Buddha Belly Life. Empowering Purpose, Mind to Microbiome

Choosing Life Over Death (Part 4)

August 23, 2021 Brittney Season 1 Episode 12
Buddha Belly Life. Empowering Purpose, Mind to Microbiome
Choosing Life Over Death (Part 4)
Show Notes Transcript

"When you learn how to heal yourself, you also learn how to create greatness."
~Dane J

The process needed to heal and grow is the exact ticket to success in everything in life. From the experience we cultivate the mindset to achieve our dreams and our adversity becomes our gift.

Follow this episode for some incredible mindset shifting  inspiration from Dane Johnson, founder of Crohn's Colitis Lifestyle, his cutting edge program successfully helping the masses with a natural approach to this debilitating condition.  Part 4 of 4

Find Dane: https://crohnscolitislifestyle.com/

Thinking aout getting certified as a Holistic Gut Practitioner, looking for a personal Gut Restoration Program or maybe you want to try our FREE course "How to design a gut health coaching practice," find everything you are looking for at enrollhwca.com

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Buddha belly life podcast, empowering purpose, mind to microbiome, a mind, body, soul approach to life, starting with your gut. Join me, coach Britt. As I interviewed top wellness entrepreneurs and microbiome science geeks, and together, we mastermind a bucket list kind of life will building the ultimate vessel to live it in. Welcome to your Buddha belly life. Don't forget to take notes

Speaker 2:

And how to heal yourself. You also learn how to create greatness. I'm a big fan of this. When I finally got great results with Crohn's and colitis, I had a pivotal thought, which was, I just did what all the doctors said was impossible. I went to Mayo clinic, Cedar, Sinai, UCLA. I just did what their drugs couldn't do. And I'm a young guy and how do I do that? Right? And I thought to myself, oh my God, every dream I've ever had every big dream, let me build the most powerful Crohn's in class program in the world. Let me create the most powerful nonprofit in the world to help raise money for uninsurable healthcare costs. Let me create a TV show that literally I literally take a sick person and I live in an episode, heal them, and you can see every part of how I heal them. Those are big thoughts I've had that said, oh my God, whatever. I just did the energy. I just created the discipline. The organization that the mindset, the resilience is the same ingredients for every other piece of greatness in life. Meaning what the energy I manifested. I brewed up and created and consistently stuck with the peel Crohn's and colitis was the same. I needed to build the company. I wanted that show. Write that book, create that relationship I wanted. And here's something also cool. When I got healthy, I realized what my values were twice. Stop dating over here and over here. And I started only being interested in here. That's for my girls and guys who were ready to find somebody totally

Speaker 3:

Episodes on that relationship.

Speaker 2:

It's domino effect. When you start figuring out your core values, I want to eat this way. I want to live this way. This is what makes me happy. Everything else starts to fall in line and all the things you're worried about. I'm not good enough. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not strong enough. My muscles are not big enough. Um, I'm not, I'm not rich enough, whatever. You're not enough that you've justified your head on why you're not finding that thing. That partner, that business, that health it's all backed by core values on what you decide your going to be. My biggest mistake I made when those years and years that I was failing with Crohn's and colitis is that I was relying on others. I wasn't deciding what my values are going to be and what I was going to be accountable for. And the reason was is it wasn't my fault that it happened to me. So I was angry and I was resentful and I made it everyone. Else's I made it my mom's, my mom's, uh, mission to spend all of her money and figure out how to heal me. And I made it my doctor's mission. He's the MD to figure out what was wrong with me and understand the labs and understand what I should do. And I just left it up to him. And if it didn't work, I'm going to blame you, mom, I'm gonna blame you doctor. I'm gonna blame you, God. And I stopped with the fault and I took responsibility. You want to meet someone, take responsibility, response ability, forget what your mom said, like how she used to say it to you. Response ability, the ability to respond to adversity. You want to meet someone you want to make some, you want to make that money when to build that business, when it gets your health response ability, superpowers, and how are you do it? You have to take hard things and you need to make them simple. The goal is not to be really good at hard. The goal is to take hard and make it simple. Okay? The reason why we use apple phones over all those other blackberries in the past is because the apple software is so simple. Look as bubbly. It looks like it was made for a fifth grader. It's so simple, simple equals successful. Stop trying to make it hard. Make it simple. That was my, that was what really helped me is I wasn't a brainiac. I looked at things and I looked at how do I integrate it and make it simple, make it consistent. And I did the same thing once I understood my values.

Speaker 3:

And you developed like a stubborn conviction, right. Of what you're going to do. I think when you talk about your relationship piece too, I think it transcended into that because you tapped into an internal power of conviction of I am going to seek this, but that

Speaker 2:

I really want to take a second and talk about that guys. Let's talk about, I know we're running out of time here, conviction. Let's talk about conviction, right? The inspiration, the rah, rah, the get up, make it work type feeling, right? Let's talk about that. Motivation is, is like a rocket. It goes up really quick and falls really quick. It wasn't, it wasn't the fact that I was so convicted. I mean, I had ambition and my heart knew, but you easily get tired and overwhelmed and scared and fearful. You know what you do and you quit. What allowed me is I connected what I wanted in my life. I wasn't doing it out of fear. I wanted to be a healthy person. I wasn't trying to be healthy so I could get, so I could get rid of these symptoms. I decided that I wanted to be a healthy identity. I wanted to be a person who lived in breathe, a healthy lifestyle. And all of a sudden it became a daily ritual of why am I getting overwhelmed? Why do I not want to make this or do this? Why do I really need that? Gluten? And I started becoming aware of that. I started purging these vices because I was committed to who I wanted to be. Why did I decide I wanted to be a healthy person after growing up in fast food and having no interest because I started realizing that every dream I ever had, I was a professional actor. The model I worked, worked with Nautica and Tommy Hilfiger. I did big things right before I got sick. And, and I realized that every big dream I ever had that being a healthy person would only help it come true and only help it keep safe. Do you want kids? Yes. Are your kids going to be healthier because of you're a healthy person? Yes. Do you want to live to 70 and go to Hawaii and go down and get on a, a break and left five footer and have fun at seven years old. In other words about back pain. Yes. It's not functioning. Yes. Okay. Are you going to look your best? Uh, yes. Are you going to probably gray less quickly? Yes. I just started thinking about everything I wanted and I said, holy crap, forget the sickness. Everything I've ever dreamed of that I ever wanted disconnected this. So if I build the, my, the foundations of my life around health, I'll be that much closer to anything. I even dream of anything that even comes to my mind. I am literally 10 times closer to it because I have built a foundation on these values. Do you want a healthy marriage? Do you want kids? Yes. Then you've got to get your vices under control. You've got to build a healthy mind. You got to build a healthy life. So it was no longer about the fear. I was deciding who I wanted to be. So the motivation kind of rocket gasoline only took me so far that might've got the engine started, but what kept it purring was the balance. So get more interested in, what's taking you out of balance. If you can't keep eating that way, if you can't keep cooking those foods, if your significant other has no interest, if you are finding true HaBO trouble, um, traveling, if you feel like you're not getting results from what you're doing, then you take a step out of all that stress. Remember that mental clarity we talked about earlier, you get mental clarity and you start making it simple. Why am I doing all of this? And what do I actually want to stick with? And why? So something I like to do, I did for years, I made an elemental shake every morning, elemental pre-digested foods, a shake like fruits. Now I did really well with the monosaccharides from fruits. Okay. So I did the monosaccharides from fruits because I did well with them. I didn't do well with polysaccharide. So I did okay. With banana blueberry and Megan, I had to work up to that. At first, I got bloating, little cramping and I was little scared of fruit. Then I got less scared of fruit over time. Right? Monster were there guys. But I started noticing, wait a minute, if I start my day with a shake with greens and maybe some healthy fats and some fruits and maybe put some demulcent herbs, like slippery Elm, marshmallow root, but I put some silly and has to give her the diarrhea. I customize it to me. I said, my, I have more time in the day. I don't want to cook. It's organic vegan role and it's highly absorbable. So I know I'm getting nutrients right into myself. And I know I can build it in a way to help reduce my symptoms of Crohn's and colitis. I know that works for me personally. So my Crohn's, the class will get better. I'll have more time. It tastes great. Um, the cleanup is almost nothing. It's raw organic vegan, which I know is good. Okay. And in that sense, not maybe not a hundred percent I wanted to do, but not since I got one meal like that. Right. So if I wanted to say, you know, paleo or keto, I knew I was getting one meal that I felt great with. So I was now attributing all these things about Dane Johnson wanted to do it, not sick day needed to do. And that's how I built. And that's why I've been able to build a lifestyle now where I'm happy and I'm healthy. And I don't want to eat any other way. When people bring a bunch of cookies and they bring gluten and pizza and they, and they want to have certain meals. I can eat that whenever I choose. And if I choose in that moment, I might do it. And some people look at me like, oh man, I can't believe you're eating that. Like, well, why not? Well, you're, you're a natural medicine. Right? Okay. So aren't you supposed to live in a bubble and not eat anything? Perfect. No, I do what I want. It almost confuses people. They almost look at me like sideways confuses them. Why? Because I'm not going to put myself in a bubble. You meet me on the streets, guys. Don't be surprised if I'm on vacation, don't be surprised you catch me eating a burger and fries. Don't be surprised you catch me in a burger fries. Why? Cause it's my choice, my life. And I am free and I'm empowered to be responsible for my health. And I know the risk of having some gluten or having a burger. And I, and I mitigate that risk and I choose to not cheat. I never cheat. I'll never use that where I use, choose to celebrate when I want, but I rarely want, so when I'm celebrating a lot, I'm asking myself, what's driving me. Is it community? What spirits is driving me to keep celebrating? Is it the community connection is because I need to relate with my friends. Cause I'm on vacation. That's how I associate vacation. So the more I go on both, that's a one that really hit me. I used to celebrate a ton on vacation. So I started asking myself like, why am I getting rid of my lifestyle? When I go to a beach somewhere else in the world. And I started asking myself, started having those spiritual and mental conversations with myself. So a lot of this is really just getting to know thyself and then asking the questions around vices and starting to purge them. And when you're ready and I needed to communicate that with, with professionals.

Speaker 3:

I think that the mind piece that your, how you, how your, your brain, all this in with the, the perspective piece is so valuable to people because that is the biggest issue that they have. It's not what they are. Aren't eating. It's not their willpower. It's not any of that. It's their associations with the behaviors that they're

Speaker 2:

Doing. Yeah. And, and what is success? Write this down, everyone. Who's still with us define success. The reason you're having pain from food is because success for you means freedom to eat what you want or what you use to eat and what you see your friends eating. But success is not to let the world and your friends or part of the world, not the let the world to inspire you. You inspire the world. The real influencer is not the richest. It's not the person with most Instagram followers. The real influencer is the person who is happiest and healthiest at the table. And everyone will eventually, I don't care how cool they are. We'll eventually start gravitating towards the person who has the most happiness, spiritual balance and health within the life. It literally radiates off of you, your heart, energy radiates. Can't buy it. You can use your money to help give you tools to, to build it and balance it, but you can't buy it directly. So happiness and health influence the world to be like you don't like, don't try to be like the world.

Speaker 3:

So when you were working with people, so you have the Crohn's and colitis lifestyle. Now this is your business. This is how your darkest days cultivated. What you now passionately do for a profession. Right? Give us a little 4, 1, 1 on that and let people know how they can see

Speaker 2:

Crohn's colitis lifestyle, um, is, is, is our company. And we are an international company. We pride ourself with the mission to be the most impactful system and or solution for Crohn's and colitis or IBS in the world. When we do that, we're clinically, um, we're clinically trained. We do functional lab work. We do medical grade. We partner with medical doctors, naturopath doctors. We have a nurse practitioner on staff and a functional medicine practitioner on staff. We have practitioners in Europe, us, we work with people internationally, all over. We help you build your customized solution from home. Okay. So it's not about the magic, the magic plan. It's about teaching you the strategies of why, why should you eat this way? And you particularly with your labs, your experiences, uh, why should you take these things? Uh, what alternative therapies can you use and how do you connect with other people in the community who've been very successful? So it's about having your own independent shield or program is called shield. Shield is, uh, uh, basically a metaphor for your ability to be able to live your best life and be able to, uh, respond to adversity. It also stands for it's an acronym. It stands for supplements, herbs, imagination, exercise, lifestyle, and diet shield, build your shield. So you can cherry pick from everyone you can build and create your own canvas of what is success. Uh, and, uh, we, uh, the shield program, it's at a again, Crohn's colitis lifestyle.com and, um, and yeah, we're very passionate about what we do. And if you want to check us out, it's crones, colitis, underscore lifestyle, um, for Instagram at Crohn's colitis, underscore lifestyle. And, uh, yeah, and I'm excited if you're really resonating with this and you want to connect, then, then, then reach out. And if you need help reach out. And, uh, we're a growing company, we're a startup, I've bootstrapped this entire company. I've, I've spent my own money building the whole thing. And, um, and it's been, we've spent real money building our program, like big money, not small. And I take pride in that because I want, if I'm going to do something, I want to do something right. I want to do something that matters. And, um, it's not about having the magic answers about it's about finding success and customizing and learning how to respond. And that's what we pride ourselves in. And that's where we grow. And we're growing very quickly and very effectively, and I hope it'll always be morals over money.

Speaker 3:

Amen. Thank you so much, Dean, for being on this. Thank you guys so much for listening to this. I'm going to put all of Dean's info where you can find it. Oh, and I almost forgot which I forgot what Tracy, that Dean gets this special blacklist edition copy of the new Buddha belly publication, because he is now considered a Buddha belly life blacklist. So thank you, Dane. And I will, I'll put all your info for everybody to find it. And thank you guys for listening and thank you Dane for being here. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for joining us and this week's Buddha belly life podcast for more episodes, coaching resources and gut programs, visit Buddha belly life.com. Don't forget to put us in your schedule for next week and remember, keep showing up and enjoy the journey.