Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis

Yogurt of Love

William Davis, MD

Restoration of a microbe lost by the majority of people, Lactobacillus reuteri, causes the brain to release oxytocin, the hormone of love, affection, and empathy. It brings you closer to other people, helps you see another person's point of view--it makes you a better human being. It also brings on what can be regarded as age-reversing effects: smoother skin, restoration of lost muscle and strength, deeper sleep, reduced appetite, accelerated healing, and other benefits.

We increase bacterial counts 1000--fold by fermenting the microbe as yogurt with impressive results for many people.

L reuteri yogurt recipe:

The L reuteri yogurt recipe and many other recipes that you can use to replace lost microbes can be found in my new book, Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight available through Amazon and other book retailers.

BioGaia Gastrus tablets:

For more information on Dr. Davis’ programs:


Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health; revised & expanded edition

Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox

Wheat Belly 30-Minute (Or Less!) Cookbook

Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor

Online media:

Dr. Davis' Infinite Health Blog:

Dr. Davis' Infinite Health Facebook page:

Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox private Facebook page:

Dr. Davis Infinite Health Inner Circle (membership website with direct interaction with Dr. Davis):

Support the show


Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health; revised & expanded ed

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