The Happy Nervous System

Episode 25: Disordered Eating Explained with Mia Raymond

Kendra Delahooke

In today’s episode eating disorder specialist Mia Raymond shares with us how to identify and better understand eating disorders and disordered eating. Mia has 14 years of experience in the field and has helped many people heal their relationship with food and their body. We discuss topics including fatphobia, how to improve body image, and how to raise children to love all shapes and body sizes. Enjoy!

Mia's Instagram: @unchartedhealing.mia 
Mia's Website:

Additional Notes from Mia: 
-Binge Eating Disorder is 3x more common than Bulimia and Anorexia combined. 

-The prevalence of “atypical” anorexia nervosa (those that don’t meet weight requirements for “traditional” anorexia) by age 20 years is 28% (vs < 1% for anorexia nervosa). 

Take away: Think about your behaviors and relationship with food and movement when assessing if you may be struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating. Body size doesn’t reflect if somebody does or doesn’t have any eating disorder.


-Primary Care Physicians that understand Eating Disorders in Los Angeles: Dr. Stephanie Bui and Dr. Leslie Kaplan. I know this list should be longer!

-Influencers you need to follow right now:



