Buddha Belly Life. Empowering Purpose, Mind to Microbiome

Sexy to be sober? Part 3. Inabriated to Empowered

January 16, 2022 Brittney Season 2 Episode 23

Session three of "Is Sobriety Sexy" with author/coach Rebecca Weller shares how her addiction to alcohol was still present when she entered her profession of coaching and how being a leader brought her to her own personal growth when she decided to give up drinking. 

Purpose from our pain. Her coaching direction took an unexpected turn and brought passion and fulfillment along with sobriety. 

Part 2. A Drunk Brain-Gut is LIVE NOW

You can find Bex and her books at https://sexysobriety.com.au/

Thinking about getting certified as a Holistic Gut Practitioner, looking for a personal Gut Restoration Program or maybe you want to try our FREE course "How to design a gut health coaching practice," find everything you are looking for at enrollhwca.com

Speaker 1:

What if every experience, every hardship, every obstacle was given to you not to break you, but to mold you and strengthen you. What if the center of your suffering was actually the key to ultimate health? And what if your own pain was meant to be the catalyst for your greatest purpose? Welcome to bud belly life, empowering purpose, mind to microbiome. Well, that's pretty amazing. So, um, you use that like many us do purpose from pain. I love talking about creating purpose from pain. I, I personally think that when we tap in and we use our, I, I think, I think our pain and our obstacles are given to us for a reason, um, so that we grow so that we change and then a natural side effect. Once we go through something is to want to share it with others. And that also tends to empower us to keep going in that journey when we, we we've shared and put into someone else that thing. Now we walk it a little taller, um, ourselves, because it's accountability and it's, it just empowers you, you know, on purpose. So what I mean, tell me what you cultivated from this thing. So what's interesting to me is you were six months into health coaching when you, you were still drinking so months in health, did you ever fully hypocritical or embarrassed<laugh> yes,

Speaker 2:

Totally. And, you know, I went to, in my first book, I, in a happier hour, I talk about, I went to, um, a few events and, you know, I would go to all my events with my corporate friends and we would drink like crazy. And then I would go to, I had started going to these events with my health coaching friends, and they had never seen me drink, whereas my other friends had never seen me sober. And so it was just this strange thing where worlds were colliding. You know, I started to feel like I'm such a hypocrite. Like I don't, I'm putting on two different shows here and this is just crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Oh, like two different person. Right.<laugh> I get that. Um, so when you did your, um, so at what point did you, I'm guessing you were just, you were health coaching at the time, but you didn't really niche down until you started this journey. So how did it, I, and I'm, I'm pretty, like, I'm all about nicheing down and then niche down some more. Um, and so how, how did the process really cause sexy sobriety is kinda your main jam, correct me if I'm wrong. Yes, it is. Yeah. So, so tell us a little bit about that. Like, what did that actually look like and what was it like, how far into your sobriety were you<laugh> when you really launched that?

Speaker 2:

I was only seven months, which looking back now, I'm like, that's not, that's

Speaker 1:

Actually way longer. I'm the kinda person that would do it in like a month and half and be like, there's no turning back from<laugh>.

Speaker 2:

It was so nuts because like, I, I was, at the time I was, um, running a healthy recipe blog. And so I was had a mailing list for that. And so I was taking care of people that way and bringing out like, um, healthy living and healthy eating, uh, courses for them. And, and, um, had one on one clients that way. I was also providing, uh, business coaching to a bunch of health coaches through the school that I had graduated from. And so I was doing that as well, like many, um, calls per week with these groups of, of other health coaches teaching them what I had done, because I had started to see some success with my healthy recipe blog and, and, and business there. And I was then also that turned me into doing some more business coaching for health coaches as well. So I was running a mailing list there as well. So I didn't really have time to do anything else, but something just was driving me to think what if I show other the women, what I've experienced and so bright, like this is so life changing for me. And it could be for others as well. And so I started to come together with this idea and put out some feelers and see, would anyone be interested in this? And you know, my love, uh, Dom who's now my husband, he is a graphic designer and, uh, web developer, well, which is very handy<laugh> mm-hmm<affirmative>. And, and so he sort of put together this landing page to see, to gather interest, and it was just inundated with interest for, uh, this sobriety program. And I was like, okay, well, I hadn't been able to find anything like it. Um, and so I was like, let me create what I wish I had of found when I first stopped doing. And so I did. And so for a little while there, I was running three different businesses. Cause I was running the, the healthy recipes I was running and, and coaches coaching programs. I was running the business, uh, coaching, and then I was running the sobriety as well. And I just started to receive so much feedback that it was changing lives. Like people were just absolutely flawed with how different they felt, how their families were transformed as a result, how their careers were transformed. And so I was like, okay, I can't keep juggling all of these balls in the air because there's only one of me<laugh> and so I'm gonna have to choose, but I was really scared to go all in on the sobriety, uh, coaching perspective because well, part of me was scared to let go of the other two businesses that had brought me to this point of, of kind of some success. But also I was scared of what if my name is forever tied to sobriety and I wanna do something else or what if I actually want to drink in the future? You know, I was only a few months in, so I was like, I don't know, is this how, where I want to sort of hold myself to account? And in the end I was like, you know what? You just gotta be brave. Right? You just gotta try something. And if it feels right, and if I'm listening to that voice within which says, yeah, go for it. Then this is the path that feels good to me. And so I have, and so I haven't looked back. It's been, oh, so bright ever since<laugh>

Speaker 1:

Do you have a desire for fulfillment? That's helping people tap into their own health mentally, emotionally, and physically fire you up. Do you believe in the impact of the gut microbiome on overall wellness, you may be an H WCA coach for more info on our cutting edge health coach trainings, visit H WCA, aco.com. I think life kind of carves us in that way too. It's like, you know, like, I feel like, you know, God or whatever, you know, whatever your, your beliefs are, you even, they're not religious. Like we are guided to be good contributors to this world, to people. And I, me not drinking is a public service. Like I can be funny. I, I mean, there's all kinds. I mean, I can't even tell you how many great karaoke nights there were, especially between my husband and I like we both well sayings, so we'd, we'd, you know, one drink would turn into somehow at the karaoke place at 2:00 AM on a date night, you know? And, um, but it was better for the world for us to be sober overall. We are better contributors. And so I feel like those obstacles would keep getting thrown at us, even if they weren't instantaneous in the moment, or even if it was a night where you just had, you did just have a couple and you were okay with it and you put it away and you know, those nights you're always sitting back going, dang, how, where did that one come from? You know, maybe I'm getting at it finally happened after I finally, how I just needed to get to was that geriatric pregnancy. I just went through, it was fine. It's made me responsible with alcohol<laugh>, but, but it's like, you know, I, I think cultivating something like that, I think what you, what you made though, is just so neat and that you did commit to it. Um, a lot of people are too afraid to do that and because I coach coaches, right. Cause I'm helping them get their businesses going after they're, they're graduating. And I I'm always like, Hey, niche, niche down. And I feel like people are afraid to commit to things they're afraid to commit in public because they're afraid to fail, um, or to change their mind or whatever. And I think that, you know, what would you to that when people are afraid of that commit of commitments in general of, of being associated with not drinking or, um, something like that. Yeah. And you know,

Speaker 2:

When it, when it comes to making a commitment to something, especially like in business, I think it's, it's always going to be scary, but if it, if it feels right and you have evidence that it's looking right, that it's helping people, then, you know, I think you owe it to yourself to, to give it a try. I always love that saying that we can move 10 things forward one inch each, or we can move one thing forward 10 inches. And, you know, there's so much power behind really nicheing down and having a, a specific focus. It allowed me to be so much more helpful to people because I could go all in and I could really focus on the one thing rather than trying to run myself ragged and do a million things for, for everyone. And so I think of, I think it's about being brave and taking a chance as well, like taking a leap of faith and you know, what, if it doesn't work out, no one's gonna think badly of you. If you then switch tracks after that. Like if you then choose a different path after that. So I think there's nothing to be lost through giving something you are all. And when I was wanting to, to stop drinking, this was something that was a driving force for me as well, because I felt like I had always half asked my, my way through life. Like I'd done well in, in exams and things, but not through any benefit of my own, not through any hard work, really. I was sort of like lucky, uh, you know, by chance mm-hmm<affirmative> and then through a career paths as well, I sort of fell us over into each new career level. And, you know, when I stopped drinking, I was like, I really wanna see what it's like to, I wanna find out what my true potential is of pouring myself completely into something. So that can be a good way to think about, uh, any kind of commitment, as well as like finding out what you're really made of, because so much comes from taking that action and really committing to something and finding that you are so much stronger and more capable than you ever believe possible. And you know, when it comes to what other people think about you? Um, not drinking, just remembering as well. Like what, where, what you were saying before Brit about people, there are different types of people who have different reactions to alcohol, and that's all driven by their own relationship with alcohol. So any of their judgements say more about them than they do about you. Like, if I know when I was drinking and someone wanted to stop, I was all up in their business, you know, like, but why, but, but that's so boring, but then every day will be a weekday, you know? Like, but that was because of my it's selfish. Yeah.<laugh> yeah. It's because of my relationship with alcohol, I didn't want them to, I didn't wanna lose a drinking partner, so I would give them grief. And you know, when you think about people who, uh, have a very sort of taken a leave at relationship to alcohol, who don't, don't really care for drinking, they don't care if you what's in your glass, they care about you. You there, the energy that you have nothing about, like, will you partake in this substance with me? And so just keeping that in mind, it says more about their relationship with alcohol than it does about you.<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

And I, and I feel like that's same with like ambitions or, or business or anything when people, you know, I see, you know, and you're like, I'm gonna, you know, partake in this new endeavor, like the coaches doing things like that, you know, I'm, I'm gonna start this thing. It means a lot to'em and they'll have people very close to'em that'll they say a lot. Oh, well, what if this thing happens? And what if this? And what if, and they discourage, and it's like, what you're saying, that's their limitations as their limiting beliefs. That is their fears. It's their discomforts. It, it is not part of your journey. You are the only part of your journey, right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely other people's blocks and fears and stuff will always kick up, but you just have to listen to that out voice within that, that tells you, oh, I'm curious about this. I wanna see what it's like to do this thing. Definitely.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us for another empowering episode of Budda belly life. For more information on gut health and mindset, resources, visit Budda belly, life.com and remember heal yourself and then empower others to do the same.