Start in the Middle

Embrace Your Life's Possibilities

November 07, 2023 Kristi Ballard Falany
Start in the Middle
Embrace Your Life's Possibilities
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are you tired of being a mere extra in the movie of your own life? It's high time, you took charge and played the lead! Today, I am going to guide you on a transformative journey from fear to excitement. We will unravel how fear often obstructs our path to becoming our future selves and learn how to turn this fear into a driving force. You'll gain energy hacks, explore the real possibilities of your life, and step out from being stuck in your day-to-day rut. This episode promises to inspire you to stop being a bystander and become the hero of your life!

But remember, we don't have to venture out on this journey alone. I've arranged a Virtual Coffee and Connections event for women worldwide, emphasizing the power of community in our personal growth. I'll share how you can join this event, introduce this month's topic, and explore how we can collaboratively ignite the passionate woman in you. With insights on tapping into your intuition, combating fear, and more, this episode is an essential companion for every woman embarking on the path of self-discovery. Buckle up, ladies, your transformation begins now!

Kristi Falany

Virtual Empowering Women's: Coffee & Connection (click to register)
November 16th at 7:00PM CT

Facebook Connection Link

Instagram Connection Link

Thanks for listening. Follow me in Facebook and Instagram.


Hi, I am Kristy Ballard Fellini. I am a certified life coach who found herself at 42, freshly divorced kids off to college and having never dated in my adult life. I was starting in the middle. If you haven't yet hit start on your middle time in life, let's do it together. Let the journey begin Y'all. I kid you not I, before I hit go, did all of my energy hacks. I pulled my 30 broomsticks, breathed heavily throughout my nose, felt the energy running through me. I was even humming the theme song to Rocky. That is how much energy and how much I believe in this episode. Sorry, are you ready? Hey, so first I just want to say welcome to the podcast, welcome to start in the middle. I'm just so happy that you've chosen to be here with me today.


If you're just stumbling onto this podcast, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Kristy Fellini and I am a certified life coach. All of those silly things that I said I was doing before I hit record that's me, that's who I am Silly, funny and I just enjoy having fun. Having this podcast is super, super fun to me when I have a topic that I am just so pumped to share. This is what I do to get ready. This is what I do to make sure that I am bringing you the energy.


What do I do in my coaching practice? I help midlife women stop letting time just pass them by. I help them to stop just existing in their lives. Basically, what I'm talking about is when we are just existing in our life. It's like we're the extra in our own movie. It's that point that we get to in a season in our lives where we're feeling stuck and like life is just happening to us. If you are in this season, I encourage you to back up and listen to the other podcast episodes, because we're on 119 now. There's 118 other podcasts to help you to get out of that season. This is exactly what I do in my podcast, because I want to help you fix these situations where you're feeling stuck or frustrated. I want to help you feel happy with yourself again. I want to help you feel like you have an abundant life that is full of all of the things that you love and enjoy. I want to help you realize what is truly possible for your life. That is the purpose for this podcast. That is the purpose as to why I share my stories, why I share my expertise and why I just really enjoy working with midlife women.


Because, girlfriend, I promise you, I want to tell you that I was once all of those things that I mentioned. I was once someone who had that lower level energy. I was feeling stuck in my life because when I went through my divorce and honestly, really even before the divorce, specifically when I knew that we were at the finish line I had so many questions, so many fears, so many aspects of my own identity that I was just so unsure about. But y'all, praise God it was a season, praise God that I didn't choose to stay there. And yes, you heard me right Whatever season you are currently in, you get to make the conscious decision if that's where you want to stay.


But here is what we most often choose Fear. Fear is what we most often choose. Now, I was talking to my coach just yesterday and I told him you know what I've decided? I've decided that fear is really just excitement, and I love what he reminded me of. You see, he reminded me that fear and excitement are actually the same vibration in the body. Y'all, if we hooked someone up to measure the vibrations between fear and excitement, the frequency would be the same. All right, they would look exactly the same. And the part that we get tangled in our brain is the meaning, okay, the meaning that we are giving to that feeling. So what if I consciously choose excitement over fear? Like what if the next time I have a fearful thought of something in my future? What if I for real ask myself, what if this is actually excitement? And I would encourage you to do the same. I mean, it's actually a technique that I like to use, which is giving each thought equal airtime, because when I'm giving that negative thought just as much space in my brain, I'm always giving my brain and my body the opportunity to decide which vibration I actually want, or which thought I actually want to think and to believe, and to decide if it's in alignment with what is best for me. So, on that same note, I want to talk to you about what is not happening when you are choosing fear and you are choosing to stay stuck.


Now, this idea actually came to me as I was reading my morning devotional by Max Locado. Now, in the devotional he says can the safety lover do anything? Great. So if you are someone who needs to continuously and constantly feel safe, can the safety lover do anything great. Can the risk averse accomplish noble deeds?


Now, y'all have heard me say on more than one occasion that we weren't meant to do life alone, and I know that sometimes we feel alone and that no one else is really watching or paying attention to what is going on in our lives. You know like we're slipping under the radar of anyone really caring about how we are feeling, if we are feeling stuck, if we are feeling stagnant or like our lives are just passing us by. But I want to challenge you today. If this is you and this is what you were thinking you know that no one's really paying attention. Let me tell you who is you ready? Let me tell you who it is that's paying attention. Y'all you you are the future you that you are meant to be is paying attention, and I'd be willing to bet that she is screaming for you to choose her, that she is biting her nails to see if you will pick her for the team.


Because here's what fear does. It keeps us from becoming the future self that we are actually meant to be. It keeps us staying small, it keeps us from doing great things and, most importantly, it drains us of our happiness. So when I say that you weren't meant to do life alone, when you are staying stagnant in fear, you can't do life with others Because you won't speak up for that potential future friend who's waiting for you, who desperately needs your shoulder to cry on because you're choosing to stay in fear. Staying stuck in fear means that you won't be able to share your story of heartbreak with someone who needs to know that she is not alone. It means that you will avoid risk at all costs, which also means that the surprises that God actually had intended for you or for your life may not come to fruition because you weren't willing to take the risk of the possibility of the unknown or the possibility of even failure.


Y'all, my coach reminds me all the time what if the greatest rewards are sitting on the other side of your willingness to be vulnerable, or even your willingness to possibly fail Y'all? What if and I want you to use this sentence often and use it on the flip side of your negative thoughts what if this actually does work out Like? Afraid of putting yourself out there to make new friends? What if your best friend is waiting for you to show up, afraid to spend money to improve your health by joining the gym. What if taking care of yourself gives you an extra 10 years on this earth, afraid to take the leap and leave that job where you simply trade money for time? What if financial freedom looks like you finally giving yourself permission to go after your dreams and actually betting on yourself?


Y'all give your thoughts, hopes and dreams just as much airtime as you do the fear and the negativity that may be holding you back. Y'all. I told you I was fired up on this one. Now my question is are you as fired up? Because if you are, I'm ready to give you some tangible tools. The first thing that I want you to do to help you to combat this fear is truly listening to yourself. I think that fear sometimes totally overrides what it is that we truly want for ourselves. And when we take some time to get silent and to just get with ourselves and get inside our own thinking and our own head, and using that what if? Sentence for the flip side of the negativity, your intuition is going to tell you what it is that you truly want for yourself. So I really want you to tap into what is it that your intuition is actually calling you to do.


The next thing that I want you to do is I want you to think about what is the worst thing that can happen. Okay, because the worst thing that can happen is a feeling All right, and so don't stay stuck in fear. Do the thing, even if you feel fearful about it, even if you are unsure, because the worst thing that could happen is another feeling, and the truth of the matter is that you do have people that are watching you, that are caring about how you are carrying yourself, that are caring about how you are showing up, and they're seeing how you're showing up in this world. So your people are waiting for you. Your people are waiting for the future you that you could possibly become, your future self is waiting for you. The change in you is waiting for you. The feelings that you want to feel, that you actually, deep down, want to feel. They're waiting for you to come out of that stagnation of sitting in fear.


Okay, and then the last one. What if it's actually a different feeling altogether? Like, try on some different ones to see if they fit. Remember that I told you I am deciding to choose excitement. I'm deciding that fear is actually the same vibration in my body as excitement is. And there are things that I am doing in my own life that at first, when I think about them, they're a little bit scary, a little bit fearful. But you know what, if they also get me to where I want to be in my life, I'm excited about that. I'm allowing to let excitement win, because what happens when I choose excitement? My message flows a lot easier. My connecting with what I truly want in my life, which is to connect with more women, is easier. I'm giving them the gift of hope for what's possible in their lives too.


Alright, so Listen to your intuition. It's calling you to what you actually truly want for yourself. It's calling you to make your next best decision. What's the worst that can happen? A feeling that is the worst of it? And what if the feeling on the other side of that fear is actually what you truly want for yourself in your life? And the last one, what if you choose a different feeling, like? What if fear doesn't have to be so scary? What if fear is actually excitement trying to propel you forward? So, you guys, I truly hope that you can hear the passion in my voice, because there have been too many women in my own life that I have personally seen allow fear to hold them back. They didn't even give themselves the opportunity to create their future self the future that they actually could see possibility in because they allowed fear to hold them back, and I don't want this to be you. I want you to see what is possible for your life. I want you to choose today the possibilities of what is possible in your life and if you need some partnership in this, I totally believe that every single midlife woman is capable of this, and maybe it looks like you borrowing some of my belief, and we can do this together when we create a partnership. So I encourage you head on over to my website, kristifelaneycoachingcom. I offer a completely free rediscovery call where we're going to talk about what it is that you would love to see happen in your future, but maybe you just don't see a clear pathway on how to get there. So, leaving that call, you are going to have an actual plan to start taking care of yourself. You're going to feel good about yourself. You're going to feel inspired about the possibilities for your future. So head on over to my website, kristifelaneycoachingcom, click on the Work With Me page and schedule your free call today. All right Now.


If you have not connected with the Empowering Women's Coffee and Connection Group yet, oh my goodness, I'm telling you. This group of women that meets on the second Wednesday of every month is so phenomenal. Like these, women are creating brand new relationships. They are putting themselves out there to create connection that they truly want in their lives. Now here's the heartbreak. For me is that when I invite a woman to come and meet with us locally and she tells me, kristi, I can't take off in the middle of a Wednesday. Girlfriend, I have heard you and what I am offering and this is Open To everyone. You do not have to be in south texas to partake on this.


The third thursday of every month, I am offering a completely virtual PM addition of empowering women's coffee and connection y'all. This is huge, okay, because it means that we are going to be able to connect with so many other women. We are going to be able to connect with women all over the world, and can you imagine how uplifting this is going to be to be able to create the relationships with other women who are just like you, who are going through the same things that you are, who know how important it is to not do life alone. So starting this november 16th will be our very first virtual PM addition of coffee and connections. So if this is something that you just want to come check out, just come on in. Just see what it is that we're doing. See what we're talking about.


November 16th is your date. Alright, I'm going to post inside the show notes the registration link. Now, here's the reason that you want to register. When you register, you're not only saving your spot, but you're also setting yourself up for reminders. Okay, because I know I put stuff on my calendar all the time and y'all I have Two different calendars going. Okay, I've got a paper calendar and then I have the calendar in my phone and sometimes I'm still looking for where it is that I'm supposed to be at this time. What's the zoom link? So, going in and registering automatically signed you up for those reminders because I promise you you do not want to miss this, especially heading into the holidays, this topic that I have for you guys this month. Oh boy, it is going to set you guys up For amazing holidays this year, alright, alright, as always, if you have questions about this episode, if you have questions just simply in general for me.


You have Area in your life where you're feeling stuck and you just want to talk it through. Encourage you to reach out to me, christie filaney coaching dot com. You can also connect with me on my socials. I'm on facebook, christie filaney coaching, and I am on instagram, the underscore midlife rediscovery. Underscore Coach. I'm sure if you type in my name, you could probably find me to. Alright, you guys have an amazing week and I cannot wait to connect with you. If it is the second wednesday of the month here in south texas or if we are connecting virtually the following thursday, november sixteenth, at seven pm. Y'all have an amazing week. Who is your life coach? I would love the opportunity to work with you as you are rediscovering the woman you were meant to be. Visit christie ballard filaney dot com for more information on how we can work together to ignite that passionate, enthusiastic woman who may have been tucked away for some time. Let's start in the middle together.

Overcoming Fear and Taking Action
Virtual Coffee and Connections for Women