Barefoot Across Borders

Julia Chi: Going beyond boundaries with Ben Weeks

Julia Chi

Ben Weeks is a barefoot runner; he started wearing zero drop running shoes 15 years ago and hasn't looked back - he feels that it improves his running style, posture and performance.
He has since moved into completely barefoot for much of his running,

Barefoot running is intended to be a pure way of running, as your body and moreover your feet and legs do as they where built to do.

Barefoot running in its minimalist style, has become an analogy for Ben's family life.
he explains how they rarely eat processed foods, and try and cook everything they eat

Also, when they need something for the house, they try and make it.

The Barefoot Daddy has developed out of a desire to share how we do it, so that others, perhaps, can take something that we are doing and try it themselves. 

24 weeks ago Ben created 'The Barefoot Crew 5k' - an ever growing group on instagram which is proving to be very popular

For the video links, Ben mentions in the podcast, he has this playlist link on his channel, that has them all in including the breathing podcast, the earthing movie that Ben talks about in the podcast and a couple of other things of interest.

The Book he talks about is The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss, and to read part one of Ben's personal journey, click here