What is Personal is Universal

16. 1+1=3. Talking about twin flames today with Angie Kirkham Goff.

August 30, 2021 Amanda Joy Loveland & Jessica Lee Devenish Season 1 Episode 16

Jessica and Amanda invited their good friend, and coach Angie Kirkham Goff.  Angie is an autodidact.  She is a great coach and teacher, very well versed in the Bible, sacred geometry, quantum physics, numerology and Akashic records, among an eclectic list of many other topics 

This episode is a fun conversation with Angie as we ask her to share her knowledge, expertise and experience of twin flames and quantum entanglement. Why twin flames? Her experience has taken her there. You'll love listening to her story and synchronicities along her path.

What are twin flames? Angie speaks of two essences/souls choosing to come in and create together. Nothing is created by yourself, everything comes in and through somebody in our lives; it is a co-creation.  No man is an island.

We discuss the idea that finding your twin flame is not a way to make you "whole".  We find our wholeness from within. Once we come into our own internal alignment then we can feel the magnetic pull of another. Angie shares her passion behind the power of gratitude and how it truly guides us to our internal balance.  Gratitude is the place to raise your vibration, it balances your masculine and feminine energies along with the right and left hemispheres of your brain.

We talk about sacred geometry, the flower of life. If you're not familiar with flower of life, it is believed to represent the cycle of creation. Angie explains when we can come together in this life and give gratitude, kindness, compassion and caring that will untangle the entanglement of our lives.  As the flower of life depicts how all life comes from one single source; as are we. Through awareness you will see the many signs of our twin binary system and the coming back as one.   

We are here to experience the push and pull of life, our inner equilibrium, and the full creation of what we are here to do in this lifetime.

The conversation is a fascinating one you are sure to enjoy.
Stay tuned for part 2 that will be released next week.

Resources suggested:
11:11 Twin flame keycode by Dr. Harmony

Want to connect with Angie Goff:
email angeladawn@inlightenyou.com


Hi there, we know that what is personal is universal. I am Amanda Loveland. And I am Jessica devenish. Welcome to the conversation. Well, hello. Hi. Hi. We have a third person with us today. Awesome. Angie, golf. I would last time we did an interview I did Angie Kirkham golf. Do you go by Kirkham? golf or golf. You know what not many people know me by Angie golf. Cuz that's new. That's why I think I did Andy Kirkham God. Yeah. And the more know me by Angie smart. Yes. So all the names all the name, which is a little comical, actually. Because you're very much into names. Well, when we're ready to change who changed her name is one of the things are imprint. Yeah. So. And we're sitting here because this kind of a funny story you want to tell it? Oh, yeah. So on Sunday, a few days ago, we were invited to an event that Angie and her husband Steve hosted. And it was all around twin flames in the conversation about twin flames. So Amanda and I attended. And we left there with a few questions that we wanted to ask. We didn't get to ask. Yeah, because I'm a big crowd. Yeah, just the way that it was, which was fine. So yesterday, we're like, we're talking about what we're talking about what to talk about on this podcast, we had a few different ideas. And Angie and I were going to connect are trying to connect about this, this conversation because I the twin flames conversation bumps me. And like I shared in our in the circle that you you facilitated on Sunday. That's why I was there is because it bums me the wrong way. So it's like, that's my indicator to lean in and go what's here and and, and dive in a little bit. So as Jessica and I are talking I'm like, hey, what if we actually had Angie on in second? And lo and behold, here's Angie. Actually free today? Yeah. The stars aligned. Yeah. to her. And if it's meant to be it'll happen. And she'd like 10 minutes later? And she said, and I'm like, of course. Yeah. Well, I love both of you. So I'm honored to come. Yeah, well, and you are brilliant. Angie is one of those that we can have our hours and hours and hours of conversation. In fact, that's what was starting to happen before we start the podcast. And then like, maybe we should start a conversation on on the podcast, but kind of to if now the the people that are listening may not have ever heard of twin flames. Yeah, maybe. I mean, everyone usually has heard of a soulmate or my other half or my person. But can you talk a little bit about just the basic what is a twin flame? Yeah. And it is kind of complicated. And I like to meet people in the language that they use, because not everyone's heard twin flame. And truthfully, if you're not looking for it, you're not going to find it, it's going to just pass by you like anything from you know, slides right out of your awareness. But if you're looking in the direction of twin flames, all of a sudden information starts to pop up. And, and also. So twin flame I like to explain to people is like the woowoo term, you know, for something just like, you've got karma, you've got love Cause and Effect. That's science, karma spirituality. A lot of the harvest is religious, right? They're all the same thing. So when you talk in terms of twin flame, that's kind of the spirituality term for it. And and maybe we'll get into that and why it's chosen as the spiritual term. And the scientific term is quantum entanglement. And so it gets into quantum physics and understanding what that is. So it's almost easier to explain it in that in that scientific term. The Quantum entanglement. Yeah, the quantum entanglement. And, and part of it's probably because of how my brain works, I am able to see different aspects of something pretty fast. So I kind of do that by plugging myself into it. I just go Okay, well, if I'm going to understand this, let it be a study of me. Yeah, right. How would this work? And if it was me, how would I, you know, experience it. So when I started studying before I ever met my twin flame. I was drawn to study quantum physics, didn't know why, but it was like spirit kept poking me this this voice in my head, you should go study this, but I am kind of a study nerd. And so I like to study things that sound like a great idea started studying quantum physics and quickly found quantum entanglement. And as I started studying quantum entanglement, I understood that when something begins, if you've got a cell, let's let's just picture an atom or a cell, maybe even just an atom when an atom splits It's two halves to a whole an eye. It's like cutting a worm in half. Now you got two worms lives. That's what worms will do, right? So picture that. And when those two split, now they can observe each other. And it kind of helped when I was studying it. I'd also found a series on Gaia that I was watching at the same time called initiation. I love that. And right at the very, very beginning of the first season, he explains sacred geometry. And I had done a lot of studies of sacred geometry just hadn't known this, like quantum physics side of it, you know, to really think about it in a quantum way. And yet, I knew that the subtle frequencies when we walk into a room, we pick up on feelings, we pick up on energy in the room, that's the quantum realm. It's not seen or touched, but it can be felt or sensed. Right. So I was picturing if, okay, I'm going to stop you for just a second. Do you not feel like that's just energy, when you're going in is feeling the subtle differences in a room is that not just energy? It is, but energy travels on light frequencies and information travels on light frequencies. And so if it's holding information, it's holding intelligence. So what is that? Right, and you feel like and that then is tied to the quantum realm? Okay, yeah. The quantum realm is like, what can't be seen, you know, heard touched. So how would you describe quantum physics then to a listener? who's never heard that? Yeah, before, so I love to like, make it fun. So that's why I think you're such a great teacher is because you really simplify things. And you do. I think that's why I've learned so much from you. Okay, you are my coach. And then even as friends, I'm always like, hey, Angie, get the crayons. Right. Now. Let's go back to kindergarten. Yeah, that's sometimes what it is. And sometimes I feel like I'm not talking in kindergarten terms. But um, alright, so when I was picturing these two, this one atom being split, I'm like, Well, if an atom can be split, what if two people were split, and they were observing each other? Because this world we live in everyone talks about? We're all mirrors. So I was like, Well, if we're all mirrors, then at what point did we split and then I started to understand initiation were a test to Stephan talks about sacred geometry. And he truly even shows with with the, the circle, you know, the shapes, and he shows how it splits and then those of you who are listening in are familiar with the vesica Pisces, you see where if you overlap two circles just a little bit, there's a portion of the circles that overlap each other. Right. And that is the the third expression, you've got a you've got B, and now you've got C, right. And I knew that with a I don't want to make this too complicated. I know we're talking about very, right. And so yeah, I know, it's challenging. So I'm gonna just back up a little bit. So I pictured Okay, well, if I was a well then who would be my be, if I, you know, if I had someone that was the perfect mirror for me, because we're all mirrors, but who could be the perfect mirror for me. And I kind of pondered on that for a while, just kind of tabled it and continued to study quantum physics and then studied more the quantum entanglement. But at the same time, as I was doing that, all of a sudden, the term twin flames pops up in my world, that kind of in my awareness, and I'm like, Whoa, what's that? I've never really paid attention to it. And I'd probably come across it a couple times. But now at that point, I dove in a little bit deeper. So it was ironic, but yet nothing's by chance that I'm on one, you know, hand I'm studying quantum entanglement on the other, I'm starting to look at twin flames and looking at both of them not realizing they're one in the same until I started seeing so many similar like similarities. And one of them was that this one YouTube page that I checked out for a little bit, talked about other quantum entangled partners in history, and one that was mentioned was Christ and Mary Magdalene. And then another that was mentioned was Adam and Eve. So because of that, one, I went to Genesis and I started reading Genesis, because I knew that was the story of Adam and Eve. And it mentions how a rib was taken from Adam, and made Eve and chapter two in chapter one. So that chapter two was creating man and woman in chapter two, it was creating male and female, and that it literally talks about something being split, and making male and female and so I thought, huh, Well, here we are, we're learning about quantum entanglement right here because if you take a rib from someone, anyone, you're taking a part of them or particles of them and making something whole making something new So I knew that that's what this book was trying to help the readers understand was that two came from one. And then in the spiritual world, because that's where I spend a lot of my time as well, metaphysics, I was reading other things where it talks about two essences choosing to come in and create together. And I knew that everything one of the things, truths that I've come to is that nothing is created by yourself. Nothing is created by yourself. Everything comes in through some body in our lives. It's a co creation, doesn't matter who it is what it is, you know, you go to the store, the stores were stocked by someone else you check out do someone else is gonna help you check out or clear the cash register, or, you know, we do have self checkout now, but they're just people standing there to assist. There's always someone helping us with anything and everything in our lives. No man is an island. So those were trees that I'd learned. And I was like, Okay, so we're not in this alone. And if we want to create something, then maybe when we want to come, we come as a team. And though, could it be possible that two essences truly do come make a choice, they decide, let's go create together. And so when we get onto this realm, this earthly physical realm, it is the realm of duality. You hear about opposition, you hear about duality, you hear about polarity, there is an opposite for everything. So then that one became strikingly clear for me, okay? Well, if there's an opposite for everything, then that is why male and female they had to witness each other, creating what they were creating it so that they can see one another and say, see what the right hand and the left hand were doing, and see what the right foot and the left foot were doing, and have something mirror back to them, you know, to give feedback from the universe from your experience of creation? What are we creating? What are we doing? What are we saying, what are we looking like, you know, it really is a mirror. And so then I started to realize, Oh, that's what it is. So we come in as twin essences. And then we split, because we are those twin essences. So here we are, we come in as one we split, and now we're having experiences and so you'd with twin flames, you go through many, many, many incarnations, many lifetimes, spending the first one together and then from then on, you are separated and you're gathering information. And typically, one will be in the the celestial realm or the spiritual realm, while one is in on the earthly realm. And besides just these parts, these like, it is what I've learned from books and from studying now I have applied it to my own life and seen proof after proof after proof after proof. When I have a question, I asked it to spirit, and then I am shown it in my own experience. And so those are even more valuable to me, because then it takes all the questioning out, it's like well, you ask and there you go, you know, I asked about what is quantum entanglement and all the sudden I'm four months later, I'm on a date with a man and I find out that his dad and my mom were in love 50 years ago for seven years. And I knew that that was quantum entanglement from all my studies and I went Whoa, Okay, wait, all right, I've been studying it is real thing is this twin flame thing real? And so I started to experience it. And the wanting the desire brought it real in my life. But I really just was curious. I just remained very curious. I just want to know what is this all about? And, and the experience came into my you know, my realm? Yeah. So that and then I can share more and more and more and more experiences that I've that have just really cemented it really made me made it clear and, and all along I'm still learning. I'm still learning so much like I I have you guys know, my dear friends I have the interesting dreams and downloads at night, really teaching teaching teaching this morning I woke up with one where I kept seeing Mary Magdalene, and in in all the ways that we have all been taught the little bit of information we know of Mary Magdalene but I saw her at the tomb. I saw her sitting at the bottom of the cross I saw her anointing and preparing the body and I was like what am I being shown? And that's when I went all this is the part that humanity has never understood. It was all of it was given to Christ. All of it was Christ did this Christ did that. Christ Christ and He bore the physical burden. But as a twin flame she carried the burden or the torch the flame of the emotional and the mental So no wonder she sat at the cross tell he literally gave up his life. I love the book, my while we give you a minute, I love the book and I grandmother of Jesus, because it kind of goes into a little bit more of her. And I, I there's a lot of truth in that book that I felt with who and what her role really was by Jesus aside, there's some things in there that definitely pinged me, especially being raised Mormon. Yeah, about Jesus and what he chose to do in his life. But what I loved about it was that she was always there, and that she was. And I think the part that I had the hardest time with that is the fact that, yeah, while they both knew this was their path, and then he, you know, went and got his light body, essentially, and would come back and visit her, she was still in the physical, while he was now in the spiritual realm, you know, and would come and they would still have interactions, but it would be very different. Yeah. And that's, but that is actually an all my understanding is that only at pivotal times have they, the Ascended Masters or enlightened beings, some people call them Starseeds, you know, just choose your language doesn't matter. We're all talking about the same thing, right? And that they come back. And it's really, because what, what are we experiencing here on earth is consciousness, we need to be conscious. And there's so many people unconsciously living, you know, and that's what creates the karmic feedback loop. But if we become conscious, we all of a sudden, wake up and we see what we've created. And we see what we're recreating and what what we're cycling through, we can change the cycle, we can finally make a different choice and, and loop out of it or ascend out of it. Right. And this is what you're referring to, when you say that karmic feedback cycle. I just want to clarify for anybody listening that what you're describing now, is that karmic feedback when we become aware of it, and then we start being able to see it, then we can make a new choice. Yeah, a conscious choice. Yeah, now we're not choosing unconsciously we're finally actually truly living now what it comes down to, and yeah, so. So I, growing up with all those same stories, and I really believe a lot of people don't understand the depth of it is yeah, and that was okay, that he ascended. Because as he held the space in one realm, she held the space in another realm. And that's what it is, it's that infinity sign, like the eight is not just the infinity sign, but if you picture it standing on top of one, another normal eight, it comes down and crosses that crossover is the veil of consciousness and it drops into the earth, you lose consciousness, and you've got to gain your light, and then you cross over in the path of death, and go back up and spend time in the celestial realm and you come back down. And, and because twin flames are an expression of balance, so they're literally balancing heaven and earth. They're balancing that celestial spiritual or emotional mental state, with the physical experience. And so he moved on now she was holding the physical experience, and he was up in the spiritual realm. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah. And so I do believe that they actually were they're spending that time and she was holding space for something that was going to be monumental. And, and yet, I do believe also that the, the Christ's crucifixion, everything was misunderstood. You know, we all have to take ownership, that's, that's the part about being conscious, you're not going to get out of here, not knowing what you're doing, you know, what you're creating. So you have to become conscious, you have to notice it. But what twin flames can do there, they come in as that original seed. And then they have created progeny, they've created children and their children and their children and whatever they began with their insecurities, their hurt their pain, they started it, they started that program, and they passed it on all these beliefs down to their children, their grandchildren. And so who can really pay the price for that karma? They can. And when you heal yourself, you're healing the many we hear that. But why? How does that work? Plus people are asking because a lot of people don't really know why it's even more official or understand it. So therefore, without understanding most people aren't doing it. They're not doing the work because they don't really care. They don't know how it works. Well. They are quantum entangled, they're entangled in that entanglement with them. And when you do the work, and you are the one that originated it, it sends a shockwave a quantum it's quantum physics, it's quantum entanglement, it sends a shockwave through it. All of your ancestors, all of those that came before you. And if I heal something, it goes down and passes all the way through, you know, some people say forwards and backwards. Because all of times happening at once. So really the same, it's all the same thing, right? And this is done without having a twin flame. because anybody can do this. It doesn't matter if you have a twin flame or not. Or if you found that person or not, this is something that is applicable for anybody. And something you said as far as paying the price for karma. How did you worded it or I can't remember how you worded it. I don't know if you caught that. I just wanted to point out that sometimes I think we get caught up on healing has to be as painful as the original trauma or karma Oh, she's going to get her karma, those kind of things that get kind of thrown thrown around. Right. The reality is, is if there is something that your spirit or your soul in my understanding is asking for you to actually unwind, you will already be living that karma you are already be having experiences in your life that you have probably had pain or repeated patterns. For me it was a marriage after marriage after marriage until I unwound that, and then I'm on a different path. But it's not something that you know, you're going to be burned at the stake or, you know, I feel like this gets slung around a little bit with karma. And like they're going to get there as type of a thing. And I just wanted to clarify a little bit that it's not that harsh. Karma is not a bad thing. That's the that's one of the misunderstandings karma is lessons like in and we come to learn, like that's why you're here. You're here to learn all kinds of things. And how do we learn best? It's repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and pen. I'm just gonna say, Vegas learning is going through our right it hurt. If you haven't learned it yet, and it keeps happening it starts to become painful. I have a friend who he says the pain pushes until the soul calls and it's like, you know what, there's so much truth in that. Because when you have shit going on, and it doesn't relent, you start really looking at what is underneath this right? And that makes you look closer. And that's, that's what happened with me and, and I will touch on something you said cuz we all can do the work we can and then we can affect the money. And yet, I have one experience that I'll share that my mind was blown once I met my twin and how how that entanglement works. So I had 10, almost 10 years of back pain and got married. Back pain started new I I'd gone against my soul urge my soul urge Was this the wrong person, I still did it. I stayed in it. The back pain continued and continued and continued until I started to pay attention. Like you said, you know, the pain pushed. And, and one day I finally after visiting doctors and everything, I decided to start studying myself, where is this pain coming from and I was drawn to things that I didn't. I wasn't taught at all to look at emotions for physical pain. And yet I was drawn to emotional intelligence and, and studying feelings and thought processes. And all of a sudden, I realized, Oh, I have this repeating pattern in my mind, which is you're with the wrong person. And so one day I went well, that is kind of a painful thought when you're staying with him, you're staying with him and you think it's the wrong person. Like that's conflicting. And it was resulting in this low sacral back pain that I had for years. And when I finally understood all that, sat down in my room, one evening, spent a couple of hours went to the point of pain forgave it. I looked at it, I reframed it, I picked it apart, I was able to see the illusion that I've been living under and that the truth was, you haven't made a wrong decision. You just haven't learned from that decision now learn, you know, be grateful for it. And I gave gratitude and the next morning I woke up pain free. That was mind blowing for me and my friends, friends and family. I was like that's a miracle. And I was like No, because I know what I did. I know exactly why it went away. I acknowledged it. I learned from it, I understood it and with that understanding it healed. And yet that pain was related to my my belief of I'm with the wrong person. Well, my mom had the same belief and I knew that I'd inherited it from her hearing it in our home her saying I should have married zeek and me turning that into my story. I should have married Brandon, this other guy that wanted to marry me and then I started seeing all the patterns because patterns will reveal to us the karma that keeps on cycling and I realized Kay, my mom had that belief. I had that belief. My mom had the back pain. I had the back pain. Oh not let's take it back further. My grandma had the back pain. My grandma had that belief. And so then I started seeing other patterns wait my mom and the two guys that she had to choose from she had two guys to choose from to get married. They were all in a choir together. Me and the two guys that I was choosing from we all worked Franklin Covey together. Okay, wait, that's just the same pattern. It's just in another new space and time. And I also knew that my grandma had to go to choose from. So it was interesting how that pattern kept repeating. And we were all it was, it was resulting in this back pain. So once I healed that, I was like, Oh, good, done, like, I'm powerful beyond measure. We are all we all have this power inside of us and I just accessed my own personal power. Well, fast forward those 2006 2008 teen 12 years later, I meet my twin flame. And it took few months as we got to know each other more and more. One day I saw this big, gigantic six, seven inch long scar on his back, right where my back hurt for all those years. And I said, Wait, what happened to your back? That's a pretty wicked scar. Me goes, Oh, weird accident. One time I slipped in the shower, broke the soap dish with my elbow and had this sharp edge, sliced my back open cut all the way through one artery and halfway through the other. And I was bleeding like an elephant didn't know that I'd make it and I got a friend to take me to the hospital. And I was like, That's weird. I'm like, You slipped in the shower, who slips in the shower? Like I'm 45 years old, never slept in the shower. Like, what? How's that happened? You know? And so I just kind of thought, What an interesting story. And it took like another six months as my awareness kept starting to see how in sync. He and I were when we were sharing telepathy and we're literally feeling each other's pain in our bodies at different times at the same time, you know? And I'm like, huh? So one day it came up again. And I went, wait a minute, when did that happen to your back? Do you know when that happened to your back? And he goes, Yeah, was spring of 2006. One Saturday night, and I went, Oh, well, that's interesting. I held my back spring of 2006 on a Saturday night. And so I came to understand that happened on the same night, same evening, it wasn't late night, it was evening, seven 8pm. Same time as me. And I went, Whoa. So what happened? And we had this joke for a little while until we gained more understanding. And he was like, Oh, my slipping caused you to heal your back. And I went No, no, no, because he was really doing the work, you know, so I'm like I was doing the work, then the more I started to understand that that portion of that twin flame experiences that one phase will typically go through the physical pain, almost always. And while the other one goes through the mental and emotional pain. And so they are carrying that karmic burden together. Because what they created together, so I have been able to go back through timelines and see when we created that beginning belief of I'm with the wrong man. And, and that was something that we had created together. So now we had to heal it together. We had we actually had to go through it together. And so it's that balancing that, that, you know, on a simple term I share with people, we're all entangled, yes, we're all entangled together. But to have that one quantum partner that is that is your other half is a little bit different. So let's say like, an example would be like, okay, kids are being diagnosed with anxiety all the time these days, right? And their teachers at school child struggling with anxiety, let's figure out what's wrong with the child. So they go to a psychologist, or they go to the doctor, or whoever starts to diagnose that child gives them some kind of pill to calm their nerves, when really, that child showing up at school could be feeling the feelings of the mom or dad stressing over money, or circumstances or their marriage. And the child doesn't have any of the answers. They're going well, I don't know why I'm so worried all the time. I don't know why. But because they're being prodded and poked. They'll come up with the reasons Well, it's because Johnny bothers me, or I don't know the answers in class. And so now everyone's looking at that child saying, there's something wrong with this kid. And what I want to teach the world is no, there might be nothing going on with the child, the child is entangled in the mess with who they came from, who are they entangled with? Well, right now they're entangled with their parents, for sure. That came from their mom's womb, that causes entanglement, right? They're coming from the same source, right? But they also could have their other half somewhere else. So I've been coaching twin flames for a number of months now, and the most incredible stories are coming out of it. And one woman that I'm coaching right now, who, literally two weeks after she found me, she actually had a very synchronistic event meeting a man and I was like, Wow, it's like, you can't even make these stories. I said it could be your twin flame, you know, but only you'll know and I don't tell people I just let them you know, I just kind of am able to be someone who's not going to place a lot of doubt. on them and just let them live that experience Well, all the sudden, the more they got to know each other, they're starting to compare stories of growing up and the synchronicities are just, they're uncanny. Like, you can't, you really can't make them up. And so without sharing anybody else's stories, I'll just keep it on mine. But it is fascinating to me. And, and so yeah, we're all in this together, kids have entanglement with their parents, they start to express something, but we want to, we want the proof, we want to say there's something wrong with this child. And I want to say, or it's the whole shebang, it's who they come from, what are they dealing with, you know, with their parents in their, their environment. And that's like a simple way to look at it. But when I started looking back, me and Steve, and we've looked at things all the way to our childhood. And things have happened at the same times, like, calendar wise, when you're looking at this time, space reality and like, okay, that that is just too interesting, right? When you're talking about kids using the child analogy to you, is there a difference between a child being empathic and picking up because a lot of issues with children are they are very empathic, and they're picking up energy of everybody in the room versus a quantum entanglement? Because to me, they're two separate things. So I just kind of wanted to get your, your thoughts on that. Because this is very, very prevalent right now in our society, in my opinion, especially with children, very empathic. And the quantum entanglement is true, because every single one of my clients that I work with, and I'm sure you would echo the same thing, Jessica, probably the same thing. There's no question there's repeat. They're asking to unwind patterns that are from their, their lineage, their parents, the grandparents, etc. I'm seeing it more and more. In fact, I had a client in here yesterday, which I have never seen anything like this before. And it made me laugh, because I'm like, of course, this just popped because we just had to, you know, circle kind of around this. But what spirit was showing me is a web, right? A web and, um, she was having we were working through clearing out some trauma in this life, but it was tied to her grandparents. And I've actually never seen and the way that I see things, the way that in my work, I'm unwinding a lot of contracts. Yeah. Which would be entanglements, or karma, or karma. And in my vocabulary and my vernacular, especially as shaman, we work with contracts, and what contracts are is like an agreement with two people, but it's no longer serving. So you choose out of it. Yeah. And, but the contract that was made with her grandparents was affecting her. And so I had to sit with this one. And I'm like, I'm hesitating with how much I share this. Because, yeah, if we were talking as friends, I would communicate this to you because I thought it was fascinating, I thought about you. And in the aspect of I really had to sit with that because here's something that's not personal and it's personal. And and it was affecting my client. And so we went through a process and we unwound that and unwound that karma or that contract. But you know, when we sit here and and talk about how training fell into how I want to ask this question, all of us are connected, you know, if we believe that we all came from the same source, we're all connected we're all one we talked about the Fibonacci sequence that shows that everything's connected then what I do affects Jessica what you do affects you know, we all have this ripple effect right? And when the twin flames are one of the reasons why it catches me a little bit is the division in some aspect of a this can get construed and I mentioned this when we were in circle that it ends up creating people to going and finding their other half which means then is there something that's missing within me? Which I don't love and you're shaking your head you don't agree with that either? No, there's nothing that's missing within you but there is that mentality on where's my twin flame my soulmate? Where's my other half that implies that something is missing, you're missing your other half and in my experience, when you go into relationship thinking you're missing something you will never have a whole unhealthy relationship because we don't need anything else to complete quote unquote, complete us. Yeah. And so I think where where I get stuck with the twin flames and is the idea of that that there's something outside of there that's going to propel me that much further to completing my quote unquote mission. Maybe missions the wrong word. And and calling it whatever you want. Yeah, and and I feel like there's a little bit of a separateness that oh, well, you found your twin flame while you know, how am I with my twin flame, like this kind of thing that starts happening with with this idea, especially, and, and maybe we won't touch on that with 144,000. I'm just gonna, that might be a whole nother we're gonna put that over here. on the shelf. And But yeah, I guess I'll just leave it leave it there. And just, you know, I know I touched on the kid part. Now we're over here as far as the division because we are talking about a lot of layered concepts and ideas. And yeah, well guess who you're talking to your point out, like, you know, and we don't we don't ever want to go into a relationship and yet most human beings do go into a relationship, wanting to take instead of just come in hole and be in that relationship as a whole being. And that's one of those things that I have understood as I've watched and listened and maybe observed other people's studied a ton of like, groups on line and different things of these, these twin flame relationships that, you know, we, me and Steve thought it was interesting. We're like, Okay, I think there's a lot if these people are really quantum entangled, and they think that this person's their twin flame, and there's so much pain, and so much chasing and running. That's a term when you get into twin flames that you hear people, there's a chaser and runner. And that's not been our experience whatsoever. From the very first date, we were just in it, we were like, oh, you're my person. We just knew it. And there was never a question that pulled us apart. And yet there was questions, we allowed questions to come up. But it was just kind of a deep knowing. And, but what I find interesting is when Steve and I met, and this is one of the things that just came out in our conversations, he asked what I did with coaching, I'm like, let's start with gratitude. Because gratitude balances you. Gratitude raises your vibration, gratitude balances your right and left hemispheres of your brain, it balances your masculine and feminine. And when you're balanced on the inside, and you look out to the world, your world is imbalanced, right? And he's like, Oh, that's interesting. And then with more conversations, he tells me that about four months before we met, he was going to a neuro clinic and balancing his brain because he'd had eight or nine or 10 concussions. And I'm like, wait a minute, are you rebalancing, like, tell me more about this dancing, because I knew how to balance from the inside out. And then it hit me, I'm like, oh, like you're balancing from the outside in, guess what? You're balancing the physical body, literally balancing your brain, I was balancing the emotions, and the mental, how I thought, and I felt about everything. And so there was one more proof. And so when we came into union, we were both balanced, and perfectly balanced, Probably not, but far more balanced than I'd ever experienced in my entire life. And same with him. He literally told the doctor, you give my life back. Like I can think clearly, there's no more brain fog, I feel confident, I haven't had that confidence a long time. And if you've had traumatic brain injuries, or concussions, you know what that feels like I've learned from all these people around me, that yet throws your life out of whack. So he'd been living that way for years. And for him to find a way to balance his brain. months, just around the time I started studying quantum entanglement. And for me to have been balancing myself for a few years before with a number of years before with gratitude and stuff, we were both coming into balance. And so that's what I explain to people is, if you picture your head, do your heart in a straight line, up and down and you are balanced, and you have coherence there, then you actually come into one of the highest vibrations of you. And that's actually where you're going to meet your twin flame. Especially if there's not going to be a push and a pull, you're going to now see clearly, because that's what that brings, that brings you into clarity. So you're able to see one another much more clearly and approach each other without those that that roller coaster of emotions that that we don't feel still but you're able to maintain composure and talk through really difficult things. And so when stuff comes up, which will happen between twin flames when you when you start to have karmic relationships that come in, you know, and that's, that's some of the interesting things that have happened is we've literally been out and I've had people approached me on social media, I've had people approach us when we've been out and about total strangers. Sometimes with tears in their eyes, I know you from another time, and I'm like, Oh, it's so good to see you. I don't know how we know each other. But I'm grateful that you approached me and that you were willing to talk to me and well, I just I don't know how I know you, but I just I'm filled with emotion. And I'm like, well, emotion is is feedback from the past. And I would say past lives past past past. And without getting into too, too deeply. But you talked about the web that you saw, you know, one of the downloads or channels that I got back in December this last December was As I saw the tetragrammaton. And for those of you who knows, sacred geometry, the tetragrammaton has 144 points of connection. And in that download, I was seeing that every one of those points, that connection was quantum entanglement. And that, and this is the flower of life. Yeah. Life. Yeah, that Yeah. And that when we can come together as quantum entangled, and give gratitude, kindness, compassion and caring, that will untangle the entanglement. So I've told others and shared with my partner that, you know, when someone comes up and approaches us and knows they know us, and we don't know them, we don't we can't place that. How do we know them? Sometimes we felt it too. Sometimes they just have felt it. And we're like, I don't know what this is. I just said, I've learned to just give kindness and gratitude and oh, my gosh, it's so good to see you Then again, maybe from another life, but thank you for approaching me. And when you can do that you don't know what misperception what missing, of love what judgments were made in the past where that created some type of entanglement or contract or whatever, that now we get to give it up, we get to cut that cord, we get to just give it in gratitude. And then all of a sudden, it untangles that entanglement. And in that, that download, I saw how that quantum entanglement and all those 144 points was creating gravity. And it's funny, because after I saw that, I was like, well, this is so funny, because even Neil deGrasse Tyson can't explain gravity. You know, he literally can't explain gravity. And I was seeing that gravity is quantum entanglement. So I went searching after like, I got this download, really, but what did I just see? And, and that gravity was love. And came up with an article I found from 2013, from MIT, and of all places, and they they went through and explained how Yes, quantum entanglement causes gravity, and gravity is love. And they went through all of this. And at the end, they said, well, there's also some geometry involved, but we're not sure what it is. And Steve said, well, you just explained all the geometry to Angie, like, where'd you get all this? And I said it was download? I literally thought, are you familiar with Nassim Hurrem? Yeah, I'm probably saying his last name wrong. I think I can't remember it documentary. It was that I was watching. I think it was a black hole that he's really big on the tetra grama. Toronto. Yeah, which is I can't remember how many sided, whatever, it doesn't matter. But in this, he goes through that and talking about all the symbolism. But he believes very strongly, in fact, the vortex of energy of that tetragrammaton actually connects us to another person on the other side of the planet, this is what he's talking in. That's what creates gravity. So similar thinking, well, it goes into, you know, the physics of it. And actually, I mean, it's, it's a three hour long, it's fascinating. But when he said that, I'm like, Wow, that's really interesting that we as humans are actually what's creating the gravity because of all of our whatever that's on the planet. Well into. Yeah, so to I get what he's saying on the other side of the planet, it doesn't have to be someone on the other side of the planet, what he's explaining, is that just that were holding balance, right, and, and what I saw, the other part that I saw was that when two quantum entangled particles come into union, or people come into union, they touch right? Or they get within the field of each other, right? Maybe they don't have to touch but they're close enough. It opens up. What I saw in my download was it opens up all timelines. And I told that to my partner, I said, it opens all timelines. That's why all the sudden we're seeing all these past lives and they're coming in so clearly, do you think you have to be closer than six feet to have? Um, yes, just that heart that that little thing in there. I will say though, that I do know that some who they've come close, they do start getting glimpses. So it's almost like a fuzziness and then it gets clearer and clearer when you really are close right? And maybe within that six feet or whatever. And when I read that article, the article said, When two quantum entangled particles come into union, they open up a wormhole and I said, Well, a wormhole gives you access to all space and time so I'm we're saying the same thing. They're just choosing different words. And, and Steve was like, wow, that's my husband and and he's, you know, he's Angie, this is like, incredible. And I said, Well, what happens to now seems, description there is I saw a conical so a conical Lake comes in and then it goes out that's the wormhole, right? If you're gonna, it's, we like it as well and straight is the gate narrows the way it's this very thin, you know, line to the other side. So it opens up now, to go with what what we know about the triangles and the star of David, the Star of David is really two triangles. Over laced, right? That is the description of that conical. Now it's folding in on itself, that's what the tetragrammaton is, is the 3d of the Star of David. Yeah. And that's what happens. So when they fold in on each other, now they've opened up all time and space, they can literally see the end from the beginning, and you start to go, like, is literally like a, and you just start to see how everything you've created, was built on one, like one thing on the other on the other on the other, and how it's come all the way through space and time. So massive amounts of lifetimes. And now it's come full circle, because science also says this, that all things will return to the source of their creation. So that's when something's come full circle. What we get confused with the lingo is that, okay, the source of my creation is God. But you are a God, the source of your creation is the other essence of who you chose to co create with. So my source, I will return to the source of my creation, we came in together, we're going out together. So do you think everyone in this lifetime has a twin flame? Everyone has a twin flame? It just depends on where are they on their trajectory, have they come full circle, have they learned all the lessons in the tetragrammaton? Have, they learned the 144 points of connection, to become fully enlightened, to experience this is going to hopefully not trigger you, or your creation, that's what you're here to do experience the fullness of your creation, to have every experience that you came in, you signed up for you contracted with, once you've had them all? Now it's time to give them up. And I say, Genesis also teaches us this in those first two chapters of creation. At the end of every day, God said, and it was good. And it was good. And it was good. All of this comes back to you. So you can look at and go That was good. No matter, no matter my past judgments. I'm so grateful this person came into my life. And they showed me a shitstorm. Or they taught me by resistance, it's we're here to experience the push and pull that to find our equilibrium. And our equilibrium includes that other essence. While I love that, you just said that, because that's what I was gonna say, to kind of bring it back into the here in the now and the 3d for a minute. Because most of people it's like, and I have this person in my life that I feel a connection with. But it's really tumultuous, it's really challenging, or, and you probably have experienced this in your practice when people are coming in and going, Okay, I want to find my other person. And I feel like I had this connection with this, this one person. And in my experience with a very personal, I had a connection with a kid a boy, because we were 19 when we met that it was like holy shit. And he was in and out of my life. Yeah, for goodness sakes, I did 20 plus years. And it was so it was not a healthy relationship. And we'd come in and out. And that's when I started diving into what all this is, because and that's usually what people will, it will cause them to go start questioning. There's something here we're dreaming about each other. When we're not apart, we have the top of the we have whatever, but it's not healthy. This is a painful relationship. And what do I do here. And for me, I consciously went and unwound it, I consciously went and undid the contracts, and made a conscious choice of I'm not choosing that I'm choosing a different path in this life. And my, and a lot of people have this, right, they have the unhealthy relationships that really at the end of the day, it does come to a choice. In my experience, everything is about choice and what we're wanting to create. So if I, if someone were to come to you and say, Well, how do I know the difference between something that's healthy or unhealthy? What would you say? So I didn't know that about you, Amanda. And maybe that would have helped because we have something very much in common, right? Very much in common, I have experienced that relationship. And I've now experienced this. And I now can see the difference between a karmic bond and a twin flame union. They're different, right? A bonding creates bondage, right? And we are bound and it It hurts. And it's tumultuous, like you said, and so I had my high school sweetheart, we were bouncing in and out of each other's lives for 25 years, literally, just to know some of these stories even more how I would literally think him or speak his name, and then I would bump into him. Yeah, 20 minutes later, 40 minutes later, a couple days later, and I was like, I was even a little torn. Even after I met Steve and Steve knew this and I talked to Steve I like hey, kill keeps coming into my mind. But this is where I started to understand the electric way our our mind works or thoughts work, I should say, and the magnetism that our heart works from, and, and how those affect us. So I realized quickly, yes, I thought I loved this guy all those years ago, that was hung up on him for years and years and years. But when I held my back, my hurt, because that's who it was tied up. And I was, I thought I was supposed to be married to him. As soon as I held my back, and I had given him gratitude and saw it more clearly, the emotions around him stopped, I could think of him and I wouldn't cry, I could run into him and be happy to see him and you know, not have tears in my eyes. And so I recognized Okay, well, the emotions turned off, that means I've healed that. But why is he still running into me? Why are we still bumping into each other years later? If I've healed that, you know, maybe it's not fully healed? And the mind keeps asking when there's a question. So the mind is always wants understanding. So if we don't have understanding, it's really hard to let something go. And that's why we we want to gain the understanding, you got a lot of people cutting cords, and they still don't have understanding, sometimes all the cords aren't cut, they can get some of them cut, but not all of them, you know. And so with him, I finally just took it upon myself, I was suggested by a very spiritual worker, and she said, You know how to do this, you've done this many times, just go into theta state and ask your higher self to meet with his higher self. So I did it myself, I trusted, I can do this, I don't have someone else. And I went in, and I saw a movie real. I literally saw a lifetime, where he and I were married, I was expecting his child, he went off to war, his plane got shot down, they never found his body. And I promised in that lifetime, I will not rest until I find you. So I'm gonna pause. So my connection is he took his lifetime after lifetime. He took his life in one lifetime, and I promised him I would never leave him. So that's where we were at same similar things. And if you promise, I'm never gonna leave you and it's riddled with emotion and passion. You're going to keep that promise until you don't until you find it, right. And so what I what was fascinating about this was right after I had that experience, three weeks later, lo and behold, I bumped into him again, perfect divine timing. And what were the first words out of his mouth, he looked at me, he goes, why do you keep finding me? And I said, Why do you think I keep finding you? And he goes, I don't know. It's a feeling. I just feel like you find me everywhere. And I said, Why aren't you finding me and he goes, now, I'm pretty sure you're finding me. And then I just joked, because I'd had that past life. Scene, you know, a vision. And he? And I said, Yeah, I'm probably really good at keeping promises, I found you. And he goes, That's weird. And then we got talking. And I asked him, you know, why are you married? Why your your great guy, you're, you know, you got a lot going for you and you're still not married. And he said, because I've never found the right person. I said, Well, what is that that you're looking for? He goes, the feeling of coming home. And he said, I said, You've never had that. And he goes, No, I only get it every time I run into you. And I thought, huh, well, if you're playing in one lifetime, if you're playing get shut down, and you thought you were going home to her, right, that's going to feel like home, you know? And then and then we got talking a little bit more. And I said, What are you up to these days? And he said, I'm getting my pilot's license. Of course, you are course you're getting your pilot's license. Yeah. I just felt like I wanted to learn how to fly. And of course you did. And it was just one thing after the other. But then he reminded me, he said, Andrew, do you remember how we met when we were 14? And here we were 45 years old, talking 44 years old. He goes to remember when we met and I said, Well, yeah, and he goes, You found me in a crash. And I had found him after he crashed in the mountains on his motorbike. That's when I first met him. And I was the one leaning over his body going as a conscience. And he came to looking at me and revealed to me years later is like, I'd had a crush on you for two years and couldn't believe I thought an angel had arrived when I opened my eyes. And that's who was looking at me. I was like, oh, funny. And yet, not only that, so I saw we had that karmic relationship. And of course, and I spent the rest of that lifetime never finding anyone I didn't care I wanted to find him. Right. So coming into this lifetime next, still in search for him. But yet what I've learned since was he lit my he lit my heart on fire, he rose myself up to the highest form of love that I'd known that I believed and it it kind of like recalibrated me for my true twin flame because that's going to be your highest form of love you if you're if you have had all your experiences and now you're ready to clear all of those, just give gratitude for all those contracts. Then you're ready for the highest love your you have prepared yourself to be receiving of the highest love, right? And one part of that I just want to echo a little bit of what Like you said with, we have to be able to love ourselves in that capacity first before we can receive it on the other side. Yeah. So that is part of these, these things is karma that we're going through, you know, looking at parts of us and healing that and finding the gratitude, the love the appreciation, like you did with your back and each of those circumstances, right, so then that we can grow our ability to love ourselves first, to then receive an experience this in another, right. And so then I saw one other lifetime, just recently, it was in probably the last 10 days, I saw that he was also my, one of my very, very, very, very first children ever, from the beginning of my soul's path, and that he died in that lifetime, in his early 20s. So that pattern was repeating died in the last one in his early 20s as a pilot, so patterns repeat themselves, and and we just keep on, you know, seeing those patterns. But do we have the awareness to see those patterns, because that's when we can break them. And with this one, we had plenty of opportunities to ask me out again. And again, he was single I when I was single, and I didn't push or prod or poke, I just he knew I was available. But he had his heart walls up and he didn't want to be heard again. And I had heard him in this lifetime and, and yet I have come to understand divine timing. And one of the interesting things that came about knowing him for 25 years is that with that twin flame, you are like magnetize to each other. So me and Steve, we were working across the street from each other before we met for a year, our windows facing each other, like it doesn't, all of this like was not happening by accident, it was because we were in sync. And also I came to find out that that high school sweetheart, about six to 12 months after I started dating Steve my twin flame. I just had this thought come I think that this other guy lives in Meadville, which is where my twin flame lived. And so I pulled it up and looked up his address and realize they lived around the corner from each other. So no matter what all of it was pulling me towards. So even if I went this route, it was getting me closer. So within the twin flame experience, there can also be called false flames, they really let your heart on fire, they remind you of what the love is that you're seeking the kind of love the higher love, then that's not a narcissistic Love is a very freeing love. They also they set your vibration up higher, right. And they'll also often be a link to your true twin flame, like the one that comes along right before. And that's what had happened. And he came along right before and was just leading me it was almost like walking me right up to his doorstep. I could rock throw rock from each of their porches to each other. And that didn't make any sense to me, because I had no idea why he would live in that area of town when he works far away. And so it just didn't make any sense. Then I'm like, Huh, that's weird. Interesting. So getting closer and closer and closer. And that's how twin flames work. And just you feel the pole. The magnetic pole. Yeah. So I know you're kind of writing a book. Yes. is not about twin flames. Yeah, but until that books ready. I know. You shared some other twin flame resources with me. Yeah, yeah. I think maybe we should share those. Yeah, because you know, here we are at an hour. We could talk for 10 hour about this, I'm sure. Yeah, people have so many questions, but I know you had some resources that it was like it was at the keyCode the twin flame keyCode Yep. My 1111 the twin flame keyCode. That one, it because I'm experiencing this? I do check everything going. Okay, who's off their rocker? And who is like, how does it actually work? And is it work? Is it proven in my experience, right. And the twin flame key code 1111 is by Dr. Harmony. So you can look up that book. And that's one of them that I have found to be the most accurate. I still find a few things in it that I'm like, that's not like when when people speak in terms of fear, doubt worry, that that just doesn't resonate with me. If it's not, you know, this unconditional love but yet she spoke of sacral back pain burning off karmic. Your karmic debt, and that's what happened to me. And she said that with her she's been working with a lot of twin flames that oftentimes they'll be something with the back because it's your it's your support system keeping you centered balanced, you know, and so that made sense. And she she shares how there's always going to be a lot of synchronicities. Yeah, she shares hers. And those kinds of you know, there's a lot in there and Uh, that are helpful and then also kind of going back to like understanding archangels and that that metaphysical side and that spiritual side that a lot of people don't, you know, aren't very familiar with but when you start to go there you learn a lot. Yeah, so hers is good. And you know, I would say Google quantum entanglement and really start to allow yourself to let those the science and the metaphysics or the science and the spirituality overlap don't think of them as completely separate because nothing is it's all combined, right? Everything in creation is for creation. So try and look at it all as, as in the same slushes language right? You're saying something in Spanish I'm speaking English but we're saying the same thing exact might not understand your language yet. Right? Until I lean in and learn Yeah, that's why you've taught me that well, is because you're like well, there's just language raw speaking the same thing Yeah, just not understanding because I don't know your language right now. You also coach people right? Yeah, so I guess we could give them you're more than just twin flames you coach in general Yeah, I do it has turned into like that. That I love that and Relationship Coaching divine feminine divine masculine, you know, like understanding that that electrical and that magnetism that it really is the push pole, you know, the resistance, and that coming together, all of that masculine feminine dance. That's what I call it. Yeah, I'm gonna fall Are you still Is it still the best just to email you because we can provide your email is best. And it's Angela dawn at enlighten you calm and that's an i n Li gh t n y o u. So that's probably the best way to contact me. And my book is coming along. Actually, I've got like a lot of chapters written now and it's love the law of vibrational equilibrium. That's beautiful. What about the Mary Magdalene revealed that book? Yeah, I love it, did you that's a good. It's a good book. My favorite Mary Magdalene book is the beloved companion where the author really like, compares the four gospels to the gospel of Mary and shows how the gospel of john is probably likely written by Mary Magdalene and would make sense because john was called the beloved disciple, but yet Mary Magdalene was his beloved companion. So that's interesting right there. But um, yeah, you know. And then the other thing that I've found interesting is that if you read Genesis forward and revelations backwards, whether you're Christian or not, it's the story ends just as it began. And that's the end of the Bible, comparing the very beginning of the Bible. So if the whole thing ends as it begins, well, that's coming full circle, and that is quantum entanglement. And it actually shows and then we also have signs out in the world today, you'd had the Twin Towers, well, Mary Magdalene was called the tower, and you have the Twin Towers collapsing, and what do they build in its place one tower, there's so many things that are signs of this twin binary system that we live in, coming back as into one, right, so we all got together for the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. That was a demonstration of the masculine and feminine coming together, you know, so it's all over. It's fun. When you look in that into that cell, where you're great at connecting dots. It's one of your brilliant brilliance is. And you've taught me to do that, too, because of the synchronicities. You know, it's like, just awareness holding on to them. Yeah, yeah. But one of the things I love, I know, we need to wrap up. One of the things that that I love the most about you is that you don't just see patterns or no, like you just trust by ask the question, I'll see it and I you just have such a, it's almost an innocence about it, because it's just part of your norm. At least that's my observation that I think is quite beautiful, that most people don't carry. It's like, Well, yeah, of course this is happening. And of course, I'm asking and I'm going to receive this no doubt. It's just like a just a deep horse don't have a lot of bias or a lot of Guile. Because I learned years ago, probably a little while before I met you, Jessica that? I don't know what I don't know. So why would Why would I judge it? Like, let's just allow it to come in. Let me look at it, see how it feels, you know, and and can approve it in my own life. If I can prove it in my own life, I'll probably add some belief to it. Right. And that's why I test everything to my experience. Not saying my experience is the only experience but I know what I know from experience. So it's taught me not. Yeah, you're a great teacher in that it's just it's all information. Yeah. Where are you judging whether it's good or bad? Is information. Yeah. And it's teaching you something. Yeah. And it's helped me so much because I'm like, Okay, any but pings up against you where there's resistance. That's still just information to ask yourself. What is the showing me But maybe I don't want to see why am I judging my judging? You know? Yeah, like, exactly what is his pain? Like you say all the time? Yeah. I think it's smart the way that you approach that, like, yeah, look at what's pinging. And I've learned that the hard way. If it's uncomfortable, she's in Atlanta. Oh, yeah. I better go in. Right. Yeah. So man. Well, thank you. Thank you so much for being with us. And I know that this was we went deep. Right, and it goes all over the place. And there's so many, I think you should go on a podcast, your own YouTube channel, because I follow lots of people like Elizabeth, April, and people like that. And you. I mean, she runs the gamut from, gosh, everything in between. and you. You should you should teach more on that level. I yeah. And I've been told by spirit to keep it small. I know, that's weird. That doesn't match a lot of people in the world that my voice will be heard by those that are seeking. Yeah. Just let it be. Yeah, it is weird. And I even have to question myself sometimes. That's beautiful. Awesome. Wow. Well, thank you for joining us today. Yeah. Thanks, guys. So fun to be with both of you. Yeah. That's been awesome. Thank you for joining the conversation today. We hope that something we said sparked your curiosity to further your growth, only you know what is meant for you. So let's continue the conversation and follow us on our Facebook page at what is personal is universal. We'll see you there.