


I think you might have messed up. Was it like Crabsuit Lando?


Crabsuit. I think you might have messed up. Was it like crab suit? Uh, lando, okay, crab suit. That's what it was. What I say, crab jacket.


Yeah, I don't know what. Does this not smell like?


a whiskey barrel, dude, that smells phenomenal. It is incredible, it's one of my favorite smells if, if his, or was that a he or her? I have no idea the person that made this no, oh, crab suit.


Oh, we don't know. I'm gonna assume it's a guy.


Yeah um, if your one complaint was that like this scent, like leaves too soon, like it doesn't stick around I haven't been able to pick that up yet, but I mean like the scent to me right now is phenomenal it is gorgeous.


So kind of tell us what you're smelling, what can you pick up out of it, and you don't have to try to explain it in any way, just layman's terms oh man, um, I almost want to say that I'm actually smelling some of the same.


Like I want to say spice, but not that harsh, maybe something like sweeter, but almost it kind of reminds me of like a whiskey barrel. And I also want to say like and maybe this is why I'm thinking whiskey barrel because, like, I'm picking up like some notes of like wood, and maybe this is why I'm thinking whiskey barrel, because, like, I'm picking up like some notes of like wood and I'm not sure like exactly what type yeah.


I mean like to me, like as a novice, you know, I pick up candles that smell like you know mahogany or teak wood, right or sandalwood.


And I'm like, if you ask me, like if you put all three of those scents in front of me right now, I could not tell you which one was, which I mean, I feel like I'm picking up like woody. Yeah, you know, I think you're on the right path. And for me, like so I used to uh working outside lawn and garden a long time ago at some random dumbass company and, uh, they used to, we used to have to set out, uh, the whiskey barrels. They like you know they were cutting half they would use for, like, potting plants and stuff like that. Oh yeah, yeah, but they would literally smell just kind of like I used to love handling those things because it smelled so delicious to me. So, literally, that's all I smell, is like whiskey barrel pretty much, and it just smells incredible.


It's called lawn decor, by the way. Ryan, Whatever they want to call it, you work there not me. But I also get an earthiness to this as well, Like when I smell it. I smell like a I won't say dirt, but there is this dry earth smell that is really pleasant. God, it's so good, but it is just that and like some sort of woodsy, just woodsy wood.


Woodsy wood. Yeah, I'm sitting in the wood house right now.


So Almost like you're sitting in like a cedar sauna, like one of those dry cedar saunas.


So this is Straight to Heaven by Killian White Cristal.


You ready for this Last name, hennessy, killian Hennessy, you're full of shit, nope, nope, swear to you.


Same family, same family, the Hennessy family. So a lot of their fragrances. There's another one called Angel Share, which is, like, I think, what they call. When they are pouring out of the barrels, the mist that kind of kicks up and rises into the ceiling. They call that the Angel Share and that's what that fragrance is based on. So a lot of these especially I think he calls this the vices or the liqueurs or something, but either way, some of them actually. Actually, the bottle is like a whiskey glass type glass. Yeah, it's sharp, uh, and it's exciting.


Yeah, it's about his family trade. Yeah, mike, real quick. I hate to bust your bubble. You like to correct ryan earlier on lawn decor? I was just going to take the moment to tell you it's actually not angel share, it's angel hair and what you're talking about is pasta. Oh, mike actually has no idea what he's talking about. Look he is. He's absolutely bluffing it.


I'll tell you guys right now I picked up this drink really quick, are you mad? About that I'm also picking up this middle finger and passing around. I know what the hell angel hair is. I eat it all the goddamn time. No, that explains it so much.


I like Sean already.


It's smoother the more you drink. It really is. Do you have any more notes? Have I been drinking more than you guys?


Maybe you're just taking bigger sips, I'm just going to tell you Like a glutton, yeah, and I'm going to tell you guys, we've had to kill the AC in here to record this and I'm like really not liking that right now?


Yeah, because we're in the pool hall. Yeah, we just had pizza Play pool, now we're doing a podcast.


All that sounds like this place fucking reeks.


But it smells great.


Smells like bourbon and straight to heaven. There's a lot of water on the floor. I'm not sure that it's coming from the AC. By the way, this is not our pool hall. We're at some other places pool hall, but they have not fixed this AC in two months and every time you turn on, water just spilling everywhere. It's frustrating, very frustrating.


Okay, man, I'm impressed with this scent, though I'll be honest with you. Well, hit him with the price and trend. What's he looking to pay?


if he wants to get a bottle of this 295 dollars, jesus, all right, you know what you think it's worth that if you smell it I mean, dude, it does smell phenomenal have you ever smelled anybody that smelled like that?


I'm not entirely, ever I'm well. I can't put it past. Mike, I'm not gonna lie. I think there was one day we had lunch and you smelled really nice and I thought I could just it was probably.


I could just eat him up right then and there, but I mean, it was actually a Ventus, was it? Yeah, oh God, yeah, he would love.


Oh, you remember what you were wearing that day.


Oh, I knew exactly what I was going to wear, to hope that you would eat me up. We were meeting for lunch, but I was like uh, hit you with this. I really enjoy this one $2.95 fora.


Now here's the deal too For this bottle right here, 50 ml. That's a pretty small bottle. Yes, for $2.95, but and for the novice Sean, hell no.


Right Now we're getting ahead of the skip it, sample it, buy it, but go ahead, go ahead.


Oh no, I was just. I was just saying I mean like, look, that scent is really great it is so good, well, good to note.


You can actually get these on discounters for far less than that.


But that's re, that's retail price how much did we pay for those? So we found at one time I think they're sold out now, but fragrance net had these in 100 ml refillables because you can refill this yeah.


So this bottle? I actually bought this as an empty bottle on eBay, which you can get, and then you can get what we got, which is the refill bottles. They're 100 ml. How much did we pay for one of those? I think 120 bucks, yeah. So we took For 100 ml, so double this amount. And we bought fucking three of them, yeah, because we loved it so much.


I mean you're talking like twice the amount that's in that bottle, yeah, and you're paying like almost a third of the price.


Yeah, for sure, and we bought three of them.


Yeah, he was like look what I found, I got it, we can split it. And I said oh no, I'm going to get me one of my own. Then I ordered one, and then we were like there's only one left. We're like let's order that one too. That's not?


Yeah, that's a great deal, though this is one of my favorite scents of all time. Yeah.


Quick question when you bought the bottle on eBay, how much were you paying for the bottle? 50 bucks Okay so they kind of had an idea, maybe that, like what you, they had an idea of what you were going to do.


Yes, 100% yeah. So somebody used it up and look, there are people that sell empty bottles that you can't refill.


Sorry, I took a sip of this.


I'm sorry it's still choking you up. You know what's funny.


Yeah, it's like really burning on my airways over here. I don't know Really. Did you breathe it in? I didn't try to. Maybe I'm an idiot. Sorry, I didn't mean to cough over your huge segment, okay.


My God damn. But yeah, so for 50 bucks, because I mean you could go buy a 50 mil decant to put it in for 17,. 18 bucks I'm like, eh, 30 bucks more I get the actual presentation. So I went ahead and pulled the trigger on that.


Not a bad investment. Tobacco. That's what I'm. I think that's what I'm part of what I'm picking up Like a sweeter, sweeter southern tobacco.


Okay, you know what and I really don't know, but I do have it here. Let's do see what notes they got. I don't think that's here and I'm way off. So the top notes to this are rum and dried fruit. So the top notes is what you would kind of smell in the initial burst. Then, as it kind of dries down, you have a patchouli which is kind of a dirt smell, yeah, yeah, and then nutmeg, which I love, that, and jasmine that's some spices that you're talking about and the dried fruit. Then the bottom food, bottom food. The base notes of this are Virginia, cedar, musk, amber and vanilla.


Virginia cedar musk, amber and vanilla. Okay, I'm definitely picking up the musk. I mean, I can tell that pretty easily. The vanilla Maybe.


I can get the vanilla on the skin it's done right, though.


This is one of those fragrances and look, we're uneducated in many avenues. But there is something about when you smell a fragrance like this and nothing is poking out too sharp. It just smells like the it's its own identity. Oh, you know, like it isn't one thing too loud here, it's just beautifully balanced. That's what I love about it.


Yeah, and as you listed those off, I thought to myself I was like I don't know that I could necessarily pick any of those specific things out without it being beautifully enmeshed with everything else 100%.


Yeah, funny, the guy that's never done a fragrance podcast has figured that out really early on, isn't that weird? It's not a jab at you, by the way.


But, to be honest, as you mentioned that and, mike, as you mentioned, there's not anything that's just screaming at you necessarily. That's what I thought about with some of these bourbons. Yeah, there are some bourbons that Woodford Reserve. It's a great bourbon, too sweet for me. I think I can taste way too much dried fruit and I realized, like I think I've enjoyed this rare breed the most because I don't think there's a single. Yes, it's spicy and warm and you know, whatever a little, a little punchier than most bourbons would be, but like I don't think there's a single like tasting note in that bourbon that I can just pick out and be like this is way too strong.


I think the sweetness of the bourbon that I was talking about does kind of remind me of a fruity type texture, like a dried fruit type texture, when I taste it. So maybe I'm kind of understanding that a little bit. I don't know, I wouldn't be like they probably use dried peaches.


I don't know specifically but I am getting that sort of fruitiness out of it now that I haven't had any water and I've had a few sips now to where the burn is not so much there anymore, and I'm kind of getting more of the settled down like taste and texture of it Does the bourbon for you, sean, since you're more versed in this than us.


Does it ever get to where you're like? I don't feel the burn at all, I'm just sipping something delicious right now.


Oh, I mean, yeah, I don't feel any burn right now. I don't think I felt any burn after that, maybe that second sip, but then again it had been like a few months since I really spent some time with like bourbon.


Man, I feel like your palate's like really adjusted, because I'm still feeling it's not. Obviously it's not the first burn, but every one of them have been. Like that's kind of taking my breath away a little bit yeah, for sure.


Yeah, that's gonna be us for a while okay, oh yeah.


By the way, I know I didn't give you guys a trend of this just about to ask. The trend on this is fucking gnarly. It's just keeps going up it was low at the start and has grown.


It has never went down since it started low. It's just gradually grown and I think maybe if more people like experience it, they'll understand. And I will say for the record, because I fell in love with it first time because you used to have it early on before I ever bought it, yeah, but mike would walk in and like it would be like a 10 foot radius that smelled like kind of like he came in drunk or something but it smelled incredible.


You know, yeah, well, I used to have a connection at neiman's. He's since left the company, unfortunately, but when I would go in he would give me five or ten mil decants of I could pick one fragrance, damn, and he would fill that up. So I would. I was looking for a kilium fragrance and I sprayed this one and a few other ones and this one.


When you smell something that's stronger, it blunts your senses to where you don't really pick this up a lot. So throughout the day I forgot which where I sprayed what. Oh yeah, but I kept going. God, there's one that it just keeps. It keeps blowing my mind like I keep going back to it. I can't stop smelling it. Yeah, and I thought it was another one for the longest time, and old crab suit is wrong in this, and that this actually sticks around a lot longer than you think, for sure, and the longer it's on you, the more I love it. And I just kept coming back to it and coming back to it. So as soon as you showed me that I was like we're on this, I've got to get that bottle.


God it's incredible. Okay, Got to get that bottle. God it's incredible. Okay, we're going to let you answer this first here, sean, all right, you smelled this now. Well, you've gotten us liquored up a little bit here, but you smelled this. Now You've taken it in. Yeah, after smelling it and breaking it down, what kind of person do you feel like can pull this fragrance off? If you could describe that person to the listeners, if it hits you, let us know how they look, what's their job like? What's their personality like? Are they cute? I don't know.


All right. So yes, they're cute. But in a real you look like you just came out of the forest and you were chopping down trees all day. Yes, sir, that guy on TikTok. Oh yeah, the lumberjack. Yeah, yeah, all day. Yes, sir, that guy on TikTok oh yeah, the lumberjack, yeah yeah. Well, you know who I'm talking about.


I know exactly who you're talking about he hits everyone's loins frothy and then you realize you're like man.


I could never do what you do, just like that, right yeah.


He pops those suspenders off and I'm like, oh God, I've dimmed the lights. I'm looking for my tissues.


The tissues, the bottle of jergens is just waiting for you by the bed. 100, yeah, no, uh, definitely, definitely like a I want to say a rugged smell to it. Um, you know, I think uh that man in my mind, he's showing chest hair.


Hell, yeah, you know he's.


Uh, he's wearing the the flannel, or the, you know, the jean jacket yes, sir yeah he's been working hard.


He's got some calluses on his hands but they're sharp, they smell this good, you're just like, damn man, it just it fits all that. For me is it very, somehow. It's kind of it's so soft and sweet, but it's actually kind of masculine because of that whiskey barrel kind of pull to it. Yeah, that's why I'm like man. This is a badass manly ass, for I mean, a woman could wear this. By the way, oh yeah god.


I bet it would be very attractive. For sure the probably the tissues and the jergens coming back out, you know um, here's a question. Yeah, when do you wear it? Is this every day? Is this a special occasion? Forget the price, just the profile of the fragrance. When are you wearing this fragrance?


I'm wearing this fragrance anytime that I want to look good and I want to be mysterious, I think yes, sir I want an air of mystery and I think that, uh, for some reason you're right, ryan, I think you get both. I think you get because of that musk, you get some of the manliness and I think you know, and on top of that, like some of the same elements you might find in like a bourbon, and I love that.


You said like it almost smells like a whiskey barrel to you because that's, exactly right I think too, like because of the dried fruit and the vanilla there's, there is some of that sweetness present, yeah, and so it's almost like it's like mike when I, when I look at mike, like I see that beard and I'm like that's a rugged man, and I look at his tattoos and I'm like jesus but then he starts talking.


He's super soft and sweet yeah I'm like hey guys yeah, he's a fucking nerd right, but it's something really nice about that because it's like you look like a badass and then you start talking and you're like now, you're like hooking, hook line and sinker. Now I'm a sweet ass. Bring that sweet ass over here.


That's what this scent makes me think 100%. I'm with you on that.


That's fantastic.


Okay, Sean. Are you going to skip it, sample it or buy it? What are you going to do, Sean?


I'll sample it until I can find the 100 milliliter.


Yes, good call, let me get that refill. I don't need the bottle.


Yeah, look, I'll just keep it If I have to, I'll just keep it in an old water bottle.


Just splash it on.


Now some of you purists might hate how I would defile this fragrance. But at this point I'm so enamored with it it's almost like anything that I could do to keep it around.


Oh, man, this for me is a certifiable lock of the century. Buy for me. Yeah, this is just knowing the price that I can get it for Now. Would I buy 50 ml for $295 hundo? No way, sorry, mr Hennessynessy.


No, I can't maybe with tax return money. Yeah, man, yeah at that point.


Yeah, you're still spending too much. Oh yeah, I mean the bottle's cool, but if I couldn't have found an empty one I would have been just as happy to keep it. We put it in 10 mil decants for a long time to spray. So I've same thing for me. Man, if I can get that refill, I'm gonna buy that. I will always have this on hand if I can help it now, here's the deal.


Here's the deal. Let's say, buy with an asterisk right. So it seems like that's kind of what we're getting anyway. But if my great aunt suzy died and I had no idea who she was and she left me like Sean, here's $300. You remember Great Aunt Susie, right? She loved you, yeah. I'm like great, hell yeah, I remember her, you know, let me go buy this $295 bottle of cologne, Right yeah. I would do that.




With the understanding that I'm definitely going to be making use of those 100 mil refills.


Right, right, because that makes it all pay off for me. Yeah, when the time comes. Yes, sir, for sure I feel it too. Man, it is a great fragrance On the skin, lasts a lot longer than you'd expect, and it is it's louder than you think too, it's true. Yeah, because I think you've worn it. You've also let another family member spray it on. He got home to his wife and his wife was still like blown away by it, and he had been wearing it for a while. So it doesn't just disappear. But if you're, you know, a fragrance enthusiast, like we are, sometimes we sniff it so much that we become nose blind to it.


Oh, for sure, For sure.


So you kind of got to. You know how the dogs do, they like almost. You know how the dogs do, they almost do that little sneeze to reset their nose so they can keep sniffing stuff. You kind of got to do that.


That's what I like to think. That's how I think of my boot and rally Whenever I drink too much bourbon. I just got to go throw up and then come back, oh there you go, it's like brand new See, hey, we're learning things.


I promise you I'm not an alcoholic. What's that 1-800 number? He lied we had to will barely been here.


Wow, okay, you know what? I think this has been a good run. I'm sean. I really do appreciate you letting us taste this bourbon. I feel really loosey goosey. Uh, can't wait to drive home, but uh, no, uh, it's really. It's actually. It's getting a lot better. I'm taking smaller sips, by the way. That's solving the burning and not breathing at the same time over here.


Okay, Well, I've been doing that Just the tiniest little sips to really mostly just like cover my tongue. Much better, you just swallow first.


You've just been chugging it over here. Oh, that was right over there. Now I appreciate you guys having me on the pod. I, I, uh, I've got a respect for what y'all are doing. I'm I love that y'all sort of took a deep dive into a passion or something that developed into a, you know, even more of a passion. So, like you know, I'm here for it and that's why I kind of wanted to bring the bourbon, because I thought to myself I was like these guys have like made a fun time and like a growing podcast and business like that, as I thought about like my own pursuit and hobby with bourbon, I've thought I was like I can really respect that, you know. So like I'm glad I got to share this with y'all, glad y'all got to share it with me man, it's been a pleasure.


Yeah, will you promise to be back on, absolutely on the spot absolutely anytime that you want me to come and pocket some pool balls and like beat the shit out of ryan please yes, he needs that. I can't promise ryan, I can't promise I'm not gonna be scratching a lot and bringing my I got my fair share of wins tonight as well.


I'm fine with that, all right. This, all in all, has been a great night and, uh, I've enjoyed all the festivities and I think we should do it again soon, james.


Yes, sir, and until next time, everybody Spray it up, y'all.

Fragrance Journey and Bourbon Tasting
Whiskey Barrel Woody Fragrance Exploration
Fragrance Talk in Pool Hall
Fragrance Enthusiasts Discuss Aventus Cologne
Bourbon-Inspired Fragrance Discussion
Bourbon and Podcast Appreciation