Caregiver's Compass

Trauma as a result of caregiving (particularly as a result of caring for a child with a disability) with Donna Thomson (Part 2) (Episode 30)

January 28, 2022 Stephanie Muskat

Trauma as a result of caregiving (particularly as a result of caring for a child with a disability) with Donna Thomson (Part 2) (Episode 30)

Donna Thomson, a well-known advocate for caregivers, joins Stephanie in this episode to discuss her experiences as a caregiver both to her father and her son with severe cerebral palsy and medical complexity. She also touches upon the trauma that can result from caregiving and her experiences navigating the Ontario healthcare system. 

Donna Thomson is the co-author with Dr. Zachary White of The Unexpected Journey of Caring and the author of The Four Walls of My Freedom: Lessons I've Learned From a Life of Caregiving. Donna facilitates Caregiving Essentials and instructs the Family Engagement in Research, both at McMaster University. Donna has sat on The Expert Group on Home and Community Care, the advisory committee for the white paper on aging and on the Working Group on Complex Care for Adults with Developmental Disabilities for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care . She is a lifelong family caregiver and advocate. 

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This episode is part 2 of 2.

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