The Curious Therapist Show

Episode 56: Do You Have These Two Eating Habits?

Vanessa Preston Season 2 Episode 56

Today we are talking about two popular food rules that many of us struggled with or currently are struggling with. And with it being a popular time of year to set New Year’s resolutions, I thought this topic would support you in setting goals focused on health-promoting behaviours instead of focusing on the scale.

I want to invite you to set your goals from a place of love. This could look like improving sleep hygiene, reducing stress, and incorporating more play. What if you replaced shrinking your body with something like that and just see what happens…

So what are food rules?

I describe food rules as self-imposed guidelines related to eating certain foods or to eating in general. Usually, these guidelines are related to the timing, frequency, amount, setting, or some other condition in which one does or doesn't allow themselves to eat.

Oftentimes, women operate from these food rules subconsciously but unfortunately, these rules are the reason you may be struggling with the all-or-nothing approach or the binge-restrict cycle.

Identifying what rules you hold onto is an empowering step in healing your relationship with food and becoming an intuitive eater.

My wish for you is that this year brings you joy, peace and happiness without any more fad diets with false promises!

What you will learn by listening to this episode:
1. A different approach to setting your health goals for 2023
2. What food rules are and why they are keeping you stuck in the restrict-binge cycle
3. The two most common food rules I see among my clients
4. An invitation to begin your food healing journey

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