Real Play Games Podcast
An actual-play role-playing game podcast where G.M. John runs his friends through a bunch of tabletop role-playing games, some pretty popular, and some of them obscure! We release episodes every week using a variety of different role-playing systems!
Real Play Games Podcast
The Bone Age©: Blood River Ep. 3 - You Gotta Vibe with the Planet
Hot on Gemekala's trail even if they don't know how to pronounce her name, the group is forced to separate briefly to allow Fragilly and OnlyChance an opportunity to bond with the area. What everyone will discover is shocking, and will turn their mission directly onto its head! Moss shows off the fact that his density isn't just mental! Fragillly sits in a tree! Thraa uses a trident in a way it's not supposed to be used! Hou'dza has more bad stuff happen! Blar makes something vomit!
Episode 3/4
Content Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Gore (bludgeoning/slashing/stabbing injuries, vomit), Profanity, Violence
Blar son of Grah son of Blar is Steve
Moss of Mo is Roy
Thraa is Ames
Hou'dza the Sly is Obie
Fragilly Stillhere is Harm
The Bone Age©:Blood River is a Real Play Games Podcast production. The Bone Age© is © Copyright 2020 by Bill Edmunds. All rights reserved. You can find it and the rest of Cunning Plan’s great RPG products on www.drivethrurpg.com, and you can support the show at no cost to yourself when you buy them by using our affiliate link included in the show notes!
Our theme song is “Dinosaurs On The Serengeti” by the talented Marc Beasley and is used under an individual license which includes synch licensing.
If you want to reach out to the Real Play Games Podcast, feel free to email us at realplaygamespodcast@gmail.com or reach us on Twitter @realplaypod, on Instagram @realplaygamespod or via Tumblr under RealPlayGamesPodcast If you’d like to help support the show, as well as get early access to episodes, exclusive episodes, and behind-the-scenes looks at how we make our adventures, head on over to www.patreon.com/realplaygamespod and become a Patron today!
Direct Link to Episode Download - https://www.buzzsprout.com/1805131/episodes/13332682-the-bone-age-blood-river-ep-3-you-gotta-vibe-with-the-planet.mp3?download=true