Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement
Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement with Lorenzo Valdivia, where we discuss factors that give officers the ability to accomplish greater feats than they would without it.
Podcasting since 2021 • 52 episodes
Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement
Latest Episodes
Defensive Tactics with Johnny Lee Smith (episode 1 re-release)
This week on Force Multiplier we talk with Johnny Lee Smith, 5th Degree BJJ black belt and founder of Strategic Self- Defense and Gunfighting Tactics, about defensive tactics training. We discuss mindset and why an effective defensive tac...
Season 2
Episode 32

Systemic Problems in Law Enforcement Training
This week we talk to Ari Knazan. We went beyond the typical “why cops should train”. We discuss some of the systemic problems in law enforcement in regard to training, types of training available and our pet peeves we see in our profession.&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 31

Decision and Resistive Based Training
This week we talk to Daniel Spychalski. We discuss decision and resistive based police training, inadequate training, perfect outcome expectations.Daniel is a Multiple Martial art black belts, mixed martial arts, Police Instructor certi...
Season 2
Episode 30

Don't Be Mediocre and healing through CBD
This week we talk to William Branum with Naked Warrior Recovery. We discuss the benefits of CBD and why being Mediocre is never ok.Founder and CEO of Naked Warrior Recovery, a CBD company focused on the recovery of veterans and fi...
Season 2
Episode 29

Officer Involved Shooting, Mental Health and Training for Stress Performance with Elias Donker
This weeks episode is brought to you by Do Hard Things Coaching and Consulting. This week we talk to Elias Donker. We discuss his involvement in a OIS, Mental Health and Training for Stress Performa...
Season 2
Episode 28