Midlife Mommas: A Girlfriends Approach to Life After Menopause

The Reality of Dehydration: Winter's Hidden Drought

Amelia & Cam Season 3 Episode 132

Are you itchy? Is your throat scratchy? Are you hungrier than normal?
It might be that you are DEHYDRATED! Dehydration is real in the wintertime. We don't think about drinking water so much when it's cold, but we need it as much as ever. Heat can be drying and if you exercise in winter, you need to rehydrate. Heck, even breathing causes you to lose moisture.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Redmonds Real Salt
ReLyte by Redmond
Link to Cam's Amazon store ***commission may be earned

00:00 Winter dehydration concerns: skin, sinuses, drinking water.
05:51 Winter dry skin and eczema itch treatment.
08:49 Former CrossFit coach highlights signs of dehydration.
12:40 Drinking coffee, filling water, adding electrolytes. Lots of water bottle options.
15:30 Friends with migraines found electrolytes helped prevent headaches.
17:20 Stay hydrated by alternating alcohol with water.
20:02 Severe dehydration led to dangerous health consequences.
23:52 Using neti pot daily flushes sinuses.
27:01 Reduced alcohol intake by embracing mocktails.
29:31 Show info below, contact us next week.

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Hi. I'm Cam, Holistic health coach, mom to 2 humans and 4 pets. Hi. I'm Amelia, laboratory scientist by day and Food scientist by night. Welcome to our show. Join us as we share our holistic approach to life after 50. You can expect real life stories with a dash of humor and a ton of truth. If it happens in midlife, we're going to talk about it. So hit that subscribe button and follow along. We're the Midlife Mommas. So, hopefully, where you are, it's cold. We're getting closer to Christmas time. And guess what, folks? This is the perfect time to talk about winter hydration because a lot of times we think about staying hydrated in the summer, but we need it in the winter too. And you know what? We always talk about foods that are seasonal, and even our seasonal foods are not very hydrating, but we need it. Absolutely. And I was just telling Cam earlier that we haven't had rain in our area for a while of any substantial amount, And my sinuses are dry, my cuticles are dry. You know, I don't always have the fun the thirst cue that I do in the summertime. And, so we're gonna talk about winter hydration and not just hydration as far as drinking water, but also things with your skin and your sinuses. So we're gonna cover all the things today. Yeah. So, you know, just having the heat on. Do you have the heat on at your house? I don't know. Do you? Yeah. Yeah. And we also can when it's super cold. We have, a wood stove. So a lot of times we'll have that going and that is crazy dry. I can tell a huge difference when we're running the wood stove for a few days That my skin gets a whole lot drier. So heat for sure. Yeah. And I'm, one day off an airplane and I feel it, like, even traveling makes you dry and all of the things. So it's kinda weird because you aren't really thirsty in the winter. Are you thirsty in the winter? Not like I am in the summer because, you know, the heat hits you and you almost it's almost like a reflex. Right? You feel hot and it's like, oh, I need to get some water, but in winter, you may not. So it's it's a deceptive thing. Yeah. And also you're not sweating as much it's winter, but you still sweat because you still have to wash your clothes. And you know what? You still one of the one of the major ways we lose, moisture is breathing and we breathe all the time. So, you know, the thing about it being dry is everything evaporates faster. So any Moisture you feel on your skin or your breath or whatever, you it it dries out because, you know, the the atmosphere itself isn't as moist. And then we have have some habits like alcohol and caffeine that are also dehydrating to make it, you know, a little bit more. Right. Right. So, you know, we know that alcohol is dehydrating, hence, you get a hangover basically because you're dehydrated. But alcohol I mean, excuse me. Caffeine is a diuretic. So if you're not taking in enough water and you're still peeing it out, then you may be dehydrated. So lots of things going on in the winter, we need to come back. Yeah. So, anyway, did you know that you're 70% water and that you have water in every single cell? And so a lot of times when you are don't have enough water, like, you're not replacing the water, you're peeing it out or you're drinking alcohol or you're breathing it out, all the things, that's one way you can get dehydrated. And, Amelia, you found a really interesting fact about just the smallest amount of dehydration. Yeah. Yeah. Well, 2 things, actually. Water accounts for 75% of your brain mass. But the thing about the smallest amount of dehydration, a 1 to 2% percent of your body mass or weight is lowered because of dehydration can profoundly affect your cognitive ability. And so what is 1 to 2%? If you weigh a 130 pounds, 2% is 2.6 pounds. So, you know, We kid all the time, like, your weight fluctuate fluctuates daily, but this can be quite of a serious thing. And so we don't want you to be hanging around, not Optimally functioning because you're dehydrated. Absolutely. Like, yeah, water is so important. It's so important. Yeah. So in in addition to mental things that, benefits of being hydrated, your skin, your mental clarity, we already mentioned, Better performance in the gym and more energy in general. So those are some of the benefits. Like, if you're not feeling optimal, Maybe you're dehydrated. I know that's true for me sometimes. Yeah. Absolutely. I I agree, and I can tell it in my, Sleep and hydration even more, I think, Cam, than my food habits at this point because I'm so in tune to my food habits. I feel it in the way I process information. If I'm slightly dehydrated or lack of sleep, I'm very cranky. I can't put things together as well. I'm not as Creative. So it's a really big deal and at my age and at in midlife when we're trying to optimize things, we certainly want to do everything we can to stay in optimal health. Oh, and by the way, if you are dehydrated, it also and, actually, I don't have science to back this up. I have personal experience. Germs that are in the air, they will attack you. If you're if you're already dehydrated, it's easier for those germs to take a hold, at least in my experience, and make you sick. So that's another another plug for hydration. Yeah. Last night, the person behind me on the Atlanta flight was making all kinds of not a noises, and I was sitting next to the window and this person was behind me, at the window, and I'm like, are those germs gonna take hold on me? No. They're not. So I was talking about that In my head last night, no. I'm gonna fight this off. That's good to know for sure. We need, to be hydrated for optimal functioning, but we also need it for our skin. So let's talk about that for a second. Yeah. Absolutely. So I suffer from, dry skin in the winter like a lot of people do, And I also have eczema. It's not horrible, but it's worse in the winter, and I itch. And sometimes I can see they're tiny marks. You mean, if someone looked at my arm, they wouldn't necessarily know that that was eczema, but it itches so bad. And so but I know that that was eczema, but it itches so bad. And so but I find that if I keep my skin hydrated, You know, with lotion or or something like that that it it feels a lot less itchy as a matter of fact. But I know you have a saying about nourishing from the inside or grazing from the inside. Tell me about that. Yeah. That's my omega threes. Like, I can tell a difference on my outside skin if I'm not taking enough omega threes. So you can find omega like salmon, things like that, but I also supplement. And, omega threes, I like to say, grease you from the inside out. And so if you're feeling extra dry, are you taking omega threes? Maybe that would also help you or eat some salmon. Yeah. Absolutely. And I do both actually. Mhmm. And actually, there are vegan or vegetarian, omega threes you can take. I know that my, functional medicine practitioner has offered that as an alternative. Just given the fact that a lot of people are funny about the mercury and fish depending on its sourcing, blah blah blah. But I think omega threes are very helpful for lots of reason, but not the least of which it greases you from the inside out. Yeah. I love that I love that saying. Yeah. Well, flaxseeds also have omega 3 in it. I that was great. Option. Yeah. So that's another you can sprinkle it on your salads or add some to your smoothie. You just don't wanna you wanna Slowly increase because it also has a lot of fiber and we don't need to have another problem. So it's a there's a tipping point. Yeah. I've got Some flax seeds in my cabinet, and I have smoothies, like, 4 or 5 times a week, and I haven't added those in a long time. I'm gonna start adding those because that's a that's a great option. And, actually, They don't have a lot of flavor, but when you when you sprinkle them, like, on a salad or something, it's a little bit nutty. It's kinda nice. Yeah. I think it's nutty. And also, I would just Say get the ground ones because they're harder to if they're not if they're whole, it's harder to digest. So, yeah, ground flax seeds would be good. Very good. But, you know, other other things about skin hydration, Cam, if, if you pinch the back of the Skin on your hand, if it really doesn't rebound, you know, that's a sign of dehydration. And, also, if your urine isn't pale yellow or I think almost clear is probably not not good as well, but if it's if it's darker, that's a sign. And headaches, that's one for me. I mentioned that if you, that's the reason you get a hangover is when you are dehydrated from alcohol, but a headache is huge. And I can tell it. I don't know. I might be crazy, but I feel like when I am dehydrated, the headache feels different than a normal like, a stress headache. So Those are one of mines, but I see 1 on here about socks. Tell us about socks. Yeah. So as a former CrossFit coach for 12 years, You could always when the men would come in, I'm gonna say men because they would have their little work socks on, and they would take them off and get ready for the gym or whatever. And you could see the mark where their socks were, And it didn't go away, like, in the whole hour, so that is definitely a sign of dehydration. And just this week, I had the privilege of going snorkeling, and I noticed Dan's Snorkel mask left a mark on his cheek for longer than it should have, so that's another sign of dehydration. You just really want your skin to bounce back. So Yeah. Take notice. Like, when you're taking off your your underwear Yeah. That's in between a mark or your socks or whatever or your bra. Like, all of those things, you don't want to have any marks on skin. So that's just a sign. No. That's a great sign because we all dress and undress daily. So that's a great point. I've seen the sock thing too, like, on the lower cap or whatever, like, where they it just leaves that ring around the guys the grass Tab. And I've noticed that, of course, I don't swim anymore, but the whole goggle marks when I used to swim. But, I can see it, you know. If I brush my Skin up against something. It it doesn't cut the skin, but it leaves a mark, like a little white mark almost. I'm like, oh, that's Yeah. I hate to admit this, but some of our listeners are gonna laugh. Back in the day, my friends called that ashy skin. So if you have ashy skin, You're probably needs some hydration there. Yeah. Totally. That that did make sense. So when it comes to lotions, we were talking about this before we hit record. Like, Lotions are loaded with a whole bunch of garbage. And so when you put things on your skin, did you know you absorb it and it messes with your hormones? And so, like, it's really hard to recommend a lotion, that is clean. So I know, like, jojoba oil would be a really good solution. Jojoba oil is very, like, it doesn't clog your pores and it's natural. I would get organic cold pressed jojoba oil. And then, you know, I use that on my face on occasion. Sometimes I'll rub it on my legs. I'm super dry right now, so the fact that we're recording this, I'm like an itchy bundle. Oh, so I need to bathe myself in jojoba oil. Exactly. Exactly. And let's be honest. I mean, we don't often think you're so good, Cam, about remembering that what you put On your skin is absorbed. It has as much effect as what you put in your body in the form of food. So, but anything that's Highly fragranced. And believe me, I love the smell good. I don't wanna be stinking, but anything that's highly fragrant I'm say I hate to say this, but, what is that? There's it's a teenagers love this store, Bath and Body Works or something like that. Mhmm. And I use that stuff in the nineties, but that stuff is generally going to be probably got stuff in it you don't wanna put on your skin, but do your research. There's an app you use. What's the app you use? Yeah. There's a few actually that I like to use. In general, if it has a fragrance and it's not essential oils, you can guarantee that it's chemicals loaded in Yeah. So that's just like a thing. Now I'm looking for the apps and I can't find it off off the top of my I'll keep looking. Okay. Okay. It's something about, dirty, Like, dirt, something dirty about so that you can find clean or scan the scan the products. Yeah. So think dirty is one of the apps. That's the one. Yeah. Yeah. But I think my favorite one lately is healthy living. Okay. It's the e it's the EWG website, and they, like, do all kinds of products. So EWG Healthy Living, it's a free app. You can scan things on it, and I I really like That one a lot. That's I think I like it a little bit more than Think Dirty right now. I feel like it's vetted a little bit more. So Perfect. Well, that's in the show notes. That's a great tip. Thank you. So let's talk about some strategies, Cam, of staying hydrated. The the one thing tell us about your water habit first thing in the morning. Yeah. So when I get my coffee, I also fill up my water bottle, and I do put electrolytes in my water bottle, which we're gonna talk about in a moment. So if I don't do that first of all, I get a water bottle that you love, if you like a straw, if you like a sliding lid, if you like whatever kinda mouth you like. My husband is the worst. He has I don't know how many different water bottles, Emilia. We could open a store. He I think he's trying to get hydrated, and I don't. I'm not sure. You just need to drink the water, damn. I'll figure it out. But, anyway, if you have a water bottle you love, that does help. Yeah. My favorite is a Hydro Flask, and it's a little pop up straw. I love that one. But my company, one of the things they love to give away are these enormous it looks like a giant coffee cup. The bottom of it is slender enough to sit in your cup holder in your car, but it has a straw, a plastic straw. And I've got, like, 3 of them. You know, they've all got logos on them, But they're heavy. So, you know, when you pick up this insulated thing and I don't love the plastic straw. So, you know, I'm a little bit picky. I mean, there's there's some of the things that I don't love. But if you're one of those people that needs a bejeweled cluck Cup or whatever to help you drink water. It this is really funny. When my daughters were home for Thanksgiving, we went to this craft market. It's it's a permanent space And they had these cute little cups with these, like, glittery straws and she's, like, I'm gonna get one of those because, you know, all the girls that drink Green juice drink out of something like that. I was like, but you're not one of those people, so so don't buy that cup. But I was I was I was halfway playing with her, but not Really. But seriously, if something like that, you know, we talked about this even with exercise about, you know, putting the clothes out. So whatever is gonna help you achieve the habit of hydration, Make that so. Yeah. And, like, for me today, my favorite cup, which I carried with me all last week, is in the dishwasher. So I'm dehydrated today. I know it. When When I've been out flying and whatever, and then my cup is in the dishwasher, so I am guilty of this. If I Fill up my water when I fill up my coffee because I'm never skipping coffee. Let's be honest. Right. I'm more likely to drink water, and then I carry it with me everywhere I go. But today, I'm off my thing. I'm off my game, so it happens. Well, that just sticks to something you talk to us about forever is the whole habit stacking. Like, habit Have it stack your water with whatever and for you that's coffee and I think that's great. So definitely a good good thing to do. Yeah. So let's talk about electrolytes because my 1st water of the day, I always add something to it. Sometimes it's just regular salt, not regular salt. Let me take that back. It's mountain salt, so it's loaded with tons of minerals, but I also use the element packets daily. 1 in my coffee and 1 in my water. So I drink 2 of those a day, and it sort of really does help. It really does. I've got a I've got 2 friends actually that suffer from migraines, and they know each other, but not well. So my 1 friend who, shared this Share information about you know, I've been trying all these things, and she was trying to figure out what her triggers were. Well, I happen to be talking to the other lady who gets the migraine, and she said, girl, just tell her to drink electrolytes every day. She said that was the number one game changer for me in trying to stave off my my migraine. So, you know, there's a there's a tidbit if you suffer from migraine. I don't know. I don't have them, so I can't verify that information, but for at least one of my friends that worked. And I'm with you, Cam. I I like the element. There's a couple of different brands that I've tried. I think what what is the the Bob's something salt that you like? Is it Bob's Red Mill? No. Okay. It's, anyway, I'll up with it. But the other electrolytes that I really like is Relight, r e l yeah. So Relight. That's it. That's the salt. Okay. Relight is the salt. They also have hydration, things you can add to my your water. So those are the that's what I cook with, Relight, and then they also have hydration. Brain fog. See, my brain stopped working on Well, you did. You did. I did. Yeah. Maybe the relights the one I've tried. My Pilates instructor had recommended one recently that I actually had this morning, but I can't remember. If I remember what it is, I'll link that in the show notes as well. But, again, I think during the summer, we're all really we think about that. You know, even I do not consume Gatorade. I have in the past. It's not my favorite anymore, but, there's ads for those sorts of things that may trigger you in the summer. You know, everyone's talking about hydration and athletic performance in the summer. No one is talking about this in the wintertime. Mhmm. So if it's not Top of mind, maybe we forget about it. So these are again, I think those habit stacking things, Cam, are key to to getting enough hydration in your body. But one of the things at this time of the year, we talked about alcohol and, and caffeine. And this I got this Tip from a friend of mine. He he said when he goes to a holiday party or anytime he drinks an alcoholic beverage, He immediately follows with the same volume of water or maybe more if it's a cocktail because cocktails aren't very high volume Beverages. But he alternates, so it necessarily puts some space between the drinks, which is fantastic, but it also is a hydrating effect. So I love that. So for every alcoholic drink or cup of coffee, drink a glass of water with that. Yeah. Let's go back to the electrolytes for a second because, like, what in the world is that? And these are minerals you've heard of. So it's sodium, potassium, and magnesium. That's what, elements made from. I'm not Exactly sure of the Relight, but I'm sure it's similar. And in general, I know it sounds like why would you put salt in your water? That sounds disgusting, Dean, but it does something that calls structured water, and structured water makes it more usable for your cells. You know, you could, Every now and then, you'll hear a crazy story about someone dying from drinking too much water. You ever heard of those stories? Yeah. And I've had I've had hyponatremia, and it's it's not fun. Oh, tell us tell us about that because I don't know anything about it personally. So, hyponatremia is not enough sodium. And, When to to shuttle water or hydration into your body, it there's these little pumps on the cell wall and it shuttles in the sodium and potassium. As a matter of fact, the water, we call it water in your body, is actually not water. It's 0.9% saline. So it is actually has a salinity to it. So when you drink a massive amount of Plain water without the help of the sodium and potassium to shuttle it in there, it kinda just hangs out. And it actually in worst case scenarios, it can cause your brain to swell. Well, I did a triathlon in May. It it was one of the 1st longer distance ones I did. I think it was a half iron man. And I wasn't really thinking. I knew my friends were using Gatorade at the time, But I also was really trying to pay attention to my nutrition. So I was more concentrated on that. So I put put something in the water called, CarboPro, which is which was calories, and I didn't add any electrolytes. And I got I almost needed medical attention by the end of that race. I mean Oh, wow. The the ugly and life saving thing that occurred on the way home is I probably threw up 3 or 4 gallons of water, so I evacuated all of it. But In severe cases, it can really cause, if not brain damage, it it affects the way your heart works Because your heart needs that structure as as we said to beat properly so you can have, an atypical heartbeat or arrhythmia. So it is a very serious condition, and you would never find this unless an extreme athlete or someone doing something stupid like I did. And it was 95 degrees, and I was Pushing in so much water without without the structure of the electrolytes, but that's the story. Yeah. Thanks for sharing that. That's very interesting. And so I have another question. When you get an IV, what is in the IV? Oh, it's it's sailing. Yeah. It's 0.9% sailing. Yeah. It's not water. Okay. But but Through the foods we eat and through the nutrients we consume, our body can compensate. It's not like we have to always consume 0.9% saline. Our body can deal with that. But, you know, it's not a bad idea to actually add some of As we do in the structured water are using electrolytes. I mean, my mother does not consume electrolytes and she's a perfectly fine but she doesn't Sweat a lot. She's not super active. Like, she's not expending so much energy and losing so much water that she would need necessarily To add all of that. But, yeah, the, an IV is not water. I mean, in fact, if you took blood from your arm and put it in water, all the sales would burst. Oh, fascinating. Love it. Little science nerdy going on here. Yeah. Yeah. It's the thing. Yeah. So it's not weird to add salt to your water. It makes it it makes it usable for your body. So Absolutely. In general and I'm gonna I don't know. This might be controversial. But in general, the guidelines are, like, 4 to 6 grams of sodium a day, and you would be like, what in the heck are you talking about? Now if you're eating the standard American diet and you're eating out, Then, yeah, you're getting that and more. Like, if you read the sodium on any boxed frozen dinner, you'll be like, what the heck's going on? So, You know, if you're if you're not eating those kind of meals. You do eat. Yeah. Yeah. Even like, Cam, I mean, I don't eat a lot of processed food, but I do track my sodium, irrespective of structured water. And so everything, whether it's a healthy cracker, like, Whatever cracker you like or, if you eat pizza or I'm trying to think even things like okay. I love Fire roasted tomatoes. I keep fire roasted tomatoes and beans in my in my cabinet. Those have sodium. You know, a a can of Campbell Soup has Crazy amounts. Oh, crazy. Yeah. Crazy. Like Uh-huh. A 1000 milligrams or a gram. But, yes, you do need it, and I think, as you said, Doctors have recommended to decrease sodium because the standard American diet has so much. But for people that eat mostly healthy fresh foods, you might need to add some. I love that. And relight's amazing. First of all, it's beautiful. Have you seen it? It's like beautiful different colors and Yeah. I forget how many Hundreds of minerals are found in the salts. Like, you if you had to take all those pills, you'd be taking pills all day. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And I I really like minerals because I think, especially in midlife, they kinda run behind the scenes and help your body function better. So it's way more than just fats, carbs, and protein. It's way more than just Absolutely. It's all the other things working in the background like sodium. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, one of the things that I found, Cam, and I've been doing this for years, expect but it when it's dry and there's a lots of germs in there, I use a neti pot. Do you happen to use a neti pot? I own 1 and it works one way. It doesn't work going the opposite. Oh, okay. Does that happen to you? Well, mine is just it looks like a little squat Ceramic pots, little genie bottle. So I literally just pour it in one note side of my, you know, one nostril and it drains out and then I use the other side. But I use that almost every day. And when you use a neti pot, most of them come with a way to create the fluid which is salty. It does have salt. They're either little packets or the little measuring cup a little measuring spoon. And I do that every day pretty much because, a, it flushes out my sinuses of any, Germs, I might have come in contact with it. Also, hydrates those mucous membranes because it can it can If you've ever felt that pressure, like, under your eyes, maybe above your eyes, it it doesn't have to necessarily be congestion. It could just be super dry up in there. Yeah. Yeah. So my situation with the neti pot, it's the same little squatty thing. You add salt to it or whatever the packet is, but it's salty for sure. And when I pour it in one way, it goes well. But when I switched it to the other nostril, it, like, doesn't. I don't know. Do you have any tips for me? So I would say for the one place that doesn't go well, you need to lean your head more. Forward. Like Yeah. Change the tilt of your head a little bit. Okay. Does it make you cough and sputter? Like, does it drain down your throat? Yes. It goes down my throat. Yeah. I'd say lean your head Forward in a little more. So try it. I mean, I love it. My some of my friends think it's absolutely gross and disgusting. But years years ago, a Pilates instructor I She was a little woo woo and I love her. But she's taught me so much and it's so much to the point where a lot of the things that I thought were super woo woo when she told me, like, 10 years later, I was like, She was right dag on it. Like, I'm gonna start doing all this stuff. So so the neti pot was one of those things, and it's not for everybody. I know some people get really choked and feel like they're Suffocating. But if you're willing to try it, it does help with that nasal dryness. That And it's natural. I'll Yeah. It's like Yeah. It's It's a natural thing. Yeah. I love that part about it. Yeah. And if you feel because you can feel stopped up. So, you know, sometimes you can they make the nasal sprays. It's just saline, same kind of thing with a neti pot. It's just cheaper. Right. Right. Interesting. Well, I love that. Thank you for sharing that story. Is there anything else about hydration? Any final thoughts? I don't know, Cam. I just can't stress it enough. I mean, I feel like now that we've really been talking about it, hydration is as important as sleep. And girl, I am valuing my sleep these days. Like, I love me some sleep. So, you know, just stay on top of it. Right? Just really pay attention to your cues about, you know, like your Skin, your urine color, how you feel, your mental acuity, and grab a glass of water. Oh, I do have one last thing. If you're hungry, sometimes you may just be thirsty. Yes. I wanted to say that earlier, and I lost my thought because I'm dehydrated today. Yes. It's so true. It's so true. Now you may be really hungry, but maybe you're dehydrated. So, I mean, it's worth checking out for sure. And I have another question related to sleep and hydration. Do you cut off your water? Do you have, like, a certain time of the day where you're like, nope, because I'm gonna be up peeing all night. Right question. I probably should. Naturally, I don't drink we don't I I went through a phase in my forties where I drink wine every night with dinner, I don't do that anymore. We have a mocktail. I use this stuff called seed lip. It's an herbal elixir, and I put a shot glass full of that with the juice of a lime or lemon and then I top it with club soda. And that is a really nice refreshing citrus flavor. And after that, for some reason, I don't feel thirsty. I don't know if citrus juice has something in it that makes it more structured, but usually after that and we

eat dinner about between 6 and 6:

30. But I do, you know, have a glass of water with me in the in the bedroom or in the bathroom. I will take a sip in the middle of the night, and I get up to pee every night. I don't cut it off because for me, I feel like that would be counterproductive. I I feel like I naturally cut it off at dinner at the end of the night. Yes. Same. I rarely get up and use the restroom in the night, but my husband on the other hand, he'll like slam a sparkling water before bed. I'm like, are you kidding? It's No. What do you mean by that? Funny you say that because, sometimes I'll be, like, in the bed or very close And I'll hear a can pop because we get the Lurk Roys. Uh-huh. And he it's him. He's in the the and he's in the kitchen. He's just opened one of those. Does he wake you up going to the bathroom all night? No. He really doesn't. That's what's so funny. He gets up, but sometimes it's funny in the morning. I'll be like, Well, I got up at, like, 2. And he's like, well, I got up at 4 and we don't even know. Like, we're completely oblivious. That's really that's a really good thing. So anyway. So I guess, you know, the short answer is you have to figure out for yourself whether or not you need to cut off water. But if you're already struggling to get enough, I caution you about that. Right. That's true. I just feel like my food and my hydration is earlier in the day. Yeah. I agree with you. Yeah. Good points. I just don't want anything to mess up my sleep. So food late, water late, all those things mess up my sleep. So I just jam it up in the earlier. I think that's a good practice in general, but, you know, I I guess depends on everybody's schedule. But dehydration is a real thing in the winter, so we just want you guys to really pay attention and and do all the Thanks. Cheers. Thanks for listening today. You can find us on Instagram at midlife.mommas. For all of our other contact info, check out the show description below, And we will talk to you next week.

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