Conversations with D'nT: Spiritual Journeying
Join us for unscripted conversations about our personal spiritual journeys and unpacking some of the more difficult passages in the Bible. We talk about it all, the violence, the contradictions, and downright strange passages in the Bible. This is a ministry of the Laingsburg United Methodist Church (LUMC). To learn more about LUMC please visit our website at laingsburgumc.org
13 episodes
Spiritual Journey on US Highway 12: Podcast 3
Welcome to the third installment of the new season of Conversations with D'nT. This podcast was recorded on May 4, 2022. We continue with Diana's Spiritual Journey, a pilgrimage across the United States on Highway 12. Li...
Season 2
Episode 3

Spiritual Journey on US Highway 12: Podcast 2
Welcome to the second installment of the new season of Conversations with D'nT. We continue with Diana's Spiritual Journey, a pilgrimage across the United States on Highway 12. Listen in as Diana and Tiffany discuss the insigh...
Season 2
Episode 2

Spiritual Journey on US Highway 12: Podcast 1
Welcome to a new season of Conversations with D'nT. This season we begin with Diana on a Spiritual Journey, a pilgrimage across the United States on Highway 12. Listen in as Diana and Tiffany discuss the insights gained along the jo...
Season 2
Episode 1

Podcast 10: Women in the Church
In this podcast, D'nT discuss how the role of women in the church has changed over the years. How did the changes come about; has it made a difference in how the church carries out its mission?
Episode 10

Homosexuality in the Bible
D'nT tackle the subject of homosexuality in today's conversation. D'nT unpack the verses on sexuality to the original Greek text and explain when the word homosexual became part of today's biblical text. This is a raw and sometimes ...
Episode 9

Podcast 8: Mission of God
What is God's mission? What is the mission of the Church? In this podcast, D'nT take on both questions. Listen in to this raw and sometimes emotional conversation.
Episode 8

Podcast 7: Image of God
What do you think of when someone says we are created in the image of God? Does God look like the image you see in the mirror? Are images of Jesus representations of God? In this podcast D'nT discuss the Image of God, the Imag...
Episode 7

Podcast 6: Adam and Eve
In this episode, D'nT takes a closer look at Genesis to try and figure out if Eve is really responsible for humankind's original sin or is it just an urban myth. There are many twists and turns to this story that you may never have been t...
Episode 6

Podcast 5: Story of Job
Today D'nT talk about the story of Job. Did God really make a bet with the devil? Did God really make horrible things happen to Job? What is the life-giving message in this story? Join D'nT to hear how they answer these ...
Episode 5

Podcast 4: Rule of Life
In this podcast, D'nT unpack how they developed their Rule of Life. They both study Marjorie Thompson's book Soul Feast while at their respective seminary. Soul Feast is an excellent book for anyone who is interest...
Episode 4

Podcast 3: The Story of Hagar
Today's conversation is about the story of Hagar, the slave of Sarah, wife of Abraham. This can be one of the more difficult passages in the Bible to find a life-giving message within it. D 'n T unpack the story and even make a few ...