Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity


August 02, 2021 Sibylle Georgianna, The Leadership Practice, Psychology Consultations Inc. Season 1 Episode 1

In this episode, I get to do a brief introduction on what this podcast is about and about my personal story behind it.

You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity.

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness

Sibylle Georgianna:

Welcome to your mental awareness podcast for your voice insanity. My name is Sibylle Georgianna. I'm a clinical psychologist and coach and get to express myself in my business, which is thought leadership practice psychology consultations, Inc. As well as the affiliate programs that I host sexual health of Orange County, and tools for vitality. While this is your podcast, we your mental wellness, you might want to know my reasons for this podcast, why would I be interested in the pursuit of your mental wellness. So I grew up in Germany with family was always very important to me. And as I grew up on a farm, then I already had some mission in mind in some way of family mission, that put me on a certain trajectory. And as we start out even right, right on from today, I want you to know that even if you received a certain mission, perhaps by your family or by your culture, nevertheless, you get to develop and pursue your true mission, through the strategies that I get to share in this podcast with you. So once I embarked on my true mission, about, you know, in my early 20s, which I kind of fell into, when I first didn't really quite know what to do after high school. And so I embarked on a portfolio management slash Business Banking career, because I figured I would need to figure out how to do math and balance a checkbook and potentially even run a business. Long Behold, I had no idea what I would be doing 20 years later. But the idea was that I in that time, really had two years in which I worked, where I could observe others could figure out what was important to me. And it struck me that the owner of the bank was a private investment bank at the time in Germany, seems so anxious, although you would wander and say this man is powerful, this man has influence he has money. But at the same time, it really started me to desire to see people thrive, beyond what that what they're, we're able to do without any given support. And, and that's really what what I'm after, in this podcast, I want you to be thriving, I want you to use your voice, I want you to have a sound nine, which would express itself insanity, and harvest all the good outcomes that come with that. Because when we're thinking about the topic of mental wellness, a lot of times we start out way back when, with the mission that is given to us in our family of origin, which then may interfere with our expression of voice, as well as a sound mind or salary later on in life. And this can often turn the opportunities that we get to have in life into more stressful events, and keep, you know, keep us at not as developed as we could be. And that could give us this sense of feeling depressed, feeling anxious. And we know in the literature that when we've had repeated events, where we felt hopeless, or depressed, where we didn't know where to go, we will experience these next situations following those hardships as what we call a broken promise effect. So what we had wished for in previous times, but then receive was a promise that we've maybe made a trawl south and maybe other major ourselves. And that was broken through circumstances, family personalities, missed opportunities. And so what that creates in us is that we're yearning and hoping to have a different opportunity, this time around this year around maybe after this pandemic. And we insist on this desire, that it's getting better. We insist on this notion that things ought to be easier. But if our system inside of us or our family does not have that mission with us in life, for lower for us really to pursue good rituals, then we will repeat these things that keep us stuck over and over. And this broken promise that we're dealing with, stays with us and leaves us with this disappointment or longing or just a sense of maybe indifference, cynicism, burnout. So even when I say this is more of a starting point here, even if we find ourselves thinking of broken promises, and as I'm sharing this with you, the truth is that this podcast is yours, so that you can pursue your true mission. And so this podcast, an episode at a time is an opportunity to systematically challenge yourself for a couple of minutes, how you what you can do to define your true mission, and your true pursuit of practicing your voice. And Saturday. And as we do that, we'll look at a couple of definitions later, you get to reap all the good byproducts, including feeling well. So before I launch on your here, I just wanted to encourage you that there will be plenty of strategies to help you pursue your true mission to discover it in this season of your life. For example, if you're in a family, I have a friend and his mission given to him by his family was he was the scapegoat and Peacemaker. He then kind of work through that, as he noticed that his behaviors around his family were, you know, were stressful to him. So for example, in his case, he was, you know, really felt that his family would talk more about him, and what he was supposed to be doing, instead of celebrating Him, who he was. They were blaming him for the struggles and challenges. Instead of basically staying with that mission, he decided to pursue. What he wanted to go after in life, in his case was a career change, even if his parents would not support him. I also worked with another dear, wonderful friend of mine, and her mission was to hold the family together, that was what her parents taught her to do. Now, she decided that it was more important for her to speak the truth, instead of remaining responsible, that the family would stay connected. so brave, right. I mean, this is this is big to practice your voice in that case. And another friend of mine, developed his mission, which originally was given to his family by his family to him as making it a peace keeper and having him defuse anger. And so he decided to pursue his health and his mental well being by losing a little bit of weight. Because overweight with being overweight was his response, to keep his family's mission and to keep his family and people away from him. So this is your podcast here. And I want to just invite you just to choose an episode at a time, just to listen in. See what resonates with you. And then practice as I use our try to occasionally practice and that type of practice makes the most successful. Take a baby step, even just listening to a podcast is a great step. And take in those different strategies that you will find not rocket science, this is going to be stuff that we would just put together and incrementally, you will find yourself encouraged. And my hope is to be with more and more wellness with more and more voice, and with more often the white sadness of night. So I want to invite you to the, you know, get with me onto this mission. And we will look at many ways how we will build that in a mission, according to your game plan. and develop out of that a mindset that will overcome any obstacles you may face, and move you into action. So we're not engaged in anything that's like an perfectionism or like an all or nothing, nothing thing. I'm not asking you to quit your job. I'm not saying you have to take vacation to just listen to this, this podcast. But we will just take a step at a time. We will also not take people, especially those that are more critical towards us, you know in their comments in our pursuit. Personally, I would just invite you to join us here to join me here. I have Sherpas with me on the call and we will all walk together through it in this and instead of potentially even getting discouraged and maybe say blame but you know, shift our responsibility from ourselves towards others, we will practice together to learn from situations from things that come up. And from sharing that with others as you desire. The last thing I want to leave you with is to gently nudge yourself to decrease mind reading or assuming. In so in this podcast to get started on that because this mind reading can give us so much anxiety, so much tension, so much fear of rejection, we get to practice instead, asking questions, and evaluating strategies and the answers. And so that way, we can get more and more healthy power into our hands and into our control. Why we still have people around us why we still care for them while we still hold them important. But truly, we become our best advocates in this podcast. I can't wait to have you in these episodes. And I'm so honored. You're listening. Bye for now.