Buddha Belly Life. Empowering Purpose, Mind to Microbiome


Brittney Season 1 Episode 17

Are you happy? Truly happy? Do you find happiness from your work or ambitions only to lack it in other areas of life or do you feel fulfilled in all aspects of life? Does your self worth and happiness fluctuate with your endeavors? Is your relationship often hindered by your work? Are you healthy enough in all aspects to enjoy what you are working so hard to attain? And mostly, ARE YOU HAPPY THROUGHOUT THE PROCESS NOW?

LIFE HAPPINESS is actually essential for succeeding in business and goals!

In this four part series Coach Britt interviews Henrik Nordenstedt. Henrik has spent the last decade helping tens of thousands of driven men, women and teens set up their emotional world to generate exponential results. He does not teach theory. True to his engineering background he only has interest in what works.

He is an international speaker, coach and trainer who has trained with masters in the field of personal development, NLP, international business and personal transformation for more than 15 years. Including some 6000+ hours in a LIVE room with Tony Robbins...

He is the founder of 'The Exponential Life' that help people set up the environment that will automate REAL WORLD results for real people with real challenges.

When he is not training at international events, he can usually be found traveling the world, playing beachvolley, coaching high-performing people to not only get bigger results but feel more alive. 

To connect with Henrik or apply for a personal mapping session, apply directly: https://www.instagram.com/henriknordenstedt/

Thinking about getting certified as a Holistic Gut Practitioner, looking for a personal Gut Restoration Program or maybe you want to try our FREE course "How to design a gut health coaching practice," find everything you are looking for at enrollhwca.com

Speaker 1:

What if every experience, every hardship, every obstacle was given to you not to break you, but to mold you and strengthen you. What if the center of your sufferings actually the key to ultimate health and what if your own pain was meant to be the catalyst for your greatest purpose? Welcome to Buddha belly life, empowering purpose, mind to microbiome. Hey guys. Welcome to the Buddha belly life podcast. Today. I have a really, really exciting feature that we're going to be focusing on for the month. And it's is happiness in your business plan today. I've brought on a super, super awesome guest for you. This is my good friend and well qualified business coach Henrik. Um, let me tell you a little bit about him. So Henrik has spent the last decade helping tens of thousands of driven men, women, and teens set up their emotional world to create exponential results that he doesn't teach theory. So true to his engineering background. He only has interest in what works. He's an international speaker, coach and trainer, who is trained with masters in the field of personal development, NLP, international business and personal transformation for more than 15 years, including some 6,000 plus hours in a live room with guests who my favorite in the world, Tony Robbins, he's a founder of the exponential life that helps people set up their environment that will, it will automate real-world results for real people with real challenges. When he's not training at international events, he can usually be found traveling the world, playing beach volleyball. No, he's not from the S if he calls a beach ball and coaching high-performance people to not only get better, bigger results, but feel more alive. So welcome Henrik. This is such an exciting interview for me. I love this topic right now.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully you're bred happy to be

Speaker 1:

Here. So we're going to start with this first one. So I'm gonna, I got a couple of questions for him, but we have a few reasons we want to talk about this. So this is an important thing to go over with entrepreneurs. And of course we have a lot of entrepreneurs in the health and wellness arena and everything, but this is really pertinent to all people that are starting businesses, or even some, I think who, who work high profile jobs and things. Um, it's really that happiness piece. So why do you think, um, so many successful people seem unhappy or we hear frequently cause you can work with so many, so many high profile, high flying individuals. Why do you think happiness is such a, I don't know what the word I'm looking for, it's it, it's not, I would say there's a lot of entrepreneurs who are really, really lacking that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. I think that it's not a big focus in some respects, if you're an entrepreneur, happiness is one of those things that you should get you've achieved enough, right? Like we value sometimes things such as like hustle and like the grit and doing the hard work, but not always realizing that we got into the entrepreneur space, a lot of people to feel free, to feel happy to, you know, like do it our way, uh, yet very few entrepreneurs and sort of like high powered business people that get to feel that way, get to feel that happy and feel that free. And I think one of the reasons is that we get caught up in all the doing, uh, meanwhile missing out on some of the important things that are relevant to our own happiness, such as our health and our relationships. Another is too. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's so true. And I think that it's something that you find do you find like we, we kind of find it as we go to because we get specially for entrepreneurs and I've noticed if we're in, if we're in the creative realm or we're succeeding or, you know, something, we get so much from that it's such a high, like I call it kind of a drug because it's such a high. And so it's dopamine, right? I mean, they've shown that people get dopamine hits from technology and from like all these things now that we're trying to be more aware of. So if we get this high from business or work, like how easy is it that we're going to actually balance? And we're like the lab rats, right. They keep coming back to this thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it's true. It's a hundred percent true. Like a lot of entrepreneurs are basically like junkie. So yeah, like for those feelings of, of, to like push and succeeding, um, and it's a good thing, you know, for like, that's like we need entrepreneurs. I firmly believe that that's why I choose to work with them. But especially when you go into entrepreneurs that are like, they have the financial success. Uh, what you're talking about is so prevalent because they're hooked to those, to those feeling and they feel successful in that area. And that also means that they get very rewarded from being in that space and sometimes to a bigger extent than in some other areas, such as their relationships, for example, which is a very common sort of field for some people in center.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well, and so what are some of the most common, and obviously you're not going to house people, but with, with a lot of the people you work with when they come to you and they're working, you know, they're like, Hey, I need a success coach. I need to, you know, all this stuff when you get to the bottom of it. I know for, okay. So I know like in health and wellness, when someone comes to me or one of my coaches, it's often, you know, what, why are you here? And they're either like this ailment, this issue, and often they want to lose weight, right? Like I want to lose weight or I want to feel better. I want this thing to go away and it's not until you actually dig in and work with them that all this other foundational stuff, it's not the weight loss. I mean, the weight thing is just this, this higher symptom. There's so much more root causation to their unhappiness or their lack of health or their, their dissatisfaction. So when you, do you see a difference with your clients, like when you originally talked to them and they say we convey what their needs are, um, versus what you kind of get down to to see, you know, is there common stuff that you see in people with that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Lots like some of the common symptoms, if you will, of, of sometimes a successful entrepreneur also want to want to, you know, segment a little bit when we talk about success, because we have sort of like personal success and feeling good and, and, you know, having our relationships and our health and our emotions in a place that very much supports the journey of a successful entrepreneur, but, um, most entrepreneurs and business owners, um, maybe don't focus as much on that foundation. They want more of the, sort of like the, the results and the business. And they put a lot of focus. They're not realizing that that's keeping them from some of the like long-term performance, if you will creates a little bit of a drag, uh, emotionally, sometimes. So, um, one thing that I find is that there's a lot of entrepreneurs and high powered business, people that are tired and they are stressed and they are overwhelmed. And, uh, loneliness is another one that the big ones now, obviously there's all kinds of great things too. Like there's a challenge, the adventure, the enthusiasm, the breakthroughs, all those sort of great things. Right. But what happens sometimes when people are stressed and tired and they do that and keep doing that for a little while, um, like there's a, there's a price to that. There's a price to like always having to push that. Doesn't always feel good. So, uh, one of the very common things that I see is that, you know, when you have some hunters, like, you know, they're running a little bit of an equation that isn't really working out, like they feel more and more tired, uh, then they double down and work harder, but same things. Right. And, and, you know, there's a certain irony to that, of course. Uh, but also I think it's important to realize that there's, uh, that's what they get rewarded for. And I don't want to say they S like bad people. These are like the top players in the world. Sometimes they're huge through successful, uh, in business, but they're doing it by a lot of push sometimes. And what I want to help them do is like, how can we align some of those resources? So they get access to more energy so they can do more great things, right? Or sometimes when I come in and work with a high powered CEO or a successful entrepreneur, the first thing I do is figure out the relationships, because then all of a sudden all the energy they spend or don't spend in that avenue, they have like access to again. And all of a sudden, it's not an adversarial sort of relationship. All of a sudden they get supported by their, by their spouse and they feel they get to give to you in a way that feels good.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a desire for fulfillment, this helping people tap into their own health mentally, emotionally, and physically fire you up, do you believe in the impact of the gut microbiome on overall wellness, you may be an HWC coach for more info on our cutting edge health coach trainings. Is it H w C a coach.com? So to that point, like, do you feel like, um, when someone works with you, you know, they're coming in, they're like, I wouldn't do this with my business and I'm, you know, and I'm stuck or with my, these goals in my life and whatnot. Right. And I'm stuck and they're doing what you say. So we're pushing harder. It's kinda like, it's like a marathon runner. Like, you know, if they just keep running, running, running, and when their body starts crapping out on them, they're like, I'm just going to run more. And we know what that leads to. Right. It's, over-training these broken bones, you know, atrophied muscles, all that, um, blown adrenaline, adrenal. And, um, so the business owners do do totally yes. Gut issues. And so, um, so I think people, like you're saying, people do that in their wife. They're like, oh, I'm stuck in my business or something. So I'm going to like push harder, push harder, push harder. And that area is familiar to them. And it's easy in the grand scheme of things compared to looking at the foundations of the other areas of their life, that if improved would help their process and business and their growth in their goal goals that they want. And so you're saying relationship and stuff is a very common thing, right. That you end up working with people a lot is really on the things going on in their relationships, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. That's a, it's a very common, um, common question and, and, you know, to be fair, there's a lot of really great relationships out there where they feel supported. And, but what they feel is that the successful entrepreneurs that have, uh, live a happy relationship, they get lots and lots of energy and support from that relationship. Whereas in relationships that are, you know, not as aligned, um, it takes away energy. Like, it feels like there's something that we need to address or all of us, all of a sudden now we're just friends or enemies at home. Like when you come home from your, you know, changing the world, there's like a gremlin with a spear there waiting, like trying to ambush you. That's not what you want to feel. That's not helping. Right. So, you know, I don't want to be spouses or anything out there, but like, if you feed the gremlin, like the grim will be happy. Right. And then there's gonna be like a couple of little things.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've, I felt that in my soul, and I will say, um, to my husband's defense, that I am often the correct way Because we're both entrepreneurs. And I, we have six kids between the two of us and for us to, you know, and we have our strengths and weaknesses. I'm really methodical and well-planned and strategized, and he's more lighthearted and free spirited. And it compliments well as far as people and growth for each other, but it can be so complex when we're trying to run two businesses in a household with kids. And our life is one giant insane business, um, with so many, you know, compartments and that's the thing. And so, yeah, so you've got the entrepreneur in me and the entrepreneur and him, and yeah. And he'll go have a rock star day and come home and I'm covered in baby vomit. And with a list of emails, I haven't gotten back to you and all this stuff, and it's, it does, it takes a whole different beast to go, okay, how can we communicate to get like, both, you know, bounce, this, this chaos, and then two, how can you support each other? So you're part of the full process of each piece of our life and not like, yeah. All of a sudden enemies, right. In the beginning, it's like the coolest thing about each other. Like, yeah, we have all this in common and then it starts competing with

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's true. And I think, yeah, but also like if you have, if you've done a little bit of, of the work, I know you have, I know you, you have a huge interest in this and entrepreneurship, but also like in your, um, in your partner, but there's, if you invest a little bit upfront, hopefully you have a little bit of the communication and like, you want to understand the other person wanted to hear them a little bit, and that makes it so much easier for you to support him and from the freedom to hear you. Right. So, you know, what I'm advocating to my clients sometimes is that, you know, you spending five minutes listening to what they're actually trying to say could save you like hours and weeks and months, just a little gremlin chasing you. So like for the business people out there and the high powered investor, it's a great investment.

Speaker 1:

It is a great investment. That's like, well, and so the whole point of this specific topic, just to reiterate isn't to detour people from business and goals, like we, our goal and getting people who love our business, suffer creative, new ideas and all that, you know, we, we love it. The point is, is that we, we, a lot of the time we make the mistake because it's such a high in sacrificing the things that ultimately on our deathbed, right. Make, make our life like, like if you look at it, I mean, and those of us who, I mean, I've been through divorce, I've been, I mean, there's a lot of us who have gone through those things, or, you know, I don't know people who have lost children or whatever, and it's at the end of their rope. They're not looking back going, man. I wish I would have done more with my, I wish it would have worked even more now they're going, gosh, why didn't I absorb some of those times with my kids? Or why didn't I, why didn't I worry about my health? Like they say, we spend all of our time and money, or we spend all our time. We, we, we spend all of our time and all of our health trying to get money. And then we have just been all of our money trying to buy our health and more time. Right. And so what we're talking about and what you're sharing is building a foundation, uh, figuring out where the flaws are in the life, peace in the life and health and health. Isn't just your physical body, right? It's your mental health and everything. We can't function and work well when we're at odds with our partner or, you know, we're not sleeping and we're unhealthy, you know? So, so it's really of doing that right in the beginning or correcting it as time goes on, right? Like if you're already in it and you've already been doing it crazy and burning yourself, burning the candle at both ends trying to push, push, push, say never too late to recalibrate.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like a, an a hundred percent agree. I think that it's it's. And also what I'm talking about is not, you know, like happiness for the sake of, of blissing out and just, you know, becoming a send muster and not engaging in your business. I'm talking happiness as a fuel to your performance. Like this is the fastest, quickest path to do what you need to do even better over time.

Speaker 1:

You're talking about enjoying the process. A lot of people are not enjoying

Speaker 2:

Having a life. How's that? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us for another empowering episode of Buddha belly life. For more information on gut health and mindset, resources, visit Buddha belly, life.com and remember heal yourself and then empower others to do the same.

Speaker 3:
