The Crackin' Backs Podcast

Knee Surgery, or not? Bert Mandelbaum MD (Part 1)

Dr. Terry Weyman and Dr. Spencer Baron

Considered one of the nation's top orthopedic surgeons, especially when it comes to knees. We had a brief sit down with Dr. Bert Mandelbaum as we talked ACLs, Prevention/Surgeries, Sharks, and the aging process.

Dr. Mandelbaum was between trips to Qatar; where he is the Team Physician for the USA Men's World Cup Soccer team. He was in between surgeries/ post OP but found the time to chat with us and what a chat it was.

We look forward to Part 2 at the beginning of the year. Until then, sit back and enjoy the amazing Dr. Bert Mandelbaum.

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We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.

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