Little Wisdom

Why Too Many Choices Make It Difficult For Your Brain to Decide

Shubh Season 2 Episode 7

You sit down, open the menu, realise everything looks delicious and out come the words - “oh gosh, I can’t decide.” Truth is, this happens to almost everyone and it happens with more than just food. It happens when choosing what to wear, picking a partner if you’re lucky to have multiple great options on some dating app, or even picking out the right professional opportunity if you’re stuck between a few great offers. In which case, lucky you! But where does our hesitation or rather confusion to choose come from, and how can we be happy with what we pick. Find out!

Key Takeaways:

  • Barry Schwartz’s The Paradox of Choice 
  • Herbert A. Simon’s two types of decision-makers - maximizers and satisficers (which one are you?)
  • Economic benefits of lesser options as found by researchers Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper
  • Angelika Dimoka’s discoveries on how the prefrontal cortex reacts to decision-making from multiple choices
  • The optimal number of options to choose from, and how to be happy with the choice 

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