The Wellness Inspired Podcast

Embracing Real Wellness: Breaking Free from Trends and Influencer Hype

May 24, 2023 Sheri Davidson Episode 40
Embracing Real Wellness: Breaking Free from Trends and Influencer Hype
The Wellness Inspired Podcast
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The Wellness Inspired Podcast
Embracing Real Wellness: Breaking Free from Trends and Influencer Hype
May 24, 2023 Episode 40
Sheri Davidson

In a world filled with wellness trends, influencers, and marketing hype, it's time to take a step back and embrace real wellness. Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we explore the importance of breaking free from the allure of trends and influencer hype. Discover how to define your own path to well-being, seek evidence-based information, and listen to your body's needs. Uncover the keys to practicing authentic self-care and cultivating a mindset that prioritizes your long-term health and happiness. Get ready to embrace real wellness and reclaim your journey on this empowering episode.


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Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness
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Instagram: [Sheri Davidson (@element5_acuwell) on Instagram • 145 photos and videos](
LinkIn: [Sheri Davidson - Chief Wellness Officer - Element 5 OM, Acupuncture + Wellness | LinkedIn](

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Show Notes Transcript

In a world filled with wellness trends, influencers, and marketing hype, it's time to take a step back and embrace real wellness. Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we explore the importance of breaking free from the allure of trends and influencer hype. Discover how to define your own path to well-being, seek evidence-based information, and listen to your body's needs. Uncover the keys to practicing authentic self-care and cultivating a mindset that prioritizes your long-term health and happiness. Get ready to embrace real wellness and reclaim your journey on this empowering episode.


Linktree: [@sheridavidson | Linktree](

Join The Wellness Inspired community:
Facebook: [The Wellness Inspired Podcast - Home](
Instagram: [Sheri Davidson, L.Ac. (@wellness_inspired) • Instagram photos and videos](
LinkedIn: [Sheri Davidson - Chief Wellness Officer - Element 5 OM, Acupuncture + Wellness | LinkedIn](

Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness
Facebook: [Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness - Home](
Instagram: [Sheri Davidson (@element5_acuwell) on Instagram • 145 photos and videos](
LinkIn: [Sheri Davidson - Chief Wellness Officer - Element 5 OM, Acupuncture + Wellness | LinkedIn](

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Sheri Davidson:

Hello wellness friends. Welcome back to the wellness inspired podcast, a place where you can find inspiration, motivation and empowerment in the pursuit of a wellness lifestyle. I'm your host, Sheri Davidson. I am a wellness coach and acupuncturist in Houston, Texas, and I am deeply passionate about health and well being. And as always, I am here with my co host vent. And if you're new to the podcast, Finn is my terrier mix, rescue dog, trail runner, and loyal companion. He is also a therapy dog and greeter at element five, acupuncture and wellness and he is quite the hit. Well, I just got home last week from my running adventure in Portugal. I feel relaxed, refreshed and renewed. And I'm reflecting on an integrating my experience into my daily life at home, and I can't wait to share it with you. This trip was very different than my last running adventure in the Faroe Islands. It was good. But in other ways. You know, a friend once said, There are three parts to a trip planning, experiencing and sharing. And this really resonated with me. So again, I'm really excited to share my experience with you. So hopefully, in the next episode, or maybe in a couple episodes, I will I will have that prepared for you and be able to share my experience. But since we're talking about travel, before we get started, I want to let you in on a little secret. I am planning a European wellness riverboat cruise in 2024. I have yet to commit to a river. But I'm thinking of a seven night cruise on the Danube River. Super excited about this. There will be active sightseeing. So hiking, biking may be running. And there will also be yoga wellness talks relaxing and locally sourced cuisine. So stay tuned for more details. I already have many people interested and I have yet to do any marketing. So get ready to grab your spot. Okay, let's move on to the topic of today. We're going to dive deep into the concept of real wellness. exploring why it's important to avoid falling for the latest trend marketing gurus and influencers as well as I will talk about some key practices to prevent these influencers gravitational pull on you into their orbit, one that might not be a good fit for you. So grab a cup of tea or coffee, sit back and enjoy this enlightening real wellness journey. Today's world, we are constantly bombarded with new Wellness trends, Miracle diets and charismatic figures promising the secret to everlasting health, happiness and longevity. You know getting caught up in the allure of quick fixes and trendy solutions. It's easy. But real wellness goes beyond fads and marketing hype. Real wellness is not a one one size fits all solution or product you can purchase. It is a lifelong journey encompassing various aspects of our lives, from physical and mental well being to relationships, purpose, and spirituality. And while it's tempting to jump on the bandwagon of the latest wellness craze, it is essential to approach these trends and influencers with a critical mind and discerning eye. So let's explore some reasons why it's important to avoid falling for these wellness trends, marketing gurus and influencers. One key reason is that many trends and influencers often promote a very narrow view of wellness, for example, focusing solely on physical appearance or weight loss without considering the broader aspects of health. Real wellness is about nurturing the mind, body and soul, not just achieving a specific body shape or size. Real wellness is about balance and finding what works best for you as an individual. It's not about blindly following the latest fad or succumbing to the pressures of societal expectations. It is about listening to your body, understanding your unique needs and making choices that align with your values and goals and The reason to be cautious of trends marketing gurus and influencers is they often promote quick fixes and unsustainable approaches. They might promise overnight transformation or radical results. But these often come at a cost of your long term well being. Real wellness is a gradual and sustainable process that requires self discovery, consistency, patience, and self compassion. It is essential to approach wellness with a long term perspective, and focus on building healthy habits that will serve you well in the coming years. Quick Fixes may provide temporary results, but rarely stand the test of time. Another good reason to avoid falling for trends marketing gurus and influencers, they can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction and comparison. You may feel like you need to do more or measure up to unrealistic standards set by these influencers. Real wellness is about self acceptance, and embracing your unique journey free from comparison, and judgment. Real wellness is a deeply personal and individual path. It's about honoring your needs, values and goals. Rather than chasing after external validation or trying to fit into someone else's mold of what wellness should be. We are all different. What works for me might not work for you. I talk a lot about running on the podcast because it's my jam. I love trail running and beautiful places. It works for me. It keeps me active gives me community reduces stress, and allows me to travel and go on adventures and amazing places. If I inspire you to go for a run, awesome. If not, that's okay. The point is to find something active you love to do. It's the only way you're going to stick with it long term. So, what can you do to embrace real wellness without getting swayed by trends marketing gurus and influencers? First and foremost, it is essential to prioritize self awareness, and self education or self discovery, I talk about self discovery on the podcast a lot. Understanding your body values and personal wellness needs, empowers you to make informed choices and resist the allure of quick fixes. So as promised, here are some ways you can practice strengthening your independence to avoid falling for the hype. The first one is define your definition of wellness. This is your health vision that I talked about. Take the time to reflect on what wellness means to you personally. Identify your values, priorities and goals when it comes to your well being. By clearly understanding your definition of wellness, you can resist external pressure and make choices that align with your authentic self. Also seek evidence based information. When exploring wellness practices and advice. Rely on reputable sources and evidence based information. Look for scientific research, expert opinions and well established health organizations. Be cautious of anecdotal evidence and exaggerated claims made by influencers or marketing campaigns, seeking information from reliable sources. consulting with healthcare professionals and learning to listen to your body are crucial steps and navigating the wellness landscape. And I cannot stress this enough. Listen to your body. Your body has its own unique needs and signals. Learn to listen to your body's cues and trust your instincts. If you do get swayed. Notice how different practices or trends make you feel physically and emotionally. And please be honest about your experience. Your body knows what is best for you so honor its wisdom and choose accordingly. Also practice Critical Thinking develop a critical mindset when it comes to wellness trends and influencers? It's okay to question. So, question the motivations behind certain trends and recommendations. Consider the potential risk, sustainability and long term effects of following a particular trend. Because remember, not all trends or influencers have your best interest at heart, especially the marketing gurus. They are there to sell and make money. Okay, I think this is number five. Cultivate self awareness and self confidence. I talked about this a little bit earlier, but build a strong sense of self awareness and self confidence in your wellness journey. Trust in your ability to make informed decisions and choices that align with your values. Practice self compassion, and embrace imperfection. Remember that you Your worth is not determined by how closely you adhere to the latest trends or follow a particular influencer. Another great practice. Build a support network of like minded individuals who share your commitment to real wellness. This can be invaluable surrounding yourself with people who prioritize holistic well being and support your journey can help you stay grounded and focused on what truly matters. This is a plug. Join the wellness inspire community on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter. We're here for you. And last but not least, let's remember the importance of cultivating a mindset of self compassion and self acceptance. Real wellness is not about perfection, but about progress and growth. Embracing your imperfections and treating yourself with kindness along the way, is key to staying true to your wellness path. By staying true to yourself, seeking reliable information and trusting your instincts. You can practice real wellness while avoiding the pitfalls of falling for wellness trends, marketing gurus and influencers. your well being should be centered around your needs and aspirations not dictated by external influences. The big takeaway here is remember, real wellness is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It's about finding joy, balance and fulfillment in your life, while nurturing your overall well being. Celebrate your unique self and make choices that align with your individual needs and values. To sum it up, real wellness is about being true to yourself and staying grounded and truly what matters. As I conclude this episode, let's take a moment to reflect on your wellness journey and commit to embracing real wellness free from the distractions of trends, marketing gurus and influencers. Okay, what did you all think? I really enjoyed sharing this information with you. It is good stuff. I hope this episode inspired you to seek real wellness in your life. It's your journey, and you have the power to make choices that support your well being. And as always, if you have any comments, questions or suggestions, I would love to hear from you. Until next time, take care and be well. If you like what you hear, please subscribe to the podcast and share with your family and friends. You can also give me a rating and review wherever you listen to your podcast. It helps other people find me as well. To get updates on new episodes and wellness inspiration in your inbox. Please join the wellness inspired community. Go to wellness inspired to sign up, I'll put the link in the show notes. So you can click and click and join. Also, there is a Facebook community at the Wellness inspired and you can follow me on Instagram at wellness underscore inspired. If you're in the Houston area or visiting and interested in acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, or dry needling, please contact us. You can find out more on our website at element five. Oh That's element five, the number five oh And again, I'll put the link in the show notes. If you're interested and health and wellness coaching. We can connect in the clinic or on Zoom reach out to us and we'll get you on the schedule. And as always, I would love to hear your feedback. I am dedicated to bringing you great content that is inspiring and informative with an artsy fun and edgy spin. Thank you so much for listening. We'll meet here again next time. And remember, never stop exploring, learning loving and being you bye