The Wellness Connection

8 Dimensions of Wellness

February 15, 2022 Sage Wellness Connection Season 1 Episode 13

In the Wellness Connection podcast episode, join Shannon and Paula with Sage Wellness Connection as they chat about the 8 Dimensions of Wellness and the Wellness Wheel Philosophy.  They talk about engaging a holistic approach to wellness and the benefits of exploring all aspects of your life to discover how they impact your overall wellbeing.  Connect to your strengths to support areas where you may have challenges in order to create harmony in your life. The Wellness Wheel is a tool for self-exploration that can help you survey areas of your life that impact your overall health and wellbeing.  Each of the 8 dimension of the wheel is interdependent on the others and equally important.

This podcast is brought to you by the Rural Mental Health Project through the Canadian Mental Health Association of Alberta.