The Crackin' Backs Podcast
We are two sport chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “crackin Backs” but a deep dive into philosophies on physical, mental and nutritional well-being. Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the greatest gems that you can use to maintain a higher level of health.
Podcast Sponsors:
Stark Roast Coffee: https://www.starkroast.com/products/crackin-backs-podcast-blend
Guardian Grains:
The Crackin' Backs Podcast
The Crackin' Backs Christmas Special
Our Crackin' Backs Family would like to wish you a merry Christmas.
We would also like to thank everyone on the team: Dr. Terry Weyman, Dr. Spencer Baron, Heather LeVine, and David Farquharson.
From all of us to all of you, Have a glorious holiday season and thank you for you continued support!
We have a strong line up to start the year, we can't wait.
We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.
Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the most incredible gems you can use to maintain a higher level of health. Crackin Backs Podcast
Each of the Kraken backs podcast crew would like to share a few words of gratitude with you for this holiday season. Dr Terry, your podcast co host David, our engineer, and Heather, our marketing expert, and myself from all of us at the cracking backs podcast, we want to wish you a heartfelt Happy holidays this season, as we gather with friends and loved ones, we reflect on an incredible journey this year has brought us. This year, we had the absolute privilege of sitting down with some of the most remarkable individuals, each of them leaving us inspired, educated and absolutely motivated. Our guests this year have reminded us of the power of perseverance, innovation and connection. They've shown us that every challenge is an opportunity to learn, to grow and to uplift others as we wrap up another incredible year, we want to thank you our listeners and supporters, your engagement, feedback and encouragement fuel our passion for what we do. Here's the holidays bringing you peace and joy and connection from all of us at the cracking backs podcast. Hey
Dr. Terry Weyman:everybody. Happy holidays. Dr Terry Wyman here from cracking backs, we're so grateful for all you. And wow, what a year we've had. We've had some of the brightest minds, the most inspiring people. It's been an incredible year, and it's just gonna get better. So thank you so much for watching us, watching our show, be a part of our family, because that's what it's all about. To learn to be healthier, to learn how to be mentally better, physically better, and eat better food. Learn them from the best mindset out there. That's what it's all about. Every week, we get to learn something and get tips from some of the best people that we've ever had, an honor to have a conversation with. So thank you. Thank you for the ball of my heart. When Dr Spence and I started this program a couple years ago, we had no idea it was going to grow to what has grown to, and to have the staff that we have and the friends that we've met. So thank you, and I hope you've learned some tips to make this holiday season the best you have ever had. So we look forward to next year, learning, gathering, having great, organic conversations, but most importantly, take care of yourself. Eat the best food, learn from our guests, take care of your brain, take care of your body, and have a happy holiday.
Heather LeVine:The marketing director for the hacker backs podcast and I will take a few moments and share a few thoughts with you before we wrap up here. First and foremost, I want to say a major major thank you for joining us on this journey. Thank you for showing up, thank you for listening and thank you for growing with us, because this year on the crack and Max podcast, we have become so much more than just a podcast that shares stories or has conversations, we become a podcast that is able to build a community, learn and understand different perspectives and create a space where these conversations can be had, and none of that would have been possible without you. But as we pause during the holiday season, I want to reflect on gratitude, not just for the show, but for everything, because this year has been a year full of challenges and triumphs, big and small, and I think we can all take a moment and appreciate our own individual journeys and how far we've come this year. So either it's the support of family and friends the strength to overcome obstacles or just enjoying the little joys in life, like going to the store and actually sticking to the list that you brought mostly, there is so much to be thankful for. For me, I'm grateful for this team. I'm grateful for every guest who has shared their incredible insights with us, and I'm also grateful for you guys, listeners who has taken the time out of your day to tune in and watch the cracking facts podcast, but I'm also grateful for the lessons I've learned this year about resilience, about connection and about the power of resistance. So as we head into the new year, I hope you take some time to soak in all the good in your life too. I know it's very easy to focus on what's next, but never forget to celebrate how far you've come. So either it's achieving a long term goal, making a positive difference in someone's life, or just surviving a very tough day. You have already done something so incredible, and you should be extremely proud of yourself. Now, it wouldn't be me if I didn't leave you with one very teeny, tiny, small reminder, and that is, if you're not following us on social media, what are you waiting for? Think of it as your first step to a more inspired 2025 so follow us on Instagram and Facebook at crack and Max podcast for the latest updates, episodes and sneak peeks. So from all of us here at the crack and Max podcast, we wish you the happiest of holidays. I hope your days are filled with love, laughter, peace and abundance. Here's to a new year full of growth kindness and a whole lot more great conversations. Take care of yourself, cherish the journey, and we will see you in 2025 bye.
David Farquharson:Hello everyone. This is David Farquharson, stream coordinator for the crack and bags podcast. I would have to say, Merry Christmas. Thank you so much for watching and listening to the Krakens backs podcast. As someone who definitely believes in the mission of this, I am just so glad to be a part of it, to just be a part of the crack and backs family. It's such an amazing journey that I've seen happen even in these short one and a half years I've been here. I hope you all have a Happy New Year. Merry Christmas.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Thank you for listening to today's episode of The cracking backs podcast. We hope you enjoyed it. Make sure you follow us on Instagram at cracking backs podcast. Catch new episodes every Monday. See you next time you.