The Bude Awakening Sales Podcast

Episode 4: "Why" to Sales People Burn Out After 14 Months?

Adam Bude Season 1 Episode 4

Adam, from The Authentic Sales Training Academy. I hope you're having an amazing day. Today's blog is the average salesperson burns out within 14 months, whether that's in a job or even in your own business.

Now, why do you think that is? The reason that people burn out is because they're filling up from the outside. They're not filling up from the inside. And I was having a conversation this morning, straight after one of our business network meetings that I attend. And I was talking with a particular business owner there and he was telling me that he's really struggling to get motivated again.

And what it came down to was that the reason that he was struggling to get motivated was because it was about money. And what I suggested is to understand when it comes to filling up from the inside, we have to be really clear on what's our why.

And I talk a lot about this in my program, my authentic sales training course, and in my live workshops, and in my book, getting clear on our why is critically important for long-term success.

But here's my tip today. Getting clear on your why, remove the money from the equation, take it out. And then let's really get clear on the motivation internally as to why we're going to get up in the morning, why we're going to do what we do, why we continue to push through the tough times, why we want to make a difference to people's lives.

Let's really get clear on the why until you get to a point where you can understand that all the reasons that you are operating from are coming from within. It's not about money, it's about filling up from the inside and exerting that to the world because that's what people are buying. They're buying your passion. They're buying your reasons. They're wanting to be attracted to you because they resonate with you. And if your why is all about money, people can see that a mile away. 

If your why is about being of service to others because of how it makes you feel because of the difference that it makes to your life, because of how you like other people to feel from your interactions and from the service that you're providing, then you are going to have a team of long term ongoing business associates that will refer to you because they believe in you and they believe in your vision and they believe in your mission and they believe in your values. And they believe in everything that's to do with you.

And the reason they do that is because they trust you. And the reason they trust you is because they know that you're operating from a genuine, authentic space with a vested interest on what it makes you feel as opposed to what you can get from them.

So that's my little blog tip for you today. You will not burn out if you are operating from within and to operate from within, you must be really clear on your why.

If you found that message valuable, I've got a lot of different messages for you in my six pillar program, it's a 32-step process on how to become an authentic sales leader, how to connect, how to communicate, and how to convert your leads into raving customers forever. Making a great day on planet earth, you absolutely deserve it.