Nurture & Nourish

1: Why honest conversation is the key, with Hollie Holden

Could you just love me like this?

In this episode Anna talks with  Course in Miracles teacher, student of the enneagram, interfaith minister, poet and writer and Mother - Hollie Holden. She lives with her husband and two children in London and is passionate about practical, earthy ways to bring Love to all areas of life.

Hollie is the author of a poem on self-love that will resonate with most women on a journey to greater self-acceptance. She opens the episode by reading those powerful words. You might recognise them – they’ve been shared by thousands online, and, as Hollie puts it, ‘have taken on a life of their own’. She captures the essence of the struggle so many of us know too well: trying to fix ourselves, and reacting to cruel self-talk and outside influences. And yet, as Anna teaches in her own coaching, our bodies want nothing more than love and acceptance. How can we get back to that? 

In this episode:

  • How to work with ourselves, to make big changes and still feel safe
  • Why bad self-talk can be like a terrible song that gets stuck in your head
  • The reality of what we need for personal growth (it isn’t pushing ourselves harder)
  • The role of honesty and being vulnerable
  • Are you hearing a harsh inner voice? Or a supportive, truthful one? How can you tell?

For more conversations on a healing and nurturing approach to food and self-nourishment, subscribe to the Nurture and Nourish podcast with Anna Anderson

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More about Hollie Holden

Holly is a Course in Miracles teacher, student of the enneagram, an interfaith minister, a poet, writer and mother.

From this episode:

On the importance of honest conversation:

We release each other from the spell, you know, by telling stories… that's why we need to have these conversations to tell new stories; to tell honest stories; to undo on the collective conditioning that we're all swimming in.

On coaching, therapy and community:

We expect to get ourselves out of the hole we're in. And it doesn't work like that… Wouldn't it be great if somebody could just give us the recipe or answer? But we have to hear it in other women's voices.

On the superego:

I've heard that voice say things to me that I would never in a million years say to another person.

On listening to the Nurture and Nourish Podcast!:

If you're listening to this, then you're already on the path, you're already stepping outside of your your natural thinking.

Links and resources:

Hollie’s Facebook 

Hollie’s instagram 

Hollie’s website

Hollie’s poem