Little Wisdom

Learning Forgiveness with Nelson Mandela

July 14, 2021 Shubh Season 1 Episode 4

Today’s episode is in honour of a man who has received over 260 awards in 40 years, spent 27 years in prison for his battle against apartheid,and is fondly known as Madiba in South Africa - Nelson Mandela. We look into his legacy to learn how we can be better at forgiving.  

Key Takeaways:

  • 18 July is Nelson Mandela Day 
  • His real name (which was not Nelson!), and who named him Nelson
  • His response to Oprah Winfrey on how to keep bitterness at bay, and his advice for you to nurture forgiveness  
  • Forgiveness does not mean you have to allow people into your future - you can let go of the pain and the person 
  • What the Sanskrit language and the Indian scripture of the Bhagavad Gita have said about forgiveness and the qualities associated with it 
  • Why ego is one of the biggest roadblocks to practising this trait 
  • What Harvard Health and John Hopkins medicine found about forgiveness and its effects on our health 
  • The poem Nelson Mandela used to recite in prison 

Quotes of Wisdom:

  • "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”
  • “You can forgive them and not want to move forward with them. Forgiveness doesn’t give them an automatic ticket into your future.” 
  • “One of the most important weapons in changing yourself is to recognise that people everywhere in the world want peace.”

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