Caregiver's Compass

Managing a Business While Caring for Others- With Business Coach, Lianne Kim (Episode 12)

Stephanie Muskat

In this episode, Stephanie speaks to Lianne Kim, business coach and founder of Mamas and Co. who shares her insights into balancing and managing a business as a caregiver. 

Lianne discusses her previous and current experiences caring for her father while managing and growing her very successful business. She gives suggestions on how to balance both to succeed and maintain positive mental health.

About Lianne:

Lianne Kim is a Business Coach and the founder of Mamas & Co. - a community for mama entrepreneurs. She is the host of the wildly popular podcast 'The Business of Thinking Big' and the author of the brand news book 'Building a Joyful Business'. Lianne is on a mission to help women make a great living on their own terms, doing what they love.

Find Lianne:
On Instagram: @liannekimcoach

Stephanie Muskat, MSW, RSW
Licenced Psychotherapist (Ontario, Canada)
Founder, Compassion in Caregiving 
Instagram: @compassionincaregiving