Meet My Autistic Brain
What is it like to find out late in life that you are autistic? The Autistic Woman talks about life experiences and how autistic traits affect her as an adult. You'll hear personal stories, opinions about research and the importance of autistic voices. Includes some fun stuff too! This podcast is primarily for adult autistics and their family and friends. It's one of the top 0.5% most popular shows globally as ranked by Listen Score.
Meet My Autistic Brain
What I Mean When I Say I'm Autistic
This is a special episode where you will hear the first fifteen minutes of Annie Kotowicz’s new book, What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic, Unpuzzling a Life on the Autism Spectrum. The book is available in both a text and audio version. Check the links below.
Annie’s website: https://neurobeautiful.com/
Book link: https://neurobeautiful.com/book/
From Annie's website:
This intimate and insightful mix of memoir and manifesto takes you inside an autistic mind, exploring the trials and triumphs of a life before and after diagnosis.
How might it feel to be autistic? Why are autistic and non-autistic people so puzzling to one another? How does neuroscience explain the spectrum of autistic traits? And what could you discover about your own mind — neurotypical or neurodivergent — through learning about another?
Written by an autistic author and narrated by an autistic actor, What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic offers help and hope to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the autism spectrum. It's a nuanced analysis of autistic thinking, an engaging guide to autistic thriving, and a beautiful celebration of autistic brains.
Narrator: Meredith Aleigha Wells
-->Free 30-day trial for the podcast listeners! https://try.sunsama.com/xi4blkokndgk (affiliate link which helps the podcast) No credit card needed.
Instagram: anautisticwoman https://www.instagram.com/anautisticwoman/
Ko-fi, PayPal, Patreon at this link: https://linktr.ee/theautisticwoman
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/theautisticwoman
Email: info@theautisticwoman.com
Website: theautisticwoman.com
Check out these other autistic shows:
The Horse Human Connection Matrix: https://tinyurl.com/authhcm
The Autistic Culture Podcast: https://tinyurl.com/auttacp
From The Spectrum: https://tinyurl.com/autfts
YoSamdySam: https://www.youtube.com/@YoSamdySam
Beyond 6 Seconds: https://tinyurl.com/autbss
Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy https://www.youtube.com/@orionkelly