Alchemy of Politics with Rusha Modi

Ep. 10 - Drugs, Crime, and Justice: Law and Order with Larry Forletta

Rusha Modi

Larry Forletta and I don’t agree on many issues, but that’s why it was so valuable for me to have him on the show so I can learn from him. He’s a former DEA agent and now a private investigator and consultant in Pittsburgh. He’s got a hardboiled affect and demeanor that wouldn’t be out of place in a noir detective thriller. But he also speaks to the widespread anxiety that many people have about the safety of our communities and how our institutions of justice are failing to protect America. Now public safety concerns have hit Los Angeles and other cities with high-profile and smash grab thefts and follow home robberies.  We are also in the aftermath of high-profile cases of George Floyd’s murder and the Rittenhouse verdict.  I wanted Forletta’s thoughts on these topics who has a very clear sense of the world informed by his multiple years fighting the drug and crime epidemic on our streets.  It was exciting to have a respectful conversation with someone who has an intelligent albeit different view of the world than I do. He also explains how the narcotic epidemic has become such a problem in America and how he feels that intersects with our immigration challenges.

Larry Forletta is the founder and CEO of Forletta Investigative Security Consulting and has over 25 years of professional law enforcement experience working for the Maryland State Police and the DEA. Forlettatakes a close look at topics within the worlds of criminal justice and true crime, as well as in-depth conversations about current issues facing law enforcement.

Key Highlights:

[00:01 - 11:09] - Opening Segment

An overview of the true-crime genre and its popularity in the United States

Larry’s insights about places where the law and order exist but have been subverted

The jury system is a valuable tool when used correctly, but can also be substandard when done improperly

[11:10 - 20:40] We’re Going Through a “Split In Our Country”

How the disparity between the treatment of white and black affects perceptions of justice

The application of law enforcement resources often results in black perpetrators being more likely to be prosecuted for crimes than white perpetrators

[20:41- 33:46] - We Should Be One with The United States of America

Why opioids such as fentanyl are becoming more dangerous in America 

When the public does not talk about the problem of drug overdoses and addiction

What happens when law enforcement can disrupt the flow of drugs coming into the country

[33:47 - 41:23] - The Crime is Out of Control

We cannot have a society with people shooting at each other at midday

We do put major drug traffickers in federal prison, although it's not talked about all the time

How law enforcement treat people when the crime is different

[41:24 - 53:57] - Respect People Regardless of Their Political Affiliation or Socioeconomic Status

People should be fair and realistic in their approach to law and order in minority communities

Blaming minority communities alone for issues like gun violence and poverty is not productive

An overview of a law enforcement professional's perspective on the sense of danger in society

[53:58 - 1:04:35] - Closing Segment

Larry’s outlook on the role of social workers dealing with domestic violence

Law enforcement must be able to identify and deal with mental health issues

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