We are going to talk the real talk. The hard talks. Mental Illness, being a mom, not a mom, stay-at-home mom. Postpartum depression, anxiety, etc. Just dive deep into issues that really should be at the forefront of our conversations.
Podcasting since 2021 • 136 episodes
Latest Episodes
Ep. 135 Change Is Coming
This episode is a hard one to record and release. Change is coming and I need to be open and honest with you guys. Take a listen.
Ep. 135 Sorry, Not Sorry
In this episode, I talk about Sorry, not sorry. Sorry not sorry, I'm grieving, but so happy to be feeling better here.. It's ok to have all of the happy feelings, but still be mourning. I'm happy I'm coming on the other side of things. What is ...
Ep. 134 Interview with Monica Fullerton from Spouse-ly [Ep. 87 RERUN]
In this episode, I chat with Monica from Spouse-ly. She's the founder and creator behind the online marketplace for military and first responder families. It's a great way to support small businesses and support yourself. If you are an entrepre...
Ep. 133 Interview with Shanon Hyde [EP. 83 RERUN]
In this episode, I chat with Shanon Hyde. He is the author of "Dear Military Teen" We had a great conversation about teens living this military life style. He was so great with all the advice being a child of a service member. From PCSing, depl...