The Cologne Podcast

#272 - Portrait of a Lady: A Classic Tale of... A Lady

May 13, 2024 Myke & Ryan Season 5 Episode 272
#272 - Portrait of a Lady: A Classic Tale of... A Lady
The Cologne Podcast
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The Cologne Podcast
#272 - Portrait of a Lady: A Classic Tale of... A Lady
May 13, 2024 Season 5 Episode 272
Myke & Ryan

From the spicy sophistication of Portrait of a Lady to the unexpected amusement over Creed's pint-sized perfumes, we're toasting to the olfactory adventures and the cherished patrons who've made this journey an unforgettable ride. We even take a cheeky little detour to revisit Drakkar Noir, a classic that’s as controversial as it is iconic, proving that some scents never truly fade. 

Our episode is a mishmash of memory lane and the scent-sational present. Together, we unwrap the layers of Portrait of a Lady like it's the first time, debating its gender-bending bouquet and whether it still captivates our seasoned nostrils. We can't help but draw parallels to other rose-infused contenders that have crossed our paths, sparring over each other's take on its timeless allure. And as we dissect the dynamics of musky fragrances, we confront our personal biases, asking whether a scent can be judged by its sillage or if the true essence lies in its quiet linger.

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From the spicy sophistication of Portrait of a Lady to the unexpected amusement over Creed's pint-sized perfumes, we're toasting to the olfactory adventures and the cherished patrons who've made this journey an unforgettable ride. We even take a cheeky little detour to revisit Drakkar Noir, a classic that’s as controversial as it is iconic, proving that some scents never truly fade. 

Our episode is a mishmash of memory lane and the scent-sational present. Together, we unwrap the layers of Portrait of a Lady like it's the first time, debating its gender-bending bouquet and whether it still captivates our seasoned nostrils. We can't help but draw parallels to other rose-infused contenders that have crossed our paths, sparring over each other's take on its timeless allure. And as we dissect the dynamics of musky fragrances, we confront our personal biases, asking whether a scent can be judged by its sillage or if the true essence lies in its quiet linger.

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hello everybody, welcome to the cologne podcast.


I'm mike and I'm ryan. We're two best friends. We're going on a fragrance journey, smelling fragrances and giving you uneducated opinions hell, yeah, check it out, guys.


This is a fragrance that we both have smelled many moons ago. Yeah, honestly the first year we did this which, by the way, we just missed our three-year celebration of this show a pity man three years we've been doing this show unpaid, unthanked.


Yeah, I'm kidding, we actually have amazing patreons that are behind us. You're gonna have to excuse me, I've got some weird throat thing going on, so it's just going to be what it's going to be. But back to the Patreons. We love you very much. This was actually sent to us by Patreon. We're so thankful we've got you guys just in our corner loving us when the thankless masses are out there just consuming our content with not so much as a high.


At the cologne podcast at gmailcom by the way, I think, uh, this was mike, a gentleman named mike who sent this with a bunch of other stuff. I think it's the same one that sent the. He is the same one that sent the. Uh, premiere matty a whatever the hell, matty, a premiere, uh.


But anyway, we've actually smelled this prior to that, though we smelled it that first year we actually started the show. It was like one day Mike went off on this huge spinning extravaganza and got a bunch of decants, yeah, and one of them happened to be Portrait of a Lady. And we did that thing early on, where we would just smell everything at once and kind of blur the lines of what we've been smelling right.


Yeah, I've stopped doing that, ryan. I will occasionally catch just sniffing.


Hand in the cookie jar. Yeah, getting a little whiff in here and there, but we smelled this in your truck and I remember both of us going. God, we were like oh my God, we were like really juiced about it but then nothing ever came and I think we were like we got to do an episode on that and we never.


You know us, we never did an episode on that and we never you know us, we never did an episode on it, yeah, and then today we first were going to do creeds for kids and then he was. We couldn't find any information. We're like this is a hard one to cover. We'll still do that episode because that is an insane money grab from creed. You think so? A 300 kids fragrance, alcohol free.


Yeah but we're sitting there, we're like, and then mike goes, what about a Lady? And I said who's that?


lady. Who's that lady? Well, that lady is not KSJ on Fragrantica. In fact it's a man baby who says this. Reminds me of a young girl in grade school who's rather intelligent, bigger than everyone else and is mean to everybody in class. She probably enjoys poetry, playing music and maybe has one friend. And this girl smells like body odor mixed with her eccentric mother's slash grandmother's rose perfume.


Yeah, I don't remember it smelling like that mike.


I don't either that's like makes me uncomfortable. If he's got a clear mental picture of a young lady in grade school, he's basically calling a bitch. Yeah, it's kind of weird, like she's a real asshole to everybody she's got really bad body odor and her mom's not very cool either. This is the weirdest fucking review dude.


What the fuck is that review? I was actually. I commented on a post in Ode Jerks Okay About. There was another fragrance reviewer on TikTok that was pissing and moaning about people listening to people on fragrantica and I just commented and said I like these off the wall wild, crazy ass reviews like. I never take any of them seriously, but I love when people get out there and have fun and take the piss out of a fragrance, especially if it's like one that everyone else is hyping up, absolutely, uh.


And speaking of that, let's go back to the other day where we smelled the evil shaving cream which was the description on for grantica.


Yeah, for dracar noir, the vintage bottle sent to us by jonathan hit the music todd yeah, one Night Stand. Review.


Well, mike, after laying in bed, after your evil ass shaved and Shaved my head, yeah, and you're just laying there soaking in this dracar noir and there's like a little bit of light just highlighting your eyes, mm-hmm, and that's it. You're a big mystery just laying there thinking about this, what, what do you think about?


it. Uh. Yeah, it's great. I mean, it did exactly what I thought it was going to do, which it took hours for it to dry down into what I expected. It was going to be just based on the card, something about those extremely strong fragrances that when you first spray them, they're just so crazy. Yeah, they just take time to really calm the hell down. Yeah, but man, when it when it does. Yeah, it's pretty damn legit and evil and creamy and shaveny Shaveny.


I loved it. Open to close. I love the obnoxious loudness like in your face, unapologetic, opening all the way to the dry down, which is seriously gorgeous shaving cream.


I swear I could smell some fennel in there, because after smelling one fragrance with fennel. I'm now an expert at picking up fennel. I could have sworn. I picked up and my just super intelligent nose thought there was fennel in there.


God, I'm smelling the tester strip right now and it smells amazing. If my whole wardrobe smelled like this, you'd smell like a million fucking bucks. Man, this screams. You got a fucking. You got a 1986 Rolex Datejust 16200 reference number. It's got the Jubilee band. It's all silver off white face. It's the same one Paul Newman wore and color money. Yeah, that's what this screams Like. You smell. You smell like money. You know what I'm saying. I do know what you're saying. Fast, eddie. You know what I'm saying. I do know what you're saying. Fast, steady.


You know what we got to give a mini one night stand review. That's an extension of a one night stand review we had a couple days ago, or actually, yeah, with dracar noir. Okay, lunarosa ocean la parfum. You need to make an amendment to your review. I do need to make a quick amendment. Look, it's still overpriced, it's still average for like 95% of its lifespan. But there is a moment the very far dry down. Yes, there is a moment so far down the road and it's kind of light and not that loud when it gets here too, but there is a part it smells like. I was saying the other day that zirjah fragrance was a hi-yat or whatever. It smelled incredible on the tester strip, but to get there you would have to go so far down this road. It's not worth it. But I do have to say there's something to that smell. At the very end, I feel like I owe that to everybody. Yeah, I think that's fair enough to say, but that's it. I'm not giving any other fuck that fragrance.


Does that change your mind at all about it?


no, it's still a skip for me just because it's you have to go so far down this road to get there and then it's very light, but it does smell fucking good but it was nice enough just to acknowledge that you didn't give it all the credit that you should have given it Exactly. As far as your car noir goes, if you got a vintage bottle, that's a.


You're a lucky, lucky man, Jonathan. Yeah, that is a good one.


Okay, there you go. Now let's get into our scent of the day, the one that's just had us horny for three years straight now. That's Portrait of a Lady by Frederick Maugh. I know you got to do it first.


Really, yeah, you first, man I feel like this is when you've been dying to smell. Oh, I have been Dude. I feel like I'm doing a disservice by doing this, but okay, oh, yeah.


Yeah, almost orangey red atomizer?


Yeah, kind of like muskrat.


Moment of truth, ladies and gentlemen. Angie Red Atomizer, yeah, kind of like Muscaravajal Mmm. Moment of truth, ladies and gentlemen. Is it as juicy as we remember it being? Yes, it is for me Very loud.


Very loud. A lot of the complaints that I read was that the original formulation was so loud that people actually prefer when they reformulated it and made it a little bit softer, because it is just insanely loud. This is insanely fucking good to me, so loud and so rosy it is one of the prettiest rosy fragrances I've ever smelled.


There's a wow like a sting on it there's a little bit of a sting. Oh yeah, a little bit of a tinge, just a little. But man, is this thing done right? Oh man, the skin is.


It's called portrait of a lady, yeah, and when I smell it I almost feel like it's called portrait of a lady. Yeah, and when I smell it, I almost feel like it's too simple to actually be really well done. Portrait of a lady, huh, okay, if it was portrait of a rosebush, I'd be like fucking nailed it bro man, there is something to this thing.


It's got a little bit of a bite. It's definitely got that rose, definitely got maybe equate to what he was saying. I wouldn't say body odor, but I would definitely say a little bit of an animalistic thing kind of going on Just faintly.


I mean what he was hinting at was it's somebody too young wearing a fragrance that's too mature for them, and I do get that. This does feel like an extremely mature fragrance oh it does.


I agree, man, I. There's something about this. I like it. I love it a lot I feel like it's not playful enough, really. Yeah, I remember us losing our mind on this especially you.


Yeah, it might've been. That was early on and you know, just hadn't experienced anything like this. Now we've gone down the hill and I feel like I've smelled Lamar by Kajal, which is a beautiful, playful rose scent, incredible. We've smelled Noir de Noir, that had that. It was a dark rose and almost like a chocolatey tobacco, we know. So I'm just thinking of these rose fragrances that we've smelled along the way, even like Gwyneth Paltrow smells, like my vagina had like this soft, playful rose to it. Okay, and I'm getting to this and maybe I'm being a douche and I don't want to be, it's okay, you're allowed to hate stuff, dude.


There were a lot of complaints that it was very linear, a very linear fragrance, and that might be the case for me. Maybe I've, like we waited too long to smell it and do an episode on it. Now we've grown out of it. I don't know if you have, but for me, like the hype that I once had for it, it's almost like when you're like oh god, you got to see this movie. I used to watch this movie all the time when I was a kid. It's so great.


Then you put it on, it's like kind of nerdy what movie did I just recently do that too and you were like it's kind of shit, I couldn't finish. Oh, pool hall junkies, oh yeah. I was like I love that movie. It's kind of shitty, but I love it. You're like I couldn't finish.


It's a piece of shit. Well, no, I finished it. Christopher walken is like the best part of that for sure movie by far. Everybody else the acting, uh, except for the one, like the main bad guy, he was done well, but that lead guy was like way over the top.


It was like this was his first role he ever had and he was like I'm gonna just I'm really gonna show people what I'm wearing yeah, like his overconfidence in the movie is kind of like I don't know you, kind of like see right through it, you know it makes you hate him and he's supposed to be like the main protagonist, you know, but there are some great lines by Christopher Walken in it.


Oh yeah, for sure, about the lion. He's on the Sahara and they're just picking at him, they're poking him, they're eating his food, you know, I mean, that is a great line God, and this is not warming up to you at all.


You're just like yeah, you're checked out already. I can't say I mean your bag's packed.


Maybe I'm just in a terrible mood because I feel like I've been gargling razors.


It's like kind of offensive. Yeah, and I'm you know me I'm always a fan of something that's a little challenging, so I do like that. The opening is gorgeous to me. Now it's settled down a little bit.


I mean, I guarantee you, if I bought this for my grandmother she would have loved it Really. Yeah, oh, I think she would have loved it.


I mean, she was nearly 92 when she passed, though you know what I mean.


Well, let me give you a little brief history on portrait of a lady. Yeah, you said it's pretty brief description, right? Yeah, very brief.


Okay, this is actually based on a popular book that was released in the 1880s by a gentleman from the uk, I believe, uh, henry james. Don't know anything about him, never even heard of the book till now, but I looked it up and it has an interesting story.


Okay, I love interesting stories, but if you go to wikipedia, because you can trust everything there as the gospel. Yeah, they have a plot summary. I figured let me read you the plot of this book and then you can tell me if it fits this fragrance, because it's based off of this book I've got a better idea, just read the whole damn book on here.


Okay, here we go isabel archer from Albany, New York, is invited by her maternal aunt, Lydia Touche, to visit Lydia's rich husband Darin. She also rejects the hand of Casper Goodwood oh my God, Got a great name there, dude. Yeah, precluding such a marriage, and at the request of his son, Ralph leaves much of his estate, travels the continent and meets an American chief sex. Trust Osmond's proposal of marriage, Unaware that it has been actively promoted by Isabel and Osmond, they settle in Rome, but their marriage rapidly sours Owning to Osmond's overwhelming egotism and lack of generalism.


Osmond would prefer that pansy accept the proposal of the previously proposed Isabel Isabel suspects, however. Ooh, riveting and scandalous at the same time.


What an over complicated fucking novel dude.


I read that and that I was like the hell, and you were like gotta read this on the episode dude I'm well, I'm like, I'm confused by all of it.


It's like one guy proposed to her, now he's proposing to her daughter-in-law leave all this in.


It's like ryan's beautiful attempt no, to get into the audiobook game. How'd I do guys? You're hired, god, I was on the edge of my seat this whole time.


There's like seven different love interests going on. It's like. You know. What made me think of is like guys simping has been around since the 1800s. There's like 50 men fawning over this dumb lady.


Okay it doesn't matter if you're goodwood or not she's like gifted money.


She's got all these people freaking after to know for love interests this.


I want to see a portrait of that lady. That's what I'm saying like.


So now that you've smelled this and heard this convoluted love octagon over here, yeah, uh, what do you think like? Does this fit that some lady who just went and visited a cousin named ralph won a million dollars from her cousin's dad's uncle?


some weird shit, I don't know yeah, it reminds me of the 1800s. At least it does smell kind of stanky man. Yeah, it's got something to it. I don't remember it being like this.


I don't either, but there's a part of me that likes it. I don't know why.


Well, let's figure it out. Let's figure out, why you really like it.


Okay, you need to do a psychoanalysis or something.


Yeah, let's do it. Okay, what are you smelling?


Just give me the likes. I smell just something kind of rosy and a bit sour and tinged. I guess that makes kind of a musk a feminine musk more than anything. Okay, so that's kind of what I'm smelling. It's like somewhat off-putting but somewhat like bringing me in to want to smell more. I don't know why.


If a woman was wearing this, who would that woman be besides isabel?


yeah, yeah, stepmom huh, well, let me ask this before we get a description do you feel like this is unisex or more feminine or masculine leaning?


man. The first time we smelled it, I thought it was like gonna be unisex, like a man could wear this. Yeah, I've since smelled plenty of rose fragrances that a man could wear, and this is not one of them not to me at least.


I definitely get a little bit of a bougie well-dressed lady here. That's what I'm getting with this vibe. Age-wise, what do you think God got to be 35 plus? That's too young, that's being generous. You think I'm being generous.


What do you think? I think, yeah, 55 and up, really. Yeah, look, here's another one I forgot to mention earlier. Theorem, yeah, by Soma Oud Maising. Oud Maising's good, that's a great one. But Theorem has this, and what I expected this would have would be more iris, if I'm thinking of, like Portrait of a Lady, get the rose in there, but then get that lipstick kind of makeup-y smell too, and that's something that Theorem does really well. It has that like warm richness, uh, like the almost lipsticky, but also there's even more to it. So I don't know if it's like iris or you know how they say oris root or whatever is like the darker, more buttery version, but either way, in theorem it has that vibe the rose, the lipstick, and it's pretty unisex. I would wear it, yeah.


So you feel like this is not wearable pretty much for a man try out the gate I mean, I'm smelling it and I get powdery rose, just really strong powdery rose.


Yeah, and that's about it there's a little bit here that kind of reminds me of that uh rose fragrance from uh zaharoff that one remember. That one kind of had a little bit of a forgive the language for it, but kind of like a tingy, pissy rose thing kind of going on. I'd have to smell that one again. I don't really remember that and that's what I'm kind of getting from this. It's like I I'm equating that to like a little bit of a musky sour thing going on, but I don't know. I think I could seriously see somebody like 35 and up, an established really like I don't know she wears JCrew or something kind of lady. I mean, that's kind of what I get Smells, it's. I surprisingly like this. I don't love it, like I remember, though Let me refresh that I think smelling it on the show was a disservice to this fragrance.


I think smelling it on the show was a disservice to this fragrance. I think if I smelled a lady that was wearing it, I probably think it smells nice. Okay, but just constantly smelling it over and over. The more I smell it, the more I'm like really starting to hate it Really. Yeah, like I'm having a really hard time with it now. Huh.


Well, sometimes it do be like that, man. You know what it be like that sometimes. Let me get you with the price and trim. Would love that Price. Neiman Marcus 295, 1.7 ml. Wow, so that's a 50 ml? Yeah, for 100 ml it's 470. Yeah, gray market looking about 216. For what? A 50 ml? Or 100 ml? 50 mil? Yeah, for 100 mil it's 470. Yeah, gray market looking about 216. For what?


A 50 mil or 100 mil.


50 mil, wow, that's still too high 269 for 100 mil Gray market. That's not too bad.


Yeah, Still for this fragrance. I just don't know.


You just don't feel it. Well, let me tell you the trend. The Well, let me tell you the trend. The trend started off slow, but over time she is red as the devil's dick dude, dude, it is horny town for this.


I wonder if we're going to have this moment, like we had with Must Ravage R, where we're actually taking the time to smell it. Right now You're not feeling as much. I'm not feeling as much as I did, but I don't dislike it. I like it still, but I'm not, uh, in love with it like I remember being in love with it. So I wonder, if we give this time, we revisit, we may be shocked again maybe, but must ravager had so much more going on.


I agree it is gorgeous and this it is kind of giving me a headache. Okay, I can see why it is. Hey, if you're spending the money, congratulations, you got a loud ass fragrance. And I can see why you would like that, ryan, because you love, you want it to be volume 10 all the way up.


I want my fragrances to talk for me, because I hate talking, yeah.


Until we press record and then you're like oh, I've got this synopsis Only an eight minute read.


If only you guys knew behind the scenes. Mike's like yeah, go ahead, that's fine dude. Yeah, go ahead and read that. That 15 minute dialogue, that's fine dude. Please Super supportive as soon as I do. Wow, you suck dude.


Well, god, when you proposed it I didn't know like what was in it. I didn't realize it was just going to be, like, you know, general hospital, did you know? So-and-so sleeping with so-and-so, but she's really in love with so-and-so and then so-and-so has a kid who's in love with so-and-so, who loved her. Yeah, can you believe that?


Hey, I didn't write this shit.


Dig up Henry James and tell him and then Mr Goodwood came back from the dead.


Oh up henry james and tell him. And then mr goodwood came back from the dead. Oh shit, look, somebody loved it enough to make a fragrance after it.


No shit man, maybe we need to sit down and actually read the book. No way, dude. I want the side quest. I want the goodwood side quest. Oh, shit.


Okay, you're gonna skip it.


Sample it or buy it. What are you gonna do, ryan?


I'm gonna sample this again. Yeah, I don't dislike it, but I'm not in love with what I remember us loving the first time. What's funny is, like you kind of said this a minute ago, you were looking for that little bit of lipstick makeup vibe thing and, as you guys all know and have come to love about me, I have a pornographic memory Right and I remember us smelling that in your truck and I remember you kind of equating something that early on that you thought it kind of had that lipsticky kind of vibe to it early on, maybe that early on that you thought it kind of had that lipsticky kind of vibe to it early on maybe, but then again, that was a sample that we got off a decanting site, so we don't know how old that bottle was and if they've changed it in the reformulation to take that away that, but we legitimately sprayed like 15 other fragrances.


Yeah, I could have been mixing with god knows what exactly, but I remember us both like going fuck, that is so good and forever. We talked about doing an episode on it, yeah, and it just took us, you know, three years.


No, big deal timing, guys. Yeah, that's just how it goes. So, hey, you know, if you sent something in, just know within the next three years. No, this is sent last year, I think, wasn't it? Yeah, I think so.


Still a long ass time to delve it but yeah, a long time to wait.


but yeah, we fly where the wind takes us.


But it's a sample for me, what is it for you? It's a skip, yeah I figured yeah, like what.


This is the easy skip for you Hands down. If I had money and I wanted to buy a fragrance like this in this vein, I would do one of two things. First of all, it'd be for a lady. I would be buying this for her, okay, and I would either get Lamar or I would get Theorem. Those two rosy, playful, unisex fragrances to me tell a better story of somebody. They've got these the subtle, you know subtext of character development in them. Yeah, and this just seems like a one note song to me.


Yeah it's funny, man. It feels more complex to me. I don't know. I can see where it could lean whatever some geriatric lady but I can also see where it kind of leans like if a lady's got her shit together and just man, she's fucking blazing a path. I feel like this is a strong fragrance, very dominant.


I love it if there was a 38 year old beautiful woman in a business suit with a bold red lipstick and dark brown to black hair wearing this fragrance, monochrome complexion.


Of course Okay.


I would still go. This fragrance is a little too mature for her. Would you tell her, among other things, over breakfast, yeah, yeah, I I see where this is challenging sometimes.


I just feel like I feel like sometimes that's just how it's going to be, not just between the both of us, but just people in general. I think there's just things that our personalities kind of gravitate to and some don't. I know yours is always kind of usually the sweet or soft.


I like fragrances on a lady that are going to be playful. Yeah, I don't think women need help maturing. Okay, I'm with you on that. Like with guys, sometimes we want to put forth like a overly masculine maturity type thing. We put a suit on, we probably spray a fragrance that we want it to be like boss level. Yeah, you know, we don't have any trouble playing it down. I think women just by nature are typically more mature than men, for sure.


All the way through life right For sure, For sure.


So whenever it's like that playful smile you get from somebody that you don't know, that goes is there something here? Yeah, is there something to that Mm-hmm that just you know? You play it over and over and over in your mind all day. You think you know? I know she was checking my temperature and blood pressure at the doctor's office, but yeah, you know, the way she inserted that thermometer in my mouth felt a little playful.


I don't know On the real though Would it feel playful as a rectal thermometer?


I mean I'd be like stop flirting, girl. No, on the real though, with the fragrance. It's like when you get that subtle, like oh, this is kind of a playful scent, it's like you're learning a little bit about them or they're saying something more. Yeah, you know. Oh yeah, saying something more. Yeah, you know, oh yeah. So I think for the ladies, I personally I like to smell a more playful fragrance.


You're not that way.


I mean, I'm kind of like accepting of all whatever yeah, look, I'm not gonna complain a beautiful lady comes, but I don't really care what she's wearing at that I just think there's some uh, some.


It's like, um god, I think I can. I've said it before a long time ago on this podcast. We did a wedding one time and you know, brides always got to smell good for the wedding. Yeah, and it was like I think it was chloe nomad, I believe is the fragrance it was uh, I can't remember her last, I can't remember the young lady's name that got married, but she was a very beautiful blonde lady. I remember, just like because you know I don't give a fuck, I guess, about people's personal space I remember I just picked up the fragrance and like I was like damn, I was like this smells good. She's probably had that given to her as a gift. I'm like wasted spritzes.


I wonder how many sprays are in this bottle but it smelled so delicate and soft and like very inviting, I was like, damn, that's a great smell. Then I smell stuff like coco mademoiselle by chanel and I go, wow, this reminds me of like practically every beautiful woman that's ever been in a nail salon, because it smells astringent and whatever. Yeah, so I'm kind of like all over the map, I don't know. I'll just like certain fragrances or I'll smell whatever. Ralph Lauren, the little turquoise blue bottle that a lot of women have worn back in the early two thousands, and I just think about, you know, my youth and a girl dated. Then it's like, but those are some, those are fragrances are just coming kind of all over the place. Yeah, I don't know, there's part of this where I do see where this is older, but there's part of me that says that somebody younger can wear this and I kind of like the challenge on my skin and there's just something about this, I don't know why. I'm just like, I'm attracted to it. It's good.


Man, maybe it's my state of mind today. I'm not revving all eight cylinders. Right now I'm in eco mode, I'm the V4, I feel like, so maybe I need to resample it again at a different date, but right now, yeah, the more I smell it, the less I like it.


You know what I think we propose here. I think we do a little thing where it's like maybe we do another one of those videos where I'm like, talking to you, we just do it really quick. Hey, we did a review of this, we just do it really quick. Hey, we did a review of this. Mike fucking hated then he was kind of the weather, let's smell it again. And it can be so quick and you either go, nope, still hate it, or okay, I'm seeing something different.


Maybe we should revisit this in the very near future, doing something like that yeah, I mean, there are fragrances that I've smelled on ladies that I will immediately go. I gotta know what you're wearing or that really suits you. I've smelled Lamar on someone and was blown away. I smelled what's it called by the fireplace or something like that on somebody. You liked that one? Yeah, I did, because it smelled like toasted marshmallows to me. Have you smelled?


Jazz Club. Yet, uh-uh, I smell that every once in a while and women love that fragrance. They love wearing it. Yeah, and I do not get that one, I think, because what you just mentioned is a mason margiela fragrance, right, yeah. Yeah, this is one as well and I just I don't know something about that and I mean, I've had people or women go. No, seriously, I love this fragrance. I'm like why I don't?


get it. That's a weird one and maybe we need to do a fragrance philosophy episode with what we like like female fragrances that we like on women versus ones that we've smelled that we just like. In general, I can. I can get down with that.


Yeah, I'll probably do something with that. Okay, I think that's good for today's show. We've actually pretty long-winded 40 minutes. Yeah, it'll cut down. We're trying to make this a goddamn fragrance. Well, if you enjoy today's show and why wouldn't you? Because I gave you a 15 minute synopsis of a book. Yeah, that was my one chance at trying to become a narrator. What did you call it?


Yeah, audio book voiceover. Guy it out. He'll be on fiverr.


He'll be able to voice all of your audiobooks for you, if you like they should have a person that like does read the audiobooks for people, but like reads it and kind of halfway commentates to the middle of it like, oh god, what the hell am I reading, right?


now it's like I bet that would actually be a great podcast for books that are in public domain that you could do that on well, everybody, make sure to check us out on.


Mike and ron read public domain books yeah and commentate hey, we love you guys, as always. Thank you to Mike for sending this, along with some other ones as well. A friend of the show, fellow patron. And what's our next episode going to be? Do we have any idea? Should we do Neo by Zerjoff? I think we should. I think we're going to do Neo by Zerjoff, oh yeah, and until next time, spray it up, y'all.

Fragrance Journey With Best Friends
Review of Portrait of a Lady
Fragrance Review
Fragrances and Personal Preferences
Planning Next Episode