Heartache To Hope: Coping with Infertility, IVF & Miscarriage

Roe Vs Wade - why choice is important (and why my LinkedIn post went viral!)

Anita Thompson

So I am jumping on here quickly as I am feeling quite overwhelmed.  After waking up Saturday morning to the news that Roe Vs Wade was being overturned in the US, I felt so many emotions – yes as a woman but also because of my own personal experiences.  For some reason yesterday afternoon I felt compelled to post something on LinkedIn about my own experience with abortion and my gosh it has gone viral!  As I sit here talking to you it continues to spread.  If you want to hear about my experience and why this decision has caused so much emotion and debate, take a listen.

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/