Apostolic Mentoring

Exploring the Five-Fold Ministry part 1! ... English & Spanish

January 01, 2024 Rev. Charles G. Robinette Season 4 Episode 1
Exploring the Five-Fold Ministry part 1! ... English & Spanish
Apostolic Mentoring
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Apostolic Mentoring
Exploring the Five-Fold Ministry part 1! ... English & Spanish
Jan 01, 2024 Season 4 Episode 1
Rev. Charles G. Robinette

Apostolic Mentoring
"Exploring the Five-Fold Ministry part 1"
Pastor Clay Jackson
English / Spanish


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Apostolic Mentoring
"Exploring the Five-Fold Ministry part 1"
Pastor Clay Jackson
English / Spanish


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Speaker 1:

Oh, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, yandala bas-sha-tor-a-mose-si-di-andala, mor-a-mose-sa-kata, yandala mos-si-di-andala, mor-a-mose-sa-ta-la-mose-sa-ta-la-mose-sa-ta-la-mose-si, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh, praise the name of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord, hallelujah, shat-a-la-bas-si-ki-and-o-ro-mose-sa-tay-and-a-la-bas-si-ki-and-a-la-mose-sa-ta. Oh, praise God, hallelujah, shat-a-la-bas-si-di-andala-bas-si-ki-and-o-ro-mose-sa-ta-la-mose-sa-ta. In the name of the Lord, hallelujah, mighty God. Oh, praise God, praise God, praise God, hallelujah. Well, praise the Lord, everybody, and welcome to Apostolic Mentoring.

Speaker 2:

Gloria a todos. Bienvenidos a postolia, mentorica en este día.

Speaker 1:

I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ from Columbus, ohio. What a joy it is to be on Apostolic Mentoring every Monday, 1 pm, eastern Time. God is doing great things all over the world. The Apostolic Mentoring family is growing all over the world. Every single week, thousands of people download every Apostolic Mentoring episode. God is building a mighty army that will do exploits in these last days, and I want to be a part of that army.

Speaker 1:

And you want to be a part of that army. You could be doing anything else on a Monday at 1 pm, but you choose to be here to be equipped for Apostolic Ministry and I feel the Holy Ghost on this call already. This call today is one of the most important Apostolic Mentoring sessions you will ever be a part of in your entire life. I see some of you smiling and you're thinking he says that 99% of the time, but I really, really, really mean it this time. I mean I meant it all the other times too, but this time I mean it more Because this Monday we are beginning one of the most kingdom critical series on Apostolic Mentoring.

Speaker 1:

Our guest today is one of my dearest friends in the world. Our guest today, me and this great man of God have done multiple crusades together in the nation of Malawi. We've been friends a long time. God gave us the gift of Dr Jackson's friendship years ago. That's right, jackson sister Aldrat Jackson. That's an inside joke that all of you know about. You have to translate when I say stuff. Dr Jackson and I have done kingdom work together, but he has been a true and genuine friend. He's going to hate that I say this out loud. But this is the prerogative of having your own podcast. You can say what you want and then get in trouble for it later with your wife, we wrote our book Radically Apostolic.

Speaker 1:

Dr Jackson believed so much in this book and wanted to be such a blessing to our family that he and his precious wife covered all of our publishing expenses and blessed us financially in order to be able to get the book to God's people.

Speaker 1:

Now Dr Jackson has written, I'm going to tell you, one of the best kingdom books in the world, and it's not going to be available until April or May. But the book is called Apostolic People and it is the only book of its kind that explains and makes Apostolic five-fold ministry attainable by God's army. He literally breaks down the five-fold ministry and listen, he's an academic genius. But this book is not an academic book. It is anointed and it is powerful. I've already read the book and I'm going to tell you right now I could not put the book down. And so the reason we've got Dr Jackson on Apostolic Mentoring with us is because we are getting ready to do big and powerful things all over the world and we're not going to get it done with politics. We're not going to get it done with worldly weapons.

Speaker 3:

We're going to get it done.

Speaker 1:

God's way. And God's way has always been the five-fold ministry and the gifts of the spirit. And so, for the next five months, we're going to get Dr Jackson once a month, breaking down the five-fold ministry and imparting kingdom offices to us, so that we can do exploits in these last days. And so, dr Jackson, we love you, man of God, you're my friend. We want you to take your liberty and make us what God wants us to be.

Speaker 4:

Amen. It's so good to be with you. Pastor Robinette, can you hear me today? I want to thank my good friend, brother Robinette, for the introduction. Many of the things you said are true. I am a friend. I'm so happy to be with all of you today and I give honor to the Lord for my good friend, pastor Robinette, and his ministry. We dearly love the Robinette family, as do all of you.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure we're so thankful for what God is doing in this particular format, with this group of people Gives me a great deal of excitement and zeal to see all of us joining together in unity. We are living in a time when Satan has made a great deal of chaos out of electronic communications and the hatred and discord have spread like viruses over the internet and across our globe. But here today, right now, god is unifying his people, he is instructing his people, he is edifying his body and he is equipping us for his ministry Amen. So, pastor Robinette, I'm going to ask you if I could share my screen. Can you give me the power to share my screen? I believe that I can, doc. I just made you a co-host.

Speaker 1:

I just made you a co-host. You should be able to do everything.

Speaker 4:

I believe that I can share my screen. Can everyone see this slide with an illustration? Okay, so this is the New Testament equipping team. I want you to notice that I said equipping team and not ministry team. This is an important concept for you to understand. According to the New Testament, the ministerial team is the entire constituency of the church.

Speaker 2:

Our goal in understanding the working of the apostolic team is not to elevate ourselves above the body of Christ to form two classes of Christians.

Speaker 4:

Our goal in understanding the working of the apostolic team is not to elevate ourselves above the body of Christ to form two classes of Christians. We cannot set ourselves above people in some type of false structure where we are better or more powerful than others. We are as teachers, as apostles, as pastors, as evangelists and prophets. We edify the people of God.

Speaker 3:

We equip the people of God.

Speaker 4:

So that each person in the body of Christ can accomplish what the Lord wants to do through us. It is appropriate for people to pursue ministerial licensing and education and understanding and accountability. This is pleasing to the Lord that we have accountability together. But we will never have enough people in pulpits to spread the gospel to the world. We will never be able to bring them all into our buildings to have them receive the Holy Spirit. We must empower people that the power of God can go with them wherever they go. We must teach our disciples to lay hands on people in the marketplace. We must empower our people to expect healing wherever they encounter sickness and illness. We must expect that people will be able to teach the word of God wherever they are.

Speaker 4:

And when we work together in this manner, in unity and submission and being very faithful to the word of God in preferring one another in love then God can bring the mighty apostolic revival that he's been waiting for 2,000 years to pour out. I tell you this day, brothers and sisters, under the authority and anointing of the Holy Spirit, we are in unprecedented times. The apostolic church has never been in a better position for global revival. We have tools at our disposal that the 1st century church did not have. It was impossible for Peter and Paul to communicate all over the world in the way that we are communicating right now.

Speaker 4:

So we have wonderful tools for spreading the gospel that even the New Testament church did not have. And yet, my friends, we hold true to the apostolic doctrine that was once delivered to the saints. We treasure and teach the new birth experience. We believe in holiness and separation from the world. We believe in apostolic power that shakes the kingdom of the enemy and advances the kingdom of our Lord. I trust and believe that you believe this in Jesus' name, amen. I want to show you a little bit of the background of how Paul uses the text of apostolic teamwork in Ephesians 4-11. Of course, we know that this text is the most complete explanation of the apostolic team in the New Testament.

Speaker 2:

We know that this text is something more complete than what we can look at in other places in the Scripture.

Speaker 4:

There are many words that are used for leaders in the New Testament church. The largest category is the category called elders. Each of the different ways of leading that you see on this screen can be classified as an elder. There is also a category of leaders in the New Testament called deacons. This is something that you may write down. Deacons are leaders who serve and elders are servants who speak.

Speaker 4:

So the deacons lead by serving and elders serve by speaking and teaching others. Okay, so let's remember that Paul was a Jewish Christian. He was deeply familiar with the Hebrew Bible. He repeatedly quotes the Old Testament in his writings and his letters to the churches. He also used the Old Testament scriptures in his sermons, which are recorded in the Book of Acts. We know that the New Covenant in the New Testament is the pathway of salvation, but there are some people today who profess to be Christians and they say that we should forget the Old Testament, that we should neglect the Old Testament that the Old Testament is not necessary.

Speaker 4:

I must tell you, friends, this is false teaching. Paul himself, as an apostle, instructed us as the New Testament church that all scripture is given of God. And it profits us in doctrine and instruction. I know that you believe in the Old and New Testament scriptures, so when we look at the.

Speaker 2:

Old Testament we see two strains of leadership.

Speaker 4:

Two types of leadership.

Speaker 3:

There are the prophets and the priests. Moses was a prophet.

Speaker 4:

Aaron was a priest.

Speaker 3:

The prophetic type of ministry was itinerant. They traveled.

Speaker 4:

Prophets typically did not stay in one place. They would travel around from village to village, town to town.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes even nation to nation to bring the truth of God.

Speaker 4:

Their focus was primarily vertical. This means that they were mainly focused on their relationship with God. Priests were concerned with the people of God. Prophets are concerned with the God of the people. Prophets are incredibly focused on the holiness of God and they consistently call people to God's covenant. Prophets remind the people of God's faithfulness in the past and they point people forward to God's preferred future Prophetic messages always have two sides.

Speaker 4:

They warn people of the consequences of avoiding God's future, but they offer people the promises of God's future if they will obey Him. Profits are focused on getting revelation from God and sharing it. Remember that Moses climbed Mount Sinai to receive the word of God from the Lord. So prophets get the revelation from the Lord. They receive revelation from on high and they are proactive and forward thinking in sharing that message.

Speaker 3:

They receive a word from God.

Speaker 4:

Let's contrast and compare the prophetic type of ministry in the Old Testament with the priestly type of ministry, where the prophets were itinerant and they were mobile. The priests are stationary, they stay in one place. Typically, prophets arrive and speak to the people. Priests live among the people every day.

Speaker 4:

Prophets receive a message from God but priests explain that message to the people. Whereas prophets have a vertical orientation and they mostly focus on the relationship with God, Priests are very closely connected to the people. The priests know your family's names. The priests know where you live in your town or your village. They have a close relationship with you. Whereas the prophet gets a message from God, the priest explains that message to the people. Moses brings down the Ten Commandments from God, but it was Aaron's task to explain to the people how to live out that message every day. The prophetic word drives the people forward into God's future, but priests react to the circumstances in their daily lives. One of the most important words to remember about prophetic ministry is revelatory revelation. An important word to remember about priestly ministry is practical.

Speaker 2:

Prophets reveal.

Speaker 4:

Priests explain and everyone is clear on this distinction. Give me a thumbs up the reason why this is so important is that.

Speaker 4:

God still works the same way with humans through the different covenants that he has. When it came to New Testament leadership, two of these strains were included in the apostolic team On the priestly side of the ministry and the equipping team. We see pastors and teachers. Remember what we've learned about priests? I want to be very clear. I'm not talking about priests such as the Roman Catholic Church says, not that. I'm talking about the Old Testament priest and how this is a shadow of what the New Testament ministry is like.

Speaker 4:

In the Old Testament they had priests and in the New Testament team we have teachers and pastors. Think about what a pastor does. A pastor is rooted and grounded in one geographic place. They may minister in different places in the world, but a pastor is called to a place.

Speaker 4:

A pastor is called to a particular group of people and they stay there and they are faithful to that place and those people. They do receive words from the Lord, just as a prophet, but they spend most of their time explaining the Word of God to people In a practical way. They are showing people how to live out the Word of God that has already been revealed. Pastors are not focused on new information. They are focused on implementation, on working out the Word, and teachers build up people's understanding of the Word of God. They interpret the Word of God for people. They show people how to do things better in their lives with the Word of God. Teachers may travel, they don't necessarily just stay in one place, but typically teachers are responsible to a particular congregation.

Speaker 4:

Let's look at the prophet side of the ministerial team in the New Testament and here we see evangelists and prophets. Evangelists and prophets are itinerant in their ministry. They will be connected to a local body of believers. They will be accountable to leadership, but their ministry typically works through many congregations. These men and women are very focused on the relationship with God and revealing the Word of God. But for the most part here is a distinction between evangelists and prophets, Evangelists are revealing the Word of God to the lost, and they are pulling them into the kingdom of God.

Speaker 4:

They are convincing lost people that they need the Lord and they are explaining the new birth experience to them. Repentance baptism in water in Jesus' name and baptism in the Holy Ghost. Amen. Prophets reveal the Word of God to the church.

Speaker 3:

There are some exceptions.

Speaker 4:

Jonah in the Old Testament was a prophet but he was sent to Nineveh to lost people. But in the New Testament we mostly see prophets speaking to the church.

Speaker 3:

Prophets are called to shake things up. Prophets always challenge our human comfort.

Speaker 4:

They always challenge existing authority and human structures Because they always show us that what we build is not equivalent to what God can build. Prophets always call us back to our covenant promises that we made to God and they call us forward to the covenant promises that he wants to deliver to us. Do you see how these New Testament leaders or offices or giftings reflect the Old Testament types of ministries? Okay, so now let's move on to Apostleship. An Apostle, according to the New Testament, is a senior leader.

Speaker 3:

Apostles are not novices.

Speaker 4:

According to the records of Apostleship that we have in the New Testament, Apostles are able to operate in a priestly way or in a prophetic way.

Speaker 3:

They may be pastors and teachers.

Speaker 4:

If the kingdom of God requires it for that time. And they have the ability to teach with power. They have the ability to reach out with pastoral authority, but they also can function as evangelists or prophets. Apostles are able to function on either side of this type of ministry. We see this in the life of Paul. Let me briefly illustrate. In the book of Galatians we see Paul teaching about the role of the law as it applies in the New Testament versus the superiority of Christ. So he offers a wonderful lesson as a teacher. But we also see him with the Corinthian church being a pastor. We see him discussing elements of church discipline. He addresses their personal problems and controversies. He calls people by name in his letters and tells them what to do to be spiritually sound. And then we see Paul at Mars Hill in Athens being an evangelist. He speaks the revealed word of God to lost people who are unbelievers.

Speaker 3:

He does this in the jail at Philippi.

Speaker 2:

And immediately people are baptized in Jesus name.

Speaker 4:

He speaks to the believers who followed repentance after John the Baptist in Ephesus.

Speaker 2:

And as a response to his message these disciples of John immediately received baptism in Jesus name and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Immediately they were baptized in Jesus name and were filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul also operates in a prophetic role.

Speaker 4:

We do not always see Paul predicting the future but we see Paul revealing the covenant promises of God.

Speaker 2:

We see Paul revealing the word and the promises of God. We see Paul speaking to the church in a prophetic way, and we see Paul speaking and instructing the ethics of culture in that time. With a spiritual authority of the revealed word of.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

In Romans, god reminds the people of God of God's past faithfulness, but calls him forward into a glorious future. Sometime this week I challenge you to read Romans 8.

Speaker 3:

This is one of the greatest prophecies of the Bible.

Speaker 4:

And as a prophet, Paul says that the entire creation is waiting on you and me, that what God has started in resurrecting the body of Jesus would continue in creating a new creation in us and that, as we are revealed as the children of God.

Speaker 2:

This glorious resurrection power is going to be revealed in all the universe. And he says, the whole world is groaning waiting on this revelation.

Speaker 4:

Do you realize that the world is waiting on this revelation?

Speaker 2:

Do you realize that the stars and the sun in the sky are waiting on you to be who God has called?

Speaker 4:

you to be.

Speaker 3:

When the people of God step forward in power and God pours out his spirit on all flesh the entirety of this planet is going to be changed in the power of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 4:

The Old Testament prophecy is that the glory of God will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Our culture tells us to be on the right side of history.

Speaker 2:

But, my friend, we are on the right side of prophecy If we have had the new birth experience and we are standing in apostolic authority, then we boldly and unashamedly declare that the glory of God is the glory of God, if we are standing in apostolic authority, then we boldly and unashamedly declare that the glory of God will be revealed in and through us.

Speaker 3:

Revival is not only coming, it is here, and God is going to use each of you and bringing his word to pass.

Speaker 4:

Make no mistake. We are under the pressure of two prophecies. Paul prophesied to Timothy that in the last days evil people would become worse and worse. But Joel prophesied in the last days the spirit would be poured out on all flesh. How can people become worse and worse? But the church can become more and more powerful.

Speaker 2:

I tell you today, friends, it matters which prophecy you are focusing on.

Speaker 4:

Some people look around and they are so discouraged by the way that our world is going.

Speaker 3:

They are so discouraged because people are becoming worse.

Speaker 2:

But, friend, I am focusing on this truth. But friend I am focusing on this truth the church is gaining in power.

Speaker 3:

The Holy Spirit is being poured out and God is preparing his people for mighty revival. I feel we should worship the Lord at this time and thank Him for wanting to do it.

Speaker 2:

Let's worship the Lord at this time.

Speaker 4:

I feel we should worship the Lord at this time and thank Him for wanting to do it.

Speaker 3:

Let's worship Him right now, and thank Him for what he is doing. He is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. It is going to happen all over this planet, in every nation, in every territory, in every people group. I want you to pray up prophetically right now.

Speaker 4:

I want you to declare it in the name of Jesus In every ethnic group, every territory, every continent. In the name of Jesus, Thank you.

Speaker 2:

In the name of the Lord.

Speaker 4:

I want to, just for one moment. I want to focus on some reasons why people don't understand the role of apostleship and why some people get this confused.

Speaker 2:

There are some people who believe that apostleship is not for us today.

Speaker 4:

And there are about six main reasons why they believe this. If you're taking notes, this would be good to write it down. I want to give you these reasons. People do not believe in modern day apostles and in our time. Together, over the coming months, we will show that these reasons are mistaken.

Speaker 2:

And in these months that we will continue to teach you, I will teach you why these reasons are mistaken and why God does want these gifts to be used in the church today.

Speaker 4:

He is raising up teachers in our day. He is raising up pastors in our day. He is raising up evangelists in our day. He is raising up prophets in our day and, yes, friends, even today, god is raising up apostles. So just for one moment, let me list for you a few reasons why people don't believe in apostleship. The first reason is misunderstanding of scripture. Some people believe that apostleship was only for the original twelve men.

Speaker 4:

But this is clearly not true according to scripture for there are many more than the original twelve that are referred to as apostles. We will explore this in further detail at a later time.

Speaker 4:

Others don't believe in apostles just because of their religious tradition. They cling to the traditions of the past, but they don't go far enough to the past to get to the scriptures. They go back two, three or four hundred years, but they don't go back to the faith once delivered to the saints. We are apostolic people. This means we believe that everything that is found in the New Testament church should be exhibited today, including the leadership gift of apostleship. There are others who are concerned that apostles will abuse their power, but I must tell you that apostles are not meant to rule over people from above and to dominate people. Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church. A foundation is not something that is built above people but a foundation is something that we can build upon.

Speaker 4:

Apostles are marked with humility. The lives of apostles are marked by suffering.

Speaker 2:

Their authority is not derived from themselves but it is delegated to them by God and the church.

Speaker 4:

Apostles recognize that the purpose of their authority is edification not destruction, and every scriptural apostle submits to mutual accountability. True apostles do not seek a title to elevate themselves, but they seek a ministry to elevate others. Also, apostles in the New Testament limited their authority to the sphere of their individual work. Their spiritual authority and their arena did not overpower the spiritual authority of others that were pastors and teachers for local congregations.

Speaker 2:

Their authority is located in a sphere where they only operate under their ministry and not on the pastors or other teachers.

Speaker 4:

This prevents apostles from improper elevation. It causes apostles to lay down their lives for the gospel, just as Jesus did at his initial apostles.

Speaker 2:

This causes apostles to surrender to God, just as the apostles did at the beginning. Other people do not believe in apostles because they think they are a fraud.

Speaker 4:

But there are false teachers and there are unfaithful pastors. There are evangelists and prophets who are false. But a false person does not mean that the office that they claim is false. The pastor fails. We do not say it's because there's no such thing as a pastor. We say that the person failed, not the office of the giftee. The final reason that some people do not embrace apostleship is that apostles are very different types of people. They are, by nature, pioneers and expanders. Apostles are, by nature, people who expand the kingdom of God and this focus on kingdom expansion challenges some people's sense of established order.

Speaker 4:

But we must not allow personality conflicts to shackle the way in which God wants to work through people in his church. We must pursue biblical truth above personal comfort. We must enact the word of God and lay aside the traditions of men. Our time today has come to close. I want to thank you for your kind attention and I pray that the word of God will grow a rich harvest in your ministries. I sincerely thank Brother Robinette for giving me this opportunity to speak with you today, and I wish for him to close this session with any comments that he has and with prayer. May the Lord richly bless you in the matchless name of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Oh, praise God, what powerful revelation the Lord has given us today. This lesson is. I think somebody just put in the chat. They said I've got to go back and listen to this over and over again. This is so kingdom critical, dear friends. Yes, brother Sayer said important understanding this lesson today. This is why I told you this is so important today, because we have got to start talking about these equipping kingdom ministries. Did I say that right, dr Jackson? And not offices. You don't like the word offices?

Speaker 2:

We use many words.

Speaker 4:

It's just. We need to understand that we are to equip the whole church. Everyone on this call understands this kingdom truth. We are not here to show ourselves to be in a different class of people than the church. We are here to empower the church to do the work that God has given through His Holy Spirit. And no matter what we call our offices, no matter. Language is important. That's why we're doing this teaching. It's important that we understand the biblical words and these things. But the most important thing that we must do is recognize that we are here as a foundation to elevate the people of God into the work that God has called them to.

Speaker 4:

We need to release the shackles from the church, not shackles of sin, but shackles of misunderstanding, shackles of not realizing who God has called them to be. It is wonderful when people from our community to our church facility, from me to the hands of them, pray for them, but it is greater when they lay hands on them and pray for them and they receive their healing in the halls where they are. They don't even need to come to our church to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They can be baptized in their bathtub at the home by our congregation. My job as a pastor, my job as a teacher, my job as a spiritual leader is to empower our people to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 4:

We are an Axe to Church and I praise God for it. We gather together, the building is shaken, the Holy Ghost moves, we have wonderful conferences, but I plead in my spirit with the church and I plead in my spirit with the Lord that we would become an Axe 3 church, that wherever there are apostolic people together, that the power of the Holy Ghost would fall and people would be healed outside the temple. People would be healed and saved outside of our congregations and our conferences. This is possible through the apostolic giftings that God has given to the church. When he ascended on high, he ransacked Satan's kingdom. He took all authority from our enemy. He took all authority from its kingdom and he has now blessed the church with all of that authority. It is at our disposal, it is at our command, we may use it, we are free to use it. It is given to us in the name of Jesus and we can empower the church to utilize this dynamic power to win people to the kingdom of God.

Speaker 1:

And now we're going to show you how powerful Sister Aldrette is. Go ahead and do all of that in Spanish.

Speaker 4:

I'm so sorry, I forgot about the interpretation. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 2:

No, problem at all. I was taking everything in. Okay, I'm not going to translate, I'm going to summarize.

Speaker 2:

Summarize Summarize, that's that, okay. So basically, the pastor is the brother of God, jackson. He's talking about what we have to be careful about, about the language we use. Why is it important? Because we don't want to have a leadership over another. What we want is to understand that people understand that they have the potential to learn, that our work is not to tie people down, to give them the word and that they can get out of it, receive the word, bautize, repent and be able to be baptized in your own house. We are here not to tie the church down, but to let the church go. Consider the prayer to just theesenere tonight or on the bill the late. Well, here's a bit of a disability with a steady but not not able to beAss fil seat. God.

Speaker 1:

Oh praise God. Great job, sister Aldreit. Great job, wow, brother Jackson. I love you. Dear friend, that was so kingdom critical and I cannot wait for the next five months.

Speaker 4:

Amen. I love you. Friends. Thank you for joining us. I look forward to being a part of this community, even when I'm not giving teaching this is during a busy clinic day from me, but I'm going to make time and space to be involved with you guys more often. This was wonderful. I was blessed by being with you today. Even through the electronic means, I can feel your spirit and your hunger for the kingdom of God, and I am blessed and edified this day, and so I give honor to our King for his servants and the people that are on this call.

Speaker 1:

Praise God, go ahead, sister Aldreit, now, by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost that's on this call right now, I release the spirit of revelation on God's people and I release the will to activate every single kingdom word spoken on this call. I defy every lie of Satan, every human system and human structure that wars against these equipping ministries. In the name of Jesus, I push back the cloak of darkness and deception. In the name of Jesus, I push back against the spirit of fear and misunderstanding. Give your people a heart for this revelation, a heart to understand and a heart to apply, so that every single kingdom promise to be apprehended in this generation.

Speaker 2:

In the name of Jesus it is done now.

Speaker 1:

In the name of Jesus open doors that no man can shut are put in front of every one of you. In the name of Jesus, your ministries, carolines and giftings will never be the same again. God is for you and nobody can be against you. Oh praise God. Thank you, Lord. I want to just remind everybody to please share this session with everybody. I see the questions in the Facebook live stream and even in our chat. Dr Clay Jackson, this book is called Apostolic People.

Speaker 2:

It's already on the publisher.

Speaker 1:

It will be available in April or May, it will be available mid next year, but we're going to have Dr Jackson with us once a month until his book releases so that we can help get this kingdom word out there. And let me just say this because this is so important as you can tell what we just experienced today on Apostolic Mentoring this is not the type of stuff being taught anywhere. This type of revelation of equipping ministries is not available anywhere in the world.

Speaker 2:

And this type of equipment is not available anywhere in the world.

Speaker 1:

But it must be available to everyone in the world. So I'd like to ask this if there is anybody in our Apostolic Mentoring family who would like to make this a translation project, brother Jackson's book a translation project to make sure the entire world can hear it.

Speaker 2:

And if there is anybody here who is listening to this, then please let us know.

Speaker 1:

Now listen to me. I'm not kidding when I say Dr Jackson is a brilliant academic and this book is filled with just I mean astounding academic understanding, but it is written in such a way that every believer can understand it and apply it. There's no translator on here to feel fear like, wow, this might be above me. Dr Jackson wrote this so it can be understood and so, doc, I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position, but if it seems good in the Holy Ghost and you're open to this, maybe you could just put your email address in the chat right now and we have so many languages on this call right now, anybody interested will get with you personally.

Speaker 2:

And Brother Jackson, if you don't feel pressured, wants to share his email address so that someone can write. There are many languages in this video that can share, if they can translate that book.

Speaker 1:

And he has. Of course, you know we have five or six months before this book hits the market.

Speaker 2:

And there are five or four months before this book comes out.

Speaker 1:

And that gives a translator five or six months to get this job done, so we could drop some great languages at the same time. And I see a bunch of you putting stuff in the chat already.

Speaker 2:

You want to be a part of it.

Speaker 1:

And I see also on the Facebook live people want to be. I'll make sure Dr Jackson's matter of fact. If you're on Facebook live right now and you want to be a part of this translation project, please direct message me. I don't want to put his email directly on the on Facebook like that.

Speaker 2:

If someone is on Facebook, I'm watching this man at this moment and you're interested, please send me a message personally. I'm not going to put the address of Brother Jackson live here, but send me a message personally.

Speaker 1:

Wow, what a great apostolic session that we've had today.

Speaker 2:

And the session. That's interesting and passionate.

Speaker 1:

Next Monday at one PM Eastern time.

Speaker 2:

The next Monday at one PM Eastern time.

Speaker 1:

We have a great apostolic mentoring session with Sister Ivana Norris, missionary to Brazil.

Speaker 2:

And we're going to have a session Totally important with the missionary Ivana Morris from Brazil.

Speaker 1:

Sister Norris. No more sister Norris, I speak Spanish. See guys, I know, I know Spanish.

Speaker 2:

I probably have an hearing problem.

Speaker 1:

Well, we are so excited about sister Norris being with us and we love you all very much. I'm going to go ahead and put this in the gallery mode. You can take yourself self mute. Say goodbye.

Speaker 2:

And you can open your microphone and say goodbye here. Thank you so much for meeting you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, brother Jackson. It was awesome, brother Robin God bless you Good to see you all.

Speaker 3:

God bless you.

Speaker 4:

Thank you for watching. Thank you, guys.

Speaker 3:

Love you, love you, love you, brother Robin.

Speaker 4:

Love you all so much. I love you all so much.

Speaker 3:

Good to see my friends.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, sister.

Speaker 2:

God bless you.

Speaker 4:

God bless you Love you friends.

Speaker 2:

See you next.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

See you, brother, bye, bye.

Apostolic Mentoring and the Equipping Team
Leadership Roles in Religious Texts
Apostolic People and Role of Apostles