Start in the Middle

You get to choose each day how your day will turn out. You create your results.

Kristi Ballard Falany Episode 65

Over the last couple of months I have been going through some changes. Some have been completely unexpected and kind of weird. But I get to decide if I want to sit in worry and confusion over what is going on,  or if I want to be proactive and embrace the changes.

I am using the model in a different way to help me to create the results I actually want in my life. 

Listen in to see how this works.

Here is the intentional model I discuss in this episode:

Circumstance: changes- rash, unexpected flow, career move

Result I want: I am embracing that these changes are happening for me and not against me

Thought: Natural life changes are not harmful to my happiness

Feeling: hopeful

Actions: I’m not allowing worry about what the future holds, I continue to work towards helping women through my coaching practices, I continue to create content for you and my clients that I know will help you to navigate the circumstances of your midlife, I reach out for help from my doctor over this fluke mother nature is tossing me, I reach out to my amazing network of friends who have gone through menopause before me, the allergies- continue the treatment my doctor has given me and not let my brain make it a problem, and just continue to tell my brain these are natural changes

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