What is Personal is Universal

18. There is freedom in knowledge.

Amanda Joy Loveland & Jessica Lee Devenish Season 1 Episode 18

Our world is going through a death right now, and Amanda and Jessica believe there is a need to have a conversation about the reality of how this may be affecting you. There is a grieving taking place because what we once knew, has become an illusion in many ways.

There is freedom in knowledge. Knowledge aids in finding your inner power so you can better navigate the world around you.

Following a story they learned about of a North Korean woman, Yeonmi Park who escaped oppression; they felt strongly her story needs to be shared. Her story had both Amanda and Jessica in tears. Completely stunned learning the ties and control that China holds not only for North Korea but the entire world.  So much so, that they feel compelled to state that they feel strongly every citizen in the United States of America should hear her story.

It is a wake up call. The more we learn, the more we all need to share.

Yeonmi Park released a book in 2015 called "In order to survive; A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom".  And with the world's current events her story is getting much attention. They first learned of her story through The Joe Rogan Experience podcast released on August 3, 2021 episode# 1691.  They have since learned of several other podcast interviews you may find of her story.

This episode brings some passionate ideologies that both Amanda and Jessica share.  

This episode was recorded nearly a week before the recent White House Administration released the new orders for vaccines and testing. Now more than ever they feel it is critical to educate yourself on your personal rights and freedoms.

They encourage listeners to research  The Nuremberg Code. There are 10 important points we should all be aware of.  The code is considered to be some of the most important documents in the history of clinical research ethics which has a massive influence on global human rights. It was created in 1947 in Nuremberg Germany, following the trial of a group of Nazi doctors following WWII accused of conducting inhumane and often deadly experiments on prisoners in concentration camps without their consent. 

Many Americans are feeling some fear for their own personal sovereignty for themselves and their families. The intention of this episode is to share knowledge and information learned.

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Hi there, we know that what is personal is universal. I am Amanda Loveland. And I am Jessica devenish. Welcome to the conversation. Hello, hello. We're talking quiet today. And then then I also sent off super loud. Hello, you're loud. That's too loud too. We're not putting that in. Oh, man. Dave say? So Jessica and I have been sitting here having conversations like we usually do, because we don't chat a whole lot until we sit down to do our podcasts. Isn't that true? Which I like? I like that we, you know, we have that time. But as we're sitting here, of course, we're naturally talking about things that are happening in the world. And this podcast, we listen to you yesterday, and just different dynamics. And we have a whole other podcast. We're gonna record after this one. Well, let's talk about that podcasts that you should be talking about today. And kind of I think so I think that's the basis of why we're feeling called to talk about, you know, the environment of the world right now. Yeah. Well, I think it ties in all sorts of things. Right. Do you want to summarize that that podcast was? Well, it's Joe Rogan interviewing girl that escaped North Korea. I believe she wrote a book. Yeah, they talked about I don't know what her book was called. But and I want to her name is g e. e. e. o Nomi. Park. And it's episode number 1691. For anybody who's interested. I feel like everyone in America should listen to this woman's story without question. I mean, she escaped Korea. Oh, the book that she wrote is called in order to survive. Oh, I believe she wrote the book. It's been like in 2015. And that's where I think the power of podcasts are elevating her story. Yeah, because Joe Rogan had her on his podcast after it was released on another person's podcast, I can't remember. And all of a sudden, you send it to me, but I've seen it pop up now. That's fine. Too weak. So that's the power of podcast. So but she did write this book about how she escaped North Korea. And I don't know about you, but yesterday, I found myself like, I had to stop listening for a minute, because it's so like, emotionally. It's a lot. It's so it's overwhelming to think what she's gone through. Yeah. And I think, um, you know, partly why you're saying that this brought us to the conversation that we're going to have right now is, you know, I know, I know, as I was listening, I'll make sure my things muted. And it was I was listening. I kept feeling like holy shit, if we're not careful. This could happen here. And maybe not to that extreme, but you can see threads of what the regime and the power that that used to look at some people and the desire, they have so much for power for greed for owning whatever it is, it is fascinating and scary what they can accomplish. You know, you look at our history, and talking about Hitler and Stalin and all these massive leaders. I can't even remember the name of the leader that started all this with North Korea back in the 1930s. Their calendar started when he came into power, was it I can't remember john Kim or something was that the guy now? I don't remember. See, this is how this is. And this I feel like I'm super ignorant that I did not I knew North Korea was bad. Well, let's be honest. knowing what I know, after this last year of COVID stuff, I feel like my whole life I've been ignorant to what's really been going on. Yeah, I mean, this might really make me sound like the dumbest person on the planet. I didn't even know Amanda that China was as communist as it is. Until last year, frankly, I can. I mean, you know why I can laugh at me for not knowing that I did not realize it. Well, the thing is, is do do we really understand what communism is. And that's the thing I was listening to glenn beck podcasts and he was talking and this was through all of this COVID stuff. It has created more of Okay, I want to understand Marxism, Marxism keeps getting dropped in and socialism and communism and fascism and nationalism. And I, I found myself going do I even really know what the hell this is? So I listened to a glenn beck podcast that talks about Marxism, and I had no idea which is really goes very, very, they're very tandem with communism. And then he goes into China, you know, and how there is no individual businesses, there's no you know, the government, communism. The government owns everything. And you North Korea, like did you hear Did you catch when she was saying it was postured that the government would take care of the people. So give us your lands, give us your freedom? What is Biden doing right now? I'm just gonna call this out because there's the people that I know that are Biden's supporters. They like the free checks, hey, this is a way for us to not have to really work hard and to get free money from the guy Government. Well guess what happens if we start complying to this and being complacent? What will continue happening on our in the United States? I don't think that's what's going to happen. Because there's too many of us that are stubborn asses and are not in that mentality. Yeah. But this is North Korea. That's how it started. Well, maybe I'm being a little bit ignorant when I say that. But that was one of the beginning things that the government was posturing, we'll take care of you. We'll feed you. You give us your lands, you give us your freedom? Well, I mean, it's a fact that the CCP has come in and bought land farmland from people in the United States in this last year. They're buying up millions of acres of land. What's the CCP? sanfl? The Chinese Communist Party? Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Was that in that article? That anyway? I don't know. But I did not know they're coming in and buying farmland. And I have seen proof of farmers that are, wow, how does it go? They are being paid to destroy their crops. They're being paid like four times what they would normally make. And these are, you can't fault these families. These families are like, that's their livelihood, their farming? Well, right. I mean, a whole lot of money. Exactly. So if they're offered to pay four times amount with, you know what they would normally make. And if they don't, they get fined. They have letters from the US government right now that I've seen. And I've talked to farmers, and it is really happening in the United States of America. So the CCP is coming in and paying these farmers for their land. You've heard Bill Gates talk about synthetic beef. I mean, it doesn't understand the dots. Well, and here's this woman who was sharing about they take over the farms, and you can't exactly Oh, what is slowly like, happening? That's terrifying. But she does say in the podcast, I think you were gonna say, like, they don't even know. I don't even think they have access to any land. They know. Right? The government owns everything. In fact, she was talking about how a man was eating beef from a cow that was killed. And he was killed for that, because that is government cow. It is not the people. So the people have to go into the mountains to go find flowers. Crickets is their protein. And they're constantly hungry. And that was I think some of the things that struck me. I mean, there's so many parts in there. It's hard not to have cognitive dissonance because of the thing that is their reality. And just to think that this is happening on our planet, and we're not doing a goddamn thing. And we can't I don't I don't. We don't i don't even know where to start, but she's talking about like, rapes, not a crime. Murder is not a crime. So she said they sell organs there. There are so many, like China and North Korea, like North Korea serves China. Yeah. And she she actually said that, because Joe Rogan had asked her like, what's the connection between North Korea and China? And she said, it's like, your mouth and your teeth. You cannot have one without the other. Yeah. She that's how she described. It was she also went on to say, another fascinating thing I'll share before I forget is, Hulu came in? No, Disney came in and bought Hulu. And I think before this happened, there was a documentary on the North Korean whatever is it john can or whatever I don't. I know, I wish that he murdered his brother and Uncle Uncle. So there was a documentary on everything happening there. That was being created. Yes. on Hulu. Uh huh. So when Disney came in and bottom, the agreement was that they wouldn't share that documentary anymore to keep China happy. Yeah. So that's where she's saying people need to realize that it's all about keeping China happy. Yeah, she went on to say that michelle obama parades herself as saving all these women from the Taliban and ISIS. But there's 300,000 women and children. What every day, every year, I think I can't remember that need to be saved from North Korea. I think it was North Korea and China actually. And nobody's doing anything. She also went on to say that people say that they don't support communism, and they don't support other sex trafficking and other things happen to women, and yet, they're still doing business with Chinese companies. So she says they say in one breath that they would don't support that, but they're still doing business with Chinese companies. You know, it's interesting, and just as a little bit of a sidebar, when when I was when I had my clothing company, and we were manufacturing, I cannot tell you how many times we've had the conversations of we need to go manufacturer in China because I mean, you're talking manufacturing a T shirt for 10 cents versus here. $1.10 and I could not do it. I couldn't do it. Because I knew the child labor I knew all all the different for me, what I knew then was enough for me to say I can't ethically I cannot do this, but the amount like it is it's crazy when you make it's fascinating how money creates power, and how this kind of stronghold on all these different elements right? And one of the things so just a little sidebar, but a few of the things that I found fast writing about her story was one of the pieces that was so disturbing to me is first of all, they're so hungry that they can't think for themselves. And, and well and in tandem to that there is no vocabulary in their language for the word I there's no I there's no word for love. So it wasn't I love you mom and dad, nothing like that. There was that wasn't even in their vocabulary, or the word I everything was we and so there's they stripped down their individuality. Now, I'm just going to put this out there when we start wearing masks masks, take away your individuality. Like it takes away that. I mean, how many times would you know somebody that you know meet somebody with their mask on and they take it off? And they're, they look completely different? Oh, it was plenty of times someone I would see someone didn't even recognize them. Right? until they're like, pick it down. Hey, yeah, oh, gosh, didn't even see you. So we're removing individuality with these mask piece. Let's just see some of the parallels that are happening in the individuality piece to me was so huge. It was fucking huge. And I'm sorry, I just said that. But it was like this was this was warfare. It's appropriate. That that though, right there shows you how powerful we are as individuals, and how much that wants to be taken away. And if you look at mental warfare, mental warfare is more powerful than anything else, as far as brainwashing programming, doing whatnot. And, and these people she would say we had, there's no way that we could even think about revolting because all we could focus on was our bellies. And if we were going to live through the day, for sure. And he gets any she was talking about you remember this part, how they get offers from different countries of sending over medicine, sending over different supplies when they're going through that tsunami or something on a tsunami. And he always denied it. And because it's a it's just they are living in concentration camp. They the walls that they have around are electric fences around their borders, they have armed guards that will shoot the minute they see somebody and then they now have minds that she was saying that around. So if you can even manage to get through that she's like, I don't think anybody's escaped because they have. I mean, we have a living right now. There's a country that is a concentration camp. Well, she felt like she was explained how this is a different planet to her. Well, that's it. I mean, even talking about this is like who was this? Well, how about the poop? They talk about the poop. So every family every year, has to give up their poop to the regime, not their taxes. And if they don't, everything is about consequences. Everything is about torture. Every single thing about that whole country is about torture. So they but here's the thing they don't eat. So they're pooping maybe once a month. a month. Yeah. I mean, we're, we're all happy over pooping three times a day. I can't remember. I don't know if I've ever pooped three times a day. But she's like, we're not eating. Weird. Yeah, there's nothing to digest. So that's crazy that they and they have no private bathrooms. It's all public. Yeah, they're outhouses, and they have to lock them. Because people still poop from each other, because that's how they pay their taxes. And if they don't give enough poop, there's consequences. Yes. Like, just wrap your head around that. So then when she talks about the story of how she escaped, I mean, that story in and of itself is quite the adventure. But she gets taken to they, she goes to a home where there's men, and they're going to sell her, right, because she's a virgin. And they're worth I think she was sold for like 300. Her mom was sold for 65. She looked at a woman that was there and said, What is that? And it was a trashcan. She had never seen a trashcan in her life. Because they have no waste there. Yeah. Because that was just unfathomable that somebody had something to throw away. Yeah, she's like, they toss it away. Yeah. What do you mean, you toss it away? So then here in America, she's saying, and how are people like they can't stop eating? So the number one problem is obesity, where the indulgence it's too much. I'm just happy. I can't even imagine. I don't know what it would be like to just, yeah, overeat overeat. Because while and the reason why we're talking about this is, you know, I think all of us can echo that the, when this came in, and COVID started happening. I mean, we've all really had to kind of stand you know, what's the phrase, take a stand or put our toes to the line of Hey, what do we really believe? And it's starting to ask those questions like we just shared do we do we really know what communism was and Marxism and all these things and starting to do more and more educational research and, and so we've all been going through all sorts of shifts and changes personally and individually, at least in my experience, and in my circles, and here we are today. And people right now in Utah, we have so many people are getting sick and it's not COVID it's like the cold the flu. There's so like, I know my sister Talking about how her son's football practice got cancelled. Because there's so many kids that are sick, Jessica was sick, oh, my other, our other good friend that never gets sick is sick. And it's like what in the hell is going on and then also all this anxiety. And so I had the I have had the thought and about this time last year, I feel like it was similar, where energetically we get to unhook from what we've known. And we as as shamans carry this knowledge that we go through life death life cycles, we have a lot of connection with serpent energy and serpent medicine, they shed their skin so that they can grow. And they do it pretty often and regularly. And so when I do sessions, we call in serban energy to assist with shedding that which no longer serves, well, our planet is going through a huge shedding and a huge death, and with death comes rebirth. And I think that the level of death is so massive that a lot of us are having a hard time. Either we're not even recognizing that that's what's happening. So there's some cognitive dissonance. Or we do understand that it's happening on some level, and it's freaking our systems out, because, holy shit, I have no control of this, I can't even really imagine where I'm gonna be a year from now, because I don't know the state of our world. And what's going, you know, 10 years ago, we wouldn't say that everything was just ticking and just fine and everything. And I was telling Jessica, I feel like in some ways, we've almost been like children going through going through our lives, and everything's been this beautiful, you know, sure. We've had pains and we've had problems and experiences. And well, she talks about that when she came here. And she came here at 17. But she was really like a seventh grader. And she was saying her friends were talking about this boy didn't call her back do remember that part. This boy didn't call me back. And she's thinking, like, that's what like, that's a problem about their biggest problem is, oh my gosh, she went out with this other girl and didn't call me back. Yeah, cattiness couldn't even like, Oh my gosh, my biggest fear is I don't I'm never I'm gonna live from starvation. Yeah, really. She was talking about how when her mom would go to get do something, there was always that worry that she would never come back. Yeah, because people died all the time. There's no letters, there's no paper. So if you say goodbye to somebody, you don't know if that's the last time you'll ever see him again. It could be well, and again, just kind of coming back to where we are. Now. I think that it is time for us to really acknowledge that the things that we have known are dying. And what gets to be created in its place can be something really beautiful, but it will be something that we haven't experienced yet. And so that fear of the unknown is a real thing. Because we've been rooted in a system for how many years and now we're seeing the depth of the corruption that has been behind it, including China. And it's in its stronghold in its armory. I think it's interesting that you post you shared this yesterday with Biden, in the three, the three red stripes in the E and the connection to China. I love that Trump would call this the China virus. Yeah. You know, and trying to call them out. And I think it's interesting. In Donald Trump, Trump, Jr. Did you notice what his profile picture is now? The end? But it's all the ease are the three red things like Biden's Oh, wow. And I thought that was an interesting, isn't that representative of the camp China flag, or something like that? I have to find what I shared with you. And maybe that'll describe what you're saying. But I one of the things that I think would could be helpful, and I'm just going to offer this is when you are feeling moments of panic of anxiety, to let it move through you. Instead of wondering why you're feeling panicky, why your whatever it is just acknowledging that, hey, we're going through a death and our body is naturally going to react. So being in that can look like being sick, too. You know, here's a it's forcing us to slow down, to shut down and to reboot. And I had this meditation, that was actually a reboot, and I need to go back and find it and see if it still, because there's something about pulling in all your circuits, even rebooting and disconnecting from God from source from everything that we know, and then asking for something new to come in. Because I do think we are going through a major death. Oh, for sure. I mean, okay, so here, I found it. The three red banners is was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s, which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state. So if you look at Biden's logo, and that's really socialist, it's socialism. And so these are just signs right? I mean, what socialism is really people are listening like they love Biden, whatever the I'm not. This has nothing to do with whether you like buying or not. These are just signs and symbols. Connect the dots, pay attention, ask the questions, like, Is there something something more here? We'll come on? I don't care. If you like the dude or not at this point, he's been so disrespectful. He's falling asleep when he's having an interview with was it somebody from some foreign leader? He was falling asleep. He was asleep while there it's like, What in the hell regard? I don't even answer any questions I for the checking his watch. I think when people are saying he should be impeached in my personal opinion he should be court martialed. I think there has to be some sort of accountability and this is the thing that hasn't happened yet though, is the thing because of how corrupt our system they are talking about China and North Korea but like the what's happening here in Afghanistan, too. Like it's happening, people are watching it. Like you're I'm seeing videos of people being tortured. How about the helicopters, right? Hanging people flying with people like it's happening like, it's front row, and it is so disturbing and so overwhelming. So the depth that you're saying you like metaphorically, spiritually, physically, our bodies like all you're feeling it? Yeah. I mean, I think I was sharing with you. I love MTV. That's kind of like my jam. Right? And so the VMAs I mean, I always said, when I want to grow up, I want to be a video jockey. Oh, I love that. That's what I wanted to be with a vj. Seriously. And so the VMAs are on. And I love him. I saw a commercial for the VMAs. And I find myself like, that's died too. Yeah, like, it feels so fake. It feels like a fake world. It feels like they're just, it's all smoke and mirrors. Everything that I thought I knew, or thought that I liked. I don't even enjoy any right. And so And there it is, I feel like gosh, how did I not see it? First of all, that's my first thought. I'm embarrassed that I didn't know that China was this communist as they were. I didn't I'm listening to this woman talk about her North Korean story. I'm like, I feel foolish. Even if Afghanistan. I didn't know a lot of what was still happening is Yeah. So I think there's a death and there's an embarrassment. And then what can we do? What can we do? How can we you know, all I feel like we can do is just try to share what we know, which is what we're doing today. I think every American should hear her story. guys bring insight, right? Just for perspective. While and for education. Oh my gosh, I mean, she talked about she had never even they in the school system. They don't they don't really have education. She never had seen a map. The only reason why she knew there somewhere to go is because they hadn't hardly any electricity. So at nights because she was on a border town, she could see lights from China. That was the only reason why she knew that there was something else out there. Well do you know she didn't even know what race was? She didn't even know she was Asian. Yeah, well, that makes Yeah, she never saw white light. Well, she didn't know that the race the Asian like there was any other Anything else? Yeah. She just had no. I think what what infuriates me about all this is we are not fucking property and NASA thing when we start having more of this education and an individuality and we stand up for our rights of what we believe to be true. We, I don't care who you are, nobody wants our sovereignty or our freedom taken away period. And the things that are happening right now on the planet are starting our threat. They're threatening that there's no question the vaccine and the mandates that are happening right now. They are threatening our freedom, they are taking away our freedom, period. Well, and anyone, I have no problem looking them straight in the eye and saying, if for any reason you feel like socialism is a great idea. Go live in China or live in China and test it out and let me know. Because just because you even have the ability to use say that sentence tells you that you don't respect the freedom that you have right now. And you really do want the government to go own things that you create, see somebody that's okay with socialism, what they don't know what they're saying, or it's someone that does not have a ton of ambition. And I don't mean and there's, there's a place for all people, right. So someone that's okay, being an employee that somebody that's okay, being a nine to fiver, and just getting their paycheck and just living day to day and doesn't don't have a whole lot of dreams. People like that I feel like are okay, with status quo, they're okay with socialism, but people who want more in life and who want to go be an entrepreneur and go create their own destinies, those people will not be okay with socialism. No, I think that different people that are kind of live that don't want to socialism, because they do have dreams, but people that are happy with that, and that's just what their lives are going to be for their, you know, for sure, I guess there's someone in Travis's family that he's totally fine. He would be totally fine with that idea. Because there's a sense of laziness. They have the perception. Here's the problem, Amanda, they have the perception that they still get to live in the freedom that they have right now and have the government right on them everything. You don't get one and have the other. That's what I understanding. What happens is if the government does that, then they don't have they don't own anything like this woman sharing. So a man got shot because he ate beef. While and, and from what I understand up until the Soviet Union fell, the government was more they were giving food, they were doing some things that were what they said they would do and put that in quote, I'm doing air quotes, as I'm saying this and tell the Soviet Union fell, and then it completely changed. And now they're at a place to where they're starving, and they're in, you know, they're dealing with what they're dealing every day and it's horrific. Well, I don't even know enough to tell you when that started in North Korea, or if it's always been that way. She said the 1930s was when their current calendar started and when what whoever came into power, and then when the Soviet Union, so that whole pretense was, will take care of you give us your freedom, give us your land. And and they did until the Soviet Union fell. And then that's when it was like that was their kind of help and kind of so you have these different countries that are in cahoots with each other. And she talks about China, who are the other bordering countries, how it's almost, it's almost like they don't want to wake up the sleeping giant, they don't want to piss off North Korea. Well, North Korea also is the supplier for nuclear nuclear warheads. Like they're, they're getting funded, and people countries are paying them to get nuclear warheads. So it's like they're using them for God is so corrupt. It's so disgusting, that it's just like, Oh, my gosh, oh, my God, I think the goal, why I think every American should listen is just because it's just an opportunity to wake up an opportunity to see what's really going on. And although some people still believe that masks might protect you, I think at this point that the masks have nothing to do with the safety of they never have exactly. Remember, at what point are people going to finally say, wait a minute, wait a minute. Like if Biden stands up, after what Afghanistan, what happened Afghanistan, and the only thing he had to say was take your vaccine and put on your mask. If you are a Biden supporter through and through your soul has to say, why are we talking about this, talking about this still win? What's happening in Afghanistan is what's happening in Afghanistan. Like I shouldn't be talking about anything, but that as an American, I don't care if you're left, right, blue, purple, green, whatever. The only thing that matters is me we leave no man behind. While and then how many Marines are getting fired and let go, because they're standing up saying we need to hold someone accountable. Mm hmm. Like, I just hope I was so grateful that he did. I can't remember his name. I can't either been calling calling out who was calling, I was calling out Biden, he was calling out and then he was fired. Yeah. And it's like good for him. And this is where I was reading, who shared this. And there was a nurse the other day that had, she said, After 20 years of working at such and such hospital, I am being let go because I refuse to take the vaccine. And I put my trust in God. And I now have another job that pays three times more. And so she's just talking about faith and having. But now we're seeing that as an uproar. I know San Diego County just had a big some. They were there for 12 hours, people were waiting to actually have time in because there was no time limit to be able to communicate and something was voted and it was in their favor. And I think it was about mandating something. I wish I I sound super ignorant right now, but I was kind of following it a little bit. And I knew it was a positive thing. It was like a three to there's five people voting and it was three yes to know. And so they barely got the vote. But again, another nurse, I'm about to be fired, because I won't take the vaccine and I, you know, hear we used to be the heroes and the frontline workers, and now we're being let go, because we're refusing, you know, to have sovereignty over our, our bodies and make a choice for ourselves, will and why they're not still able to give therapeutics, like, you know, the hydroxychloroquine and all that why are we not having that conversation? You can't have that conversation or vitamins and suggested it. So you can't. Here's another thing. That's just a side note, I think that people need to understand that when the governor uses the word cases, cases are increasing in Utah, cases do not mean hospital cases, cases mean positive PCR tests. And it's important that people understand that and I'm pretty sure nine out of 10 people don't know that. So when he's saying cases are 1200 new cases. I didn't know that that is not 1200 new hospital cases that is 1200 new positive cases. And I'm just going to be bold and say the PCR tests have been proven to not be reliable. So I cannot figure out what people are still choosing to be tested. Because I can't do anything for the COVID. Then why are we Why are we aiding in the numbers? I don't understand why because the developer of the PCR test has come out and said they were not designed for that. I mean, and then there's proof that people have tested a piece of fruit. Hmm, I know. Back Guinea Did the day you just have to? I just encourage people to question everything. While it's time for yourself. Think for yourself and ask your own intuition something in connection with that somebody had shared this yesterday, and I need to go verify to see if this is true. But I believe there's accuracy and this because this has been the the case this entire time. Imagine believing flu cases dropped by 379 million. It's 379 998 178. And one year. Oh, that's fascinating that the flu has been eradicated advocated the flu, Amanda 359 million cases. Yes. And I will say this I was sitting next to because I do try to be aware so that I'm not narrowly focused in. We said this before in our Corona COVID, whatever, podcast earlier, we know COVID is a thing. We're not being ignorant to it. But it's just like the, for me. It's like the flu. It's like any other thing we neither natural immunities great. This virus was created by China. Blah, blah, blah, go through it. Take your vitamin D, I'm going to put this say this on this podcast, and hopefully it doesn't get taken down because if you post this, it will get flagged, take zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, I also like to take elderberry and there's a lot of really great essential oils that are out there. Vitamin C, A sorbet, that's a powder that you actually put in, in orange juice is very helpful. And drink water, like lots of water. But um, I totally just got on a tangent. I can't remember where he's going with the rest of that. But well, I found from Dr. James Kaufman, this was updated in July. It's from the Macon County Health Department. It's a public health announcement of the COVID-19 post exposure at home management and it gives 10 tips on what to do for COVID. And you know, mucin x Pepcid, 20 milligrams zinc all kinds of Pepcid. That's an interesting because that's indigestion. Yeah. Deep breathing vitamin B, omega threes, potassium rich foods, tummy time to help improve outcome. And this is just, yeah, the 10 list. And why is this not out there? I know where they're not it? Didn't you send me that video of that one doctor that has published two papers now with how many other doctors on it that are talking about preventative care and then actually pre cursor keratin before a respite as respirators ever needed? That there's all sorts of things that can be done, and they published two papers, and they're just getting being completely ignored by will It's all because Trump settle all those things. And so people are like, I think it's not that I think it's it it this is a depopulation agenda. And so the powers of knowing whether it's lying that people or not, they're dismissing it, because it originally is what I'm saying. Like, yeah, so they're dismissing it, because he suggested, I mean, have you seen the posts from the same person last year at this time saying, oh, Trump is gonna mandate a maxi vaccine? Don't you dare succumb to this governmental tyranny. And then the same person now is saying, we need to do what the government says, Oh, that's my point is saying, oh, because Trump said, Yeah, you assume Trump said to do it, and it was bad. But now Biden says to do it, it's good. I mean, the hypocrisy knows no bounds. And so I just encourage people to, if it smells rotten, looks rotten is probably rotten. So it's not about it's it's about turning people against each other. All of us. When someone says the cases are rising, I'm showing Jessica, this is. So here's a picture of Bill Gates. And that says when someone's seeing says the cases are rising, I think of this picture. It's Bill Gates with a book sitting next to him how to lie with statistics. over a half a million copies sold, I'm trying to find the the because they took a screenshot of it of the person that shared the year ago post and then the year today post that was completely contrary. Oh, for sure. There's so much, there's so much hypocrisy. So I this is obviously this gets us fueled up this is going to get you fueled up and and that's not for me, that's not my intention. And that's not Jessica. So what do we do? And I think one of those things is, hey, what can you do to actually disconnect to unplug from everything because I think that that's important, and even at night, unplugging or pulling in all your circuits. And when I say circuits, we literally do have circuits of energy that run through and we've talked about this before in another podcast. So meant mentally just imagining unhooking as if you had little cords out to, you know, the TV or out to your job or out to your boss or out to your wife or your husband or your kids. Like literally pulling in that sort of those circuits of energy is, is and can be a really useful tool. In the morning, and in the evening, before you do anything and having like those daily practices of meditation of getting really quiet, because to your point, I think that it's, it's, it's more imperative than ever that we get really clear with what our, our compass looks like, what our intuition feels like. Like you said, if it's, if it smells rotten probably is rotten, if something doesn't quite make sense, it's probably because it just doesn't make sense. And what would be another tip you would offer? Well, one thing that I do energetically and I've taught my kids to do this is I put a big magnet, I visualize a big magnet above my head. And I literally call back any energy that I've left throughout the day, right. So I'm, it's a magnet, and my body is a magnet calling itself back to me. And I just call back any conversation. Anything that happened any thought anything that I watched, that maybe was emotional, like this podcast last night, I was like, all that sadness and angsting just disbelief that I was feeling cognitive dissonance that I was experience, calling it all back. And you know, conversation with my daughter yesterday, just calling it all back. I take all those pieces of Jessica, that have been out into the world today. And I put it back into the magnet, and then I take the magnet, I visualize it turning into a sun. And then I move that sun, that warm energy of light down through my body from top of my head down to my feet into that. And that just feels like because I think we've talked about this before. piece, you don't want pieces of Jessica in your energy field. No one does, right? That's not serving anyone. And certainly it's going to deplete me if I continue to leave those, like you described, you know, out the circuits, open monophyly little pieces of my energy out that's not serving me, I'm going to get depleted and other people don't want my energy. So that's what I do. That would be another one I I can tell you what happens. When we start feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, emotional, we do start leaving our body. And more and more that I'm seeing in my sessions lately, I am pulling and bringing them back into the here and the now. We're either not because we're either not really wanting to be here, we don't want to have to face this. So there's a part of us that just starts leaving that because then we start going through the motions and we're, we're detached from reality. And again, like you said, you will feel more tired, you're not going to have a whole lot of joy, you're probably going to feel depressed, sad, anxious, but more than it's because you're just like, all this energy is just going, it's just going out and you're, you're letting it so having that consciousness of Hey, I'm calling this I'm calling this back in. I was listening to another podcast this morning where she had, she had touched on this briefly that you know, if if you're feeling disempowered with what to do, and I thought this was a good suggestion, she said, um, find one thing that you can focus on instead of all the things that are happening, find one thing that you can focus on and go do your research and see then from that place, what you can do, she's like, you know, you can go post a graph or do whatever online all day long. And that's really not going to do that's not going to really make much of a difference. So something's really find something you're passionate or passionate about, and then go focus on that thing. And I think that that that does, I liked that because then it is like, Okay, let me go focus on this. I'm really, you know, the dogs in Afghanistan say that's your thing. They go great. Go do research, go see what you can do. You know if there is anything that you can do, or get more educated so that you can increase awareness? Well, and I think we feel so disempowered in general, because how do I make a difference? And I think it goes back to that one drop that falls into the river, it ripples out. Yeah, you know, we do make a difference. So maybe we can share this story with somebody if it if it one person resonates, and they may do something with it today that's positive, then we've done our job. Right. I think that's the whole point is your own sovereignty, your own personal empowerment and how we can make a difference coming from a place of love, like I choose to share on my Instagram and my Facebook stuff. It's hard sometimes, frankly, not to post about all that's happening. It's funny that that's not my platform, you know, other people are sharing that. And that's what they're here to do on this Earth right now. Maybe mine is to share stuff of peace and love and try to find your own personal empowerment so that you can rise above the chaos. I think we all play a role. We get to decide what that looks like. So I think we can make a difference. And if you think that you can't, why would we? Why the things that we already touched on why is North Korea is the word I taken out of their vocabulary. Why are we being censored all over the place and certain people are being d platformed. This is why that individuality is so powerful. People are being censored because they're talking about canning can oh I saw that, like revelation he missed because they're talking about canning. Yeah, God is being censored now to hyping that is it's hilarious and terrifying. All at the start connecting the dots and planning for the end of times or whatever. We're just talking about canning. I mean, this is canning season. Let's just be clear about that. Right. So I think that's the death of everything we've known. You're like canning is an extremist. So now I was a conspiracy theorist, because I'm a critical thinker. And now I'm an extremist, because I'm canning right? Like, or having food preparation in case something shit hit the fan. I mean, I've granted we were Gray's Mormon, that's just part of the culture and that, but in some aspects is just smart thinking, like, maybe we should have some resources is censoring you, because you are talking about canning, or vitamins or holistic living or how to have a healthier, vibrant life. And I think you were gonna say they did put it in their policies on Facebook, you can't you can't use the word prayer. COVID. So if somebody that is this is, this is getting ridiculous. So if you comment and say, and I'll send you prayers, and there's any kind of COVID in there, then it flags you. Because, in case you can't say prayer, no, because you can't talk about home remedies, or therapeutics or that it's in those three things are in that policy. I shared it some time ago. It's always on my stories, maybe it is in the policies, they under it is there Pray, pray, home remedies, therapeutics, anything like that is being censored. And hey, I have I have people who've died from COVID. I am not downplaying the data, but I can't say I pray for you. Or I'll but I'm censored. Right? Exactly. And that's just sad. Yeah. Well, so I little like two cents. I think, you know, what I would also recommend get together with people like community and gatherings and being together with like minded. Connection is huge. That would be my last little offering to just be with people. I think that's why so many people are feeling sick and feeling lost right now to us because they have they lack connection like I there was a summit my hope my friend hosted a summit last weekend. And it was the first time in four years that he's had 100% attendance Wow. In and of itself is indicative of people need people. People are craving connection. And never in a business summit has there's never 100% and it's because life happens. But right now people are choosing connection they're choosing so so choose connection, you know, reach out to people because we need that. They do. We do so hopefully people we left you list some little nuggets. Okay, that tip is thank you for joining the conversation today. We hope that something we said sparked your curiosity to further your growth. Only you know what is meant for you. So let's continue the conversation and follow us on our Facebook page at what is personal is universal. We'll see you there.