The Bude Awakening Sales Podcast

Episode 12: Business Sales Suicide

Adam Bude Season 1 Episode 11

Things you can avoid right now in your business to get more sales.

Hi guys, Adam, from the authentic sales training academy, I hope you're having an amazing day. Today, I wanted to talk to you about business sales suicide! Things that I see small business owners doing every single day that will absolutely kill the longevity of their business. A couple of examples of what I'm talking about here. We now live in a world of instant gratification. Consumers are absolutely wanting to make sure that they can get something now, now, now! Right now, when a consumer comes to you with a question with a possibility of doing business with you to make an inquiry or whatever the case may be, what I see happen in small business. Often is this an inquiry will come through the doors. That inquiry is not handled straight away. They might not even get to that the same day. They may not get to it tomorrow. And then the reality is if they don't act on that straight away, they have forgotten to get onto that lead. And that lead is now gone and spent money with somebody else. Or they'll get back to that lead. And they'll say to that person look really sorry. I didn't get back to you yesterday, I've been so busy. The worst thing you could possibly say to any of your future prospects is I'm so busy. They don't want to hear that they don't care because when you tell them that you are so busy, what they think is, well, how do I know that you are gonna have time? To do the work for me to do what I'm gonna pay you to do. I've lost confidence and I've lost trust straight away because you're too busy. Or if they're looking to generate business and someone comes to them to make an appointment, they say, I don't have time to see you for another two months or three months or four months. A great example. I went to a business, a small business expo two weeks ago. At that business expo, I met a salesperson, sorry, a business owner that was there promoting what they do. Why did they go to the expo? They went to the expo because they're looking to drum up more business. When I followed that person up, that person said to me, sorry, I haven't got time for this. Now how about we schedule a call in the second half of the year. Gone all the time, too busy don't answer. Don't respond. All these different things that small business owners are saying to their potential customer. That's burning them forever. Now, if you are in a situation where that's happening to you, it's time to scale up. It's time to start outsourcing areas of your business, that free you up to take care of that. The reality is if somebody makes an inquiry with you, you must respond to that person within a few hours. If you can't respond within a few hours, they are gone. There is so much competition out there. Buying for the same customer that if you are not on that front foot, you've lost them forever. So don't tell people that you're too busy. Don't tell people that you haven't got time. Don't tell people, oh, I'm sorry, because they don't want to hear it. You must be better if you're looking at scaling your business up so that you can work through the possible recessions or hard times, or whatever's coming. You've gotta refine that part of your business so that you've got the feet on the ground to manage your inquiries. So, that's the first thing that you do. The second thing that you do is you make sure you respond to their messages straight away, like I said, within a couple of hours, if that's an SMS, if that's an email, if that's answering their phone, whatever the case may be, it must be done within a few hours. So don't tell them you're too busy. Respond straight away within a few hours. Don't go putting people off. You must look at how you can treat that inquiry as the most important inquiry you've had for the entire year. When we are coming into challenging times, which are coming, what's gonna separate you from your competitors is exactly how you show up every time you get that inquiry. So my recommendation to you today to make sure that you don't kill your own business, is to be as quick as you can in responding to the messages and don't put your clients off. With that guys. I hope you get some value out of that friendly tip today. If you've got any questions on how you can refine your resources, you can absolutely connect with me. You can, get me through my Facebook page, LinkedIn page, directly on my website, the authentic sales training academy. And you can make a 15 minute call in my diary where we can sit down and go through what's going on in your business, the challenges that you might be facing and how we can provide some solutions to help you through that. So with that, I wish you all a great day on planet earth, happy selling, go out there and be the difference that you want to see in business. Make it a great day.