The Brand Sisters

EP 09: How to Attract Your SOUL Client

Alexis Season 1 Episode 9

It’s really easy as we get farther and farther into our business journey to go off on tangents, to shift, to make changes… usually for the better… but sometimes not.

Sometimes we get easily influenced by what our competitors are doing and we let our desire to “keep up” get the best of us or maybe we feel like what we have to offer isn’t enough so we try to add more and more.

Needless to say, we are all susceptible to straying from our core values. The practice of going back to the beginning can remind us what those are and help us get realigned. Ultimately we have to think about what we really want. What’s behind all our work?

Join us for a conversation on getting back to building a business that attracts not just clients, but SOUL clients.

Read the blog post at  Animella Agency.
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